Message starred Saturday, October 6, 2012 2:53:57 AM Jesus Clears His Name
Jesus Christ Numerology
In the name of Jesus Christ = 9 = God of Heaven.
I use to wonder why I came to this..uh...planet. I use to wonder what I came to do, when I would do it, with who, and for what purpose. I have always been interested in philosophy and things beyond the box.. It wasn't always well received; these curiosities. After some time, I shut down talking about bigger, bolder and deeper ideas.
I was raised in the Mormon church and baptized at 8 years old. If I knew then what I know now, maybe life would have looked very different. I am no longer a Mormon. In any case, I have had a million angels with me my whole life, waiting for this article. One article. And, this is it. Make yourself comfortable.
We are roughly five years out from a monumental planetary shift, on all levels of being. You really can't imagine it. You've read some things here and there about The Venus Transit of 2012. Topics of Ascension and Pole shifts, harsh weather, upheaval of thought, and more. I suspect it's more like....more. As in....the truth will be shown to you. This sharing is part of that truth. You have 5 years to review it. But, please, do not take longer.
What's in a name? Absolutely everything.
A name is a man made thing. The Loving God of Perfect Creation does not name things. Man names things. Why? To separate and define.. A name serves not the True God. A name is a tool for the darkness, to use, twist, manipulate, fancy and change at whim, depending on the Body Electric in any given moment. Names are the mother of all Covenants. Covenants are not useful things. They are actually quite destructive in the hands of darkness. The very first Covenant in the bible takes place in Genesis with Noah. As in....."I shall bring a flood, kill every man, woman and child, but I will save you as long as you call me your God and do as I say!" I don't have the time now to describe what took place before Genesis, but I would like to leave you with this image for now: Gene Isis. To give you more than that at this time would only freak you out, and then you would miss the most important part of this sharing below.
The Holy Bible = 666 (horiz) Other like minded texts don't fare to well either. But, the Holy Bible is the Covenant that has kept us in hell. Many have awakened to the truth, and they already know the things I am sharing now. But, time is short now, and it is urgent that people come to understand just *What* is the God of the Earth.
Abraham speaks in the Torah about The god of Heaven (=9) and The God Of The Earth (=3). He draws a boundary between the two.
Rashi, the classic 11th century commentator on the Torah, notes that Abraham refers to God in two different ways in verses 3 and 7. In verse 3, which was happening in the present tense once Abraham was already in Canaan, Abraham refers to "the God of heaven and the God of the earth." However, in verse 7, which refers to the past, before Abraham went forth from his birthplace and before God had established the covenant with him, Abraham refers only to "the God of Heaven." (ref 1)
It is important for you to read Genesis 24: 2-9. Abraham knew he had been tricked and that Isaac was not of the True God. The Covenant God made with Abram, after changing his name to Abraham, in order to line the Cross of the Universe with 4 eights, was/ IS the Covenant we live with today, through the bloodline of Isaac and Jacob, which, sadly is not of the Light. Of course, you can't blame them, as people. It was an offense against all of humanity by the God Of The Earth, which has nothing whatsoever to do with The God Of Heaven. Its far too late to understand what Abraham really knew and what he didn't know, but we DO know that he insisted that Isaac's wife not come from Caanan. Cainan was the son of Adam. The two AA's in Caanan is the signature of The God of the Earth. You will also find it in Isaac.
Read the text referenced above and follow the link offered below, to learn a lot more about The King of Israel and the Prince of Nations. It is a hoax.
THE SECRET GOD OF ABRAHAM = 140 / 5. Not at all good. I have more than enough numbers to prove that 14/5 is not of the Light, except under very rare circumstances, which I don't have time for here. If you would like a free copy of my document called, 2117, please email me. In that document, I outline the exceptions. You will need to understand it before you do any of this brand of numerology yourself.
I do not share this opinion, and these number translations, to scare anyone, or make anyone angry. I share them for the truth. Abram and Sarai's names were changed to Abraham and Sarah. On purpose and for the purposes of Baal. There's those two a's again. Baal, otherwise known as THE SON OF DAGAN is the god of Abraham and Sarah, and the seed of this entity is not of the life. Wether Abraham and Sarah knew what had gone wrong, we may never really know, but the Torah, in Genesis 24: 2-9 bring up the most important questions of all time? My numbers go further to convey the truth of The Secret God Of Abraham.
