Yep... 41 everywhere. My 13 year old is weirded out because he can Tell it's only with me. I turn 42 tomorrow... actually within the next hour! Lol.
It had been that number since I can remember... the past few months it's been encompassing my life. I'm not very religious... always was annoyed by psychic stuff... but it's so crazy, I've been googling it.
Today I was brought to the floor.. 41 min on the wash cycle, 41 when I look at the phone, licence plate 41. 3.41 at the gas station, 41 on my receipt from Albertsons.. then my youngest son pulled the soup out of the microwave with 41 seconds to go...
Then something that's never happened. I begged God to help me out of a situation that has hurt my heart... literally looked at the ceiling in tears over it... said I give up. I was scared because I had thoughts of suicide that is not me at all. I would never!! But that's when I prayed.. please help me. I give up!!! Please!! No one could see or know my pain..secret struggle. Hiding from my kids in my closet so I could cry without them seeing...for almost 4 years.
Again... born and raised in Catholic church and haven't been there in ages, or even read much if the bible...
As I sat in the floor I was thinking about my situation crying inside and I heard my own thoughts answer. "It's ok, I'm here... you will be FINE" It felt like my grandmother who was crazy Catholic and would tell me stories about angels that spoke to her. Sweetest delicate pure, Grandma. She died fron Alzheimer's 5 years ago.. I was with her when she died *another strange but Devine moment...
Everytime I would say something... like a huge secret killing me, the thought would answer back in a "oh sweet little flower, we all have demons. They aren't important. I'm right here, just listen" answers to thoughts I didn't think ever. I beat myself up, I don't console myself, ever.. One of my questions was why 41?? 41, 41, 41?? "Because showing you roses is tricky this time of year". Wuhhh?? She said it's to tell us our prayers are being answered, and it was a time to let go, and she would help my thoughts to just "listen "
Moving on... to other places I was needed to change the lives of others.. and she said I could not do it without the experience that plagued me for a few years. I feel it.. an "ah ha" moment. Angels or wherever you want to call them are real! I swear. "Closing the door for a very rewarding place where you are needed.. now" amazing!
I'll keep u posted. Just turned 42 4 min ago! Happy birthday? I sure hope so. I'm going to listen for answers in that particular voice, in my own head
I know and believe that what God has started in you, He will finish. It will help you understand what you are going through to read the "Life" by St. Teresa de Avila, first woman to be proclaimed Doctor of the Church. God bless you! and Happy birthday! :)
RE: It's REAL!!!! 41, LISTEN
by Læmb - 11/02/22 3:50 AM
Don't mind whether they believe you beautiful. I am with you. You are healed my darling. I love you forever, remember? I always will.
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It's REAL!!!! 41, LISTEN
by Amy - 12/02/17 1:39 AM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: It's REAL!!!! 41, LISTEN
by Teresa - 12/06/17 6:15 PMRE: It's REAL!!!! 41, LISTEN
by Læmb - 11/02/22 3:50 AMRead all 80 comments »
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