10 Comments for I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

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I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

by B R E T T - 9/25/10 7:31 AM
Hi Guys,

Perhaps there is a place where all of us that see the number 54 everywhere, can get all get together? I have a blog about it that has been going for years.

And I even set up a Facebook Group on the subject, and whilst I type to you now, I have changed the settings of this group from closed (friends only) to OPEN (Anyone can now join), so feel free to drop in at and join in the discussions.

You can find this Facebook Group by searching for the subject " The Number 54 Mystery - 11:11 and Angel Numbers " in Facebook Groups.

Looking forward to hearing what others have to say about there experiences with the Number 54 and see if we can't shed some more light on the subject.

9 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

by Anonymous - 4/18/12 10:12 PM
may i know your facebook account please? thanks.

RE: I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

by Anonymous - 3/23/15 12:46 AM
Is the group still going on FB?

RE:I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

by Rose - 8/12/15 7:07 AM
I'm a 54 person too. It's starting to freak me out, if it's a sign my angels are trying to tell me something, I need a clearer clue! I'm also like the people above, a clot of cliff hangers but always end up ok with an upgrade.

RE: I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

by Anonymous - 4/26/17 7:13 AM
since i was a kid, number 54 is with me, I fell in love watching studio 54, whenever i look at my watch, its always timely at 5:54 or 5:46 PM. my phone number starts at 554 and my mobile number in the philippines is 09xx 554-54-54! now what a coincidence. and today, i got a new number also ends in number 54

RE: I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

by KaKa - 8/02/17 9:15 PM
My daughter was born on the 5th my son was born on the 4th my number at work is 5400
I see 54 every time I look at the clock receipts, tickets, and pay cheques.

RE:I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

by Deborah Shotton - 10/17/19 11:40 PM
I have often seen 54 for about a year now.. God has always spoke to me in numbers. I continue to ask Him what He wants me to know. I was born in 1954.

RE:I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

by Joanne - 3/03/20 5:05 PM
I have been seeing number,54 for about 4 years now . I keep trying to find out the meaning , but I'm still searching.I was also born in 1954. So can anyone out there tell me??????????

RE:I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

by olivia - 2/10/21 6:07 PM
When I first became a christian I started seeing 11:11 took a long time to get the answer and of course n0w I understand. About 5mo ago I began seeing 54....by the way I too was born in 54

RE: I''m another 54 Person - I get it everywhere. I even have a Blog on it and a Facebook Group

by Anonymous - 5/27/22 12:58 PM
I'm always seeing the number 54 my mother passed away at 54 my father just passed away at 54 my mom was born in 54 this 54 weeks and a year I don't know what's the deal with 54 but I would love to know they say Jesus returns 54 something I don't know if that's why he come and got my mom and my dad I don't know but I would love to know.

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