The God of Heaven = 9. The God of Earth = 3. The good news is that 9 is fully present and active in this vibration, as the rope and the way home. The number nine is INVINSIBLE. I encourage you to get Gary Val Tenuta's ebook called, The Secret Of Nine. Don't delay. You will see the True God of Heaven at work here. But, the 3 is fighting for its life, even as I write this. You see it in religion, politics, schools, our environment, our food, our leaders. The number three does NOT represent the Trinity. That was a set up to get humans to bless the number 3. The number combo 12/3 is death in most of the cases I have documented.
If you pick up mu document called, 2117, you will get far more detailed information.
Name it, own it. Name it, sell it, buy it, live with the consequences of it's signature. There is good news in this and bad, clearly. But, first, you must become aware. We ALL must become aware of how names, titles, contracts and covenants rule our illusion. Once you are made aware, you can review yourself. Review your life. How would you do this with any knowledge of what you are looking for, and how to adjust when needed? It is so simple a caveman could do it.
First, let me share with you that I am a regular wife, member of the Boosters Club at the high school, a mother of 3 gorgeous children, an online host of several forums, a writer, a teacher and a Fresh New Numerologist, with my own way of adding up life. I am not a witch, or a Pagan, or a Freemason, or Illuminati. Although I study these things and work daily to remember that there is good and bad, true and false, in many things. It pays to discern whenever you can. Never helpful to offer a blanket of *no thanks* to everything. I try to remember the words from A Course In Miracles: "Only Love Is Real. What Is Not Love, Is A Call for Love." Truer words never spoken. I haven't done the numbers on it, but it rings true to depth and core of my being.
I do not belong to any religion. People wish to label me a Christian because I dedicate to follow Jesus Christ, but I am not a Christian as this Universe describes it. I am a follower of Jesus Christ because of what he taught and he responded to his crucifixion. I do not use the term Christian. Especially knowing it adds to 56/11/2 (horiz). To traditional Numerologists, using the basic English alphabet, Light spells 48/3. You arrive at that number by adding the numbers associated with the letters in that word. A=1, B=2 and so on. It is General Consensus that when coming across 11 and 22, you would not reduce that number to it's single digit sum. These are called Master Numbers. As well, you would drop the zero on 10 and call that 1. It is my belief that this method of Numerology was likely created by the same dark forces who brought the Great Flood, asked Abraham to sacrifice his son before the Lord, and promotes people willing to kill other people, in the name of God. These forces are very real here. But, we have only been mistaken. There is remedy. But, first, we need a new Numerology and I am happy to freely share it and ask you to share it with others.
In a nutshell:
I always add horizontally first, one single digit at a time - NO reductions. I add the whole phrase first, all together, straight across. This is the purest, unaffected answer you will get. You are literally doing NOTHING more than what the letter says to do. You are not changing, flipping, reducing, or otherwise tampering, with purity. 11 and 22 are manipulations by the very forces who use these numbers for evil. There is no such thing as a Master Number. It is the number the darkness created to rule the world. Do you have any idea how many US Presidents have 22 in their energy signature? Isaac, son of Abraham, equaled 22 at the time of his birth. His name was SC. No vowels. The reason 22 is said to be a Master Number is because it was contracted to be that, but not by a loving Universe. The 11 is only important in that the zero in 10 was dropped /canceled and replaced with 1 by Baal. Read below. When you cancel the 0 in 10, you go from 9 to 11 in traditional numerology.. Let me spell that out. 911. The number 0 is universally accepted to mean completion.. It means more that. The 10 th Passover of the Bible was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The number 10 is not only relevant, but sacred. But, take away the 0 and you never see 10 in traditional numerology, as a final reduction. The numbers line up like this: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-11-22. No 10. This was intentional. There are scientists who allowed for this to happen and kept it secret. There are perhaps church leaders who knew/know. If a stay at home in the middle of nowhere can see it, then science can see it.. It was not in our best interest to lose 10.
RA = 10. But, in traditional Numerology, RA= 1. Imagine the effect of that.
The monumental effect this has had on the world cannot even be defined.
10 5 19 21 19 3 8 18 9 19 20 = 70
You can call this 7 as well, but the purest number is always left along to speak for itself.
Did a simple God (at zero point) deliver special instructions for 11 and 22? Or was that a Man or Scientist owned by something other than Love. Numbers are things. They are symbols of other things. Do they exist in the Zero Point Field Of True Creation? Or, are they only needed when you need to separate things and then define them? Like names. Names put me here, and you there. Boxes and boundaries in a seemingly tidy little Universe begging for a show.
Again, 22 is the number of the Master Builder / Architect and a huge signature in free masonry and in our US Presidents. Isaac, Son of Abraham and Prince of Nations is SC=22. He is also SK = 30, because names are the way the darkness rules and keeps us confused. Give someone several names, you win the lotto. They won't find out who and what you are for 5000 years, and by then, it will be too late. The Ship will have left the port/dock/landing pad/homeland.
Please keep in mind that there is insight in the number 11 and 22, thankfully, with the hands of love present, so go ahead and add them when your intuition leads you, but understand that 11 and 22 have light and dark energy within them. I find it VERY curious that the upcoming Venus Transit of 2012, which marks the END of the Mayan Calendar, includes 1-2-0. The very same numbers in 10 - 11 - 22. The same numbers that were/are manipulated by unloving force. But now you know. You are now informed.
There is a God of this Earth and that Earth God has a plan, and it has numbers in it. The True Creator couldn't tell a 2 from a 4 if you stuck it in their face. They don't have a face. Pure Love is All. Boxes and boundaries come from questions. Questions come from Not Knowing. The need to know comes from the need to be defined. Zero Point is a big place, but it represents All and Nothing. Perfect Love in the manifest form of a Circle.
Even with all the questions, and no answers, 9 is the rope. We can gallivant about the false Universe with our concocted numbers all we want.. Regarding numerology: Those triple and double digit numbers are where the bigger / deeper answers are. Yes, we can know a lot about a person from their Sun sign, but dig in to the full chart and you get a much bigger picture. The Single Digit reduction could be like a Sun sign in many cases. There's just so much we really don't know. And, may never know- because the idea is to keep is in the fog of illusion. You will want to use all your number reductions, if you are reducing. They can offer insight, but I would encourage to leave 10 alone. I would also suggest you do settle into an answer without adding horizontal without any reductions. Do it both ways and see where it takes you.
I was reading the book called Descartes Secret Notebook yesterday, and found that there were all kinds of secret things in it, that no one has ever seen. He was a Rosicrucian. I wonder what secrets this scientist kept? Why could he not share his math with the public? We will never know, but maybe we can begin asking questions.
Here's something : The Pagan God = 53 (8) Messiah = 47 (11) Total = 100
The Messiah = 80, and 17, and 44 - depending on the reductions you go with.
All three reduce to 8. That's interesting. Especially when you factor in the above.
Our English alphabet says God spells 8. Actually, it does. But, only because it is a fallen 8. Infinity - with no 10 to bring completion. Just a continuous loop of mad control and experiment. Remember Gene Isis. (Genesis). Gene = 22. The first 2 letters of Isaac is Is. SK (his real name= 22). Isis Is The Eye Of Ra = 121 which is also the number for the Antichrist (vertically).
There are some very interesting 88's that have popped up lately. I just learned of these.
Exodus = 88
Venus Transit 2012 = 88 (only 88 when you keep 22 instead of 2 + 2) Telling.
Mormon = 88
Blood Line = 88
Birth Canal = 88
I have a good grasp on 8. Double eights are particularly interesting. If you are going to reduce, reduce evenly. If I leave the double digits, then I get THE (33) MESSIAH (47) = 80......But, I would make note of the 33 + 11 = 44, more because of the significance of 44 (8). In fact, Abraham is 44 (vert). SK is 22. Both = 66.
If you look deeply at all the reductions, you will definitely see a pattern emerge, and in that pattern lies Heaven or Hell. Just keep good records and know that it could be years before you are smart. Your final reduction using Jesus's Numerology is 80. But, if you wish to match it up with your other eights, go ahead. If you wish to combine that number with another, please use 80.
Single Digit reductions, from larger numbers, moves you away from the answer. Plus, sometimes, the SECOND REDUCTION is reversed ON THE H AND THE V. In other words, the V read might be 93, but the H read is 39. That is A HUGE DIFFERENCE. It will still come out to the SAME single digit reduction, but the path to get there, was very different. It does not always reverse however.
You will find that all differences ultimately reduce to 9. That means, there is no difference in truth. In other words it is because of 9 that we have any measure of sense, numerologically.. mathematically speaking. Even though there has been a shoddy stab at Creation - there is a final reduction of 9 in the MIDDLE of them to keep things balanced. The final difference between any reversed pair of numbers = 9. But, you would miss all that if you just simply reduce it all to 11. You would be silenced: "Oh lookey! It matches!" Case closed. But by doing that, we shut down other questions. Are question bad? I don't know. I can't stop asking them long enough to figure that out. :smile:
Jesus Christ = 70 (purest number!)
