3 Comments for is it a sign? what does it mean?

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is it a sign? what does it mean?

by Anonymous - 4/17/16 4:39 PM
I've been experiencing the number 54 coming up or presenting itself to me in countless ways and sometimes at very strange times, I don't think its a coincidence, it means something but I don't know what. it scares me sometimes, has anyone else dealt with this?what does this all mean

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RE: is it a sign? what does it mean?

by Anonymous - 12/18/16 5:14 PM
I feel the same way. i feel deja vú's when i see the number randomly

RE: is it a sign? what does it mean?

by Chris Durias - 2/11/17 7:21 AM
I googled 54 when I found out that if you multiply 7 to the golden ratio (1.618) several times you will get the result of 54

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