I am from India, I love someone and from last 6 years I am in love with her but unfortunately I did not mention her that I love her, still she is with someone but not married. I see this 48 everywhere, each and every action on mine is connected with 48 anyhow. My parent phone number have 48. My room mates accidently choose 48 number as example to exaplain something where has has infinite possibilty of choosing any number. I don't know what all these means but I like to know more about it.
If anyone you all can give some information about it, that would be greate for me.
by look for consistancy and love - 9/21/18 5:42 PM
It means you need a queen. You need someone to love and love you back. There might be one in your life and you arent noticing her. Try to iscolate yourself and pray keep your eyes open see what you need to see just make sure you mean to keep good intentions when looking and receiving.
RE: I love this number.
by Anonymous - 9/21/18 5:49 PM
It could mean she is your queen ask her and see. Are you are looking for permission to ask her? Why,? Why leave yourself with this regret. Ask her. I will try to check back.
RE: I love this number.
by Anonymous - 9/21/18 6:08 PM
It could mean she is your queen. Are you looking for permission to tell her how you feel? why leave yourself with regret? I will try to check back but this could deffinatly be a good omen from the creator of the universe who speaks with love to the love in you responding without good intentions a great way to find the answer for yourself is read the new testament of jesus christ. I am someone who has been seeing these "signs" numbers for quite some time now and I have found success in trying to follow in his ways. All you need is patience and the willingness to be the best you can be.
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I love this number.
by Anonymous - 9/15/18 7:59 AM3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: I love this number.
by look for consistancy and love - 9/21/18 5:42 PMRE: I love this number.
by Anonymous - 9/21/18 5:49 PMRE: I love this number.
by Anonymous - 9/21/18 6:08 PMRead all 90 comments »
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