Numerologists would typically lose the 0. Making it 7. You can continue to do this, and it will provide insight as well, but please take the time to include the reductions so that you can identify deeper patterns that might surprise you. You will often find that Dark patterns share the same numbers as Light patterns.
The True Creator is Zero POINT energy. All. When we are assisted here in this plane, it is never offered to *Tip The Balance*.. There is no desire, will, or agenda to kill Satan. Satan is a thought we have each day. It is up to us to heal the Satan in our mind that continues to be afraid of life. But, what the True Creator CAN DO is fearlessly take hold of the negative charge and match it with a positive charge of the same exact frequency. That is why you will find that "Jesus" can be reduced to 11 and "Lucifer" can be reduced to 11. They share 11. But the second reduction is very different, and patterns abound to show how one is good and one is..... well... not so much.
The Light must enter that exact vibration (number) expressing, in order to see it with the Eyes of Knowledge. Not the Eye of Ra. By doing so, the natural remedy is zero point. If Lucifer is beaming 35 and Jesus enters with 36, he tips the balance by one, and 1 is not the truth. Zero is truth. So, I am led to believe that in SOME cases, you will find a reversal number when the light and dark are merged for some reason. Perhaps that reason is zero. I don't know all things yet.
Jesus, and a infinite army of angels are prepared to dive into 3D with the precise signature required in order to bring the vibing frequency to a level playing field with the same number in LIGHT or TRUTH. True Creator would not be allowing us free will (in truth) if there was a tip in the other direction. That is up to us to decide.
Asking for the balance is a good idea too, for there is automatic response to that request, but it will be offered, always, from equal balance for all. When you ask for a blessing, your heart space, and the love you have for the All will be a determining factor as far as what you will actually experience is concerned. If you are asking for help with things from a place of guilt, fear, envy, worry, sadness, etc, then the help that comes will bring things back to neutral / center. Which is where God is, and that should feel good. But, it may not include cash or a boyfriend.
But, the help we get from True Creator, whatever that IS, is the reason we are not already dead and rotting. This is a simplified version, but I am running out of time.
It is my feeling (at least for now) that this merging of light and dark is automatic. It happens automatically. When the darkness expresses, so will the light. To keep things at Zero Point. There is a reason the word ZERO = 10. The number 1 = MAN (matter). The Zero is Love's response to matter.The zero is critical ! Lose the zero, and you lose the balance.
Side note: Mitt Romney was the nth Governor of Massachusetts before he runs for President. I mention that due to the Mormon =88 above.
Looks like a defining moment to me!
You should also add vertically. That will give you the rest of the portrait of the number. Without reducing, add the V and the H and see what you have.
Jesus = 74 V
70 H
Lastly, I am clearing the name of Jesus Christ. He has no other name that is relevant here on Earth. He has no name in Heaven. Heaven is the All and no names are needed. Jesus is not a person, man, woman, or child in truth. Jesus is Love made manifest to show us home. His name is critical. Do not change it. Do not drop letters or switch numbers. Leave it be. When you pray, sing, play, eat, dance and sing, use the name Jesus Christ and all is well. Do not use the word LORD (22).
When referring to God, use this phrase please: God of Jesus Christ = 99. (very sacred number). It also is reduced to 18 / 9. Which is the same 9 of...The God Of Heaven, and the rope that keeps evil from destroying Grace.
One last thing I must tell you before I go. The number 153 is very significant in Numerology. During my studies of current politics, I noticed the word NEY. As in Dick CheNEY, Mitt RomNEY, Bob NEY. Ney means to catch in a net. All of these men are thick with connection to what has happened and what could happen. I know this might make some people uncomfortable, but its not personal, its numbers. Darkness is not of the body, but of the mind.. We all share mind. We all share some responsibility. Only Love Is Real.
If I have made no sense, or if you feel I have faulty reasoning, or if you think me insane - feel free to merge us both with 70 and call it a day.
Sheree Rainbolt-Kren
My birth name = 117 V
My current street address = 111
My kids are full of 22's. (not planned)
My son was born on 11-11
Numerology= 51/ 6
Do not worry, all is well now.
Jesus was a spelling mistake