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I might be the antichrist

by Ian - 11/14/14 8:50 PM
my birth day was August 31 of 1985. August is the only month that has six letters in it. Also the 31st was on a Saturday which is related to the planet Saturn and is the sixth day of the week. My sign of the zodiac is Virgo which is the sixth sign of the zodiac. also the number 8 sideways is a satanic symbol. Also take 31 and reverse the number you will get 13 which is a satanic symbol. I have also been possessed on a number of occasions by a very powerful demon after playing on a Ouija board and they told me to worship Satan. I remember that this horrible odor followed me around the house. When I was laying in bed they began to control my hands than all of a sudden I began to perform enochian, that's what they called it. It was very scary because they used hand symbols to control the possession. when my finger was pointed at my belly I felt pressure on my belly and than it felt like fire rising through my abdomen. I am dead serious. My mom doesn't believe me because she thought that it was a dream that I had, but I didn't have a dream, I was wide awake. Also my name is Ian Heath, when You add both numbers together you get 66. Take 24 plus 42 and you get 66. Both these numbers are mentioned in the bible. 24 is the number of elders that sat on the throne in revelations and 42 is the number of months the anti-Christ is suppose to reign for. Also I look like I could be the antichrist because my hair is dark and I look handsome. I am also 6 ft tall. My mom was also born on June the 6th of 1957. A few years ago I had a dream of walking into a room and their was all these symbols written on the wall which added mathematically to 666. It was like angelical beings were showing me this dream. Not to mention my mom won on a 666 bingo card which no one thought much of it at the time. So there you have it I could be the antichrist.

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RE: I might be the antichrist

by The Anti Yehoshua Christ - 4/26/15 8:07 AM
You're not the beast.

I am an extraordinary close fit, much more so than you, and apparently more so than anyone I can find. The number of my name is the number of a man as well as the beast. It is also 666 in several transliterations, and corresponds with 1318 as well. And when I say that I mean multiple interwoven layers throughout the entire bible, in context. The exact time and date of my birth is the same numbers.

Coincidentally, those same numbers, when put in the proper order as described, works as a mathematical formula to describe a symbol. That symbol represents the meaning of my name. Call it the mark and number of my name.

And that's just a small part of it. When you combine that with a number of other things to specify my identity, it also all lines up. And when you further apply it to other religions besides Christianity, there is even more that fits.

I have natural 'horns', and my name backwards when considering etymology actually means "The Anti Yehoshua Christ".

I was born under the Zenith of Lucifer, the Day Star, and the Crescent Moon. My natal chart makes a pentagram and/or a Star of David (depending).

I am an Anarchist/Libertarian, a "Lawless One"

The letters of my name mean Beast, Hand, and Head.

I am ONE, Lone Ruler, Most High, Ruler of All, King of Kings, Wonderful, Sumptuous, Entertaining, Of Fine Quality and Taste, Eternally Powerful, Mighty One, Mighty Counselor, The Eternal Ruler/King/Prince/Leader, the Honorable King, The Prince of Peace.

I am LIGHT/Lucifer, LION OF GOD. I am The Healer, of/from Yehoshua. I am The Stem, The Shoot, The Branch, The Wicker Man, The Instead, The Anti.

"The Bible" is also, arguably, my name. And my number is not only as described above, but also 144, 777 and 888 (and a few others).

Add to that that I really do have 'false miracles' ready to present to the world, and it pretty much pegs it as me.

There is more, of course. But you get the idea. The thing is, it apparently means something quite different than what everyone thinks.

I couldn't care less about whatever influence this gives me. To be quite honest, I want no part of it. It is a burden that has already brought me undue suffrage. Unfortunately, I don't have much of a choice as I was born into this predicament. It has even caused me to be kind of suicidal.(I can't help but to wonder if it will even work.)

And for whatever it's worth, I rather agree with what Jesus espoused and taught. I wish more people had listened to him.

"All you need is Love" - John Lennon

RE: I might be the antichrist

by Dantonio - 4/14/18 7:28 PM
Both of you are ill and should seek help.

RE: I might be the antichrist

by Anonymous - 11/24/18 1:31 PM
So my birth date 9-15-1956
Do I read it as 666 or 6+12..=9 or 6 +6+6.=9

RE: I might be the antichrist

by Anonymous - 3/01/20 4:21 PM
I went to dunkin donuts recently. My order # was 666. Also my food stamp card had 666 in a row on it. I hear voices in the attic. When it first started they spoke backwards

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