I was born on the 21 of July 1978 three 7s-21 July the seventh month and 7 in 1978 I write this message for you people for Jesus is near god is near the kingdom is near I'm here to do work and it will begin soon this is not a joke I was given the gift to write you this message take heed for the time is near I'm not a nut just a man given authority to pass this message
jesus never existed. He was a creation of rome. repent pagan and turn to the one true God, HaShem. realize this a man cannot die for another man's sin. haShem does not like human sacrifice
RE: im the one whos seen the angel
by Anonymous - 4/17/21 11:32 PM
Yes I agree 7-7-74 my birthday born 1024 am=7there more to but the man point is we are now in the end of times believe me or not my heart and the lord no!I have dreamed of the end I have dreamed of Jesus as well !please stay away from the vac cine I truly believe it will change your dna and soon if you don’t have it you won’t be able to buy or sell!I am no better then no one but I do trust in my lord he said to have wisdom in these times the Bible speaks of these days people are already being persicuted and killed for the lord they are trying to bring in a new world order people will be lovers of theyselfs and so on there is so much deception and evil !have faith and no who your lord is is for God is love the devil is her to kill lie and destroy !I do believe there is a bond between the 777 people and the lord meny of us have dreamed of the lord or felt him within us !this world is a dark play we are being played like puppets bye the elites and illuminate!they get richer and the poor get poorer!population control and artificial intelligence is there agenda !look up agenda 21 chem trails we are being poisoned in are foods water and so much more please read your bibles !and ask for decernment!May we keep are faith and stand for the lord !
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im the one whos seen the angel
by kristian - 1/28/14 3:27 PM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: im the one whos seen the angel
by Anonymous - 1/31/14 5:13 PMRE: im the one whos seen the angel
by Anonymous - 4/17/21 11:32 PMRead all 1040 comments »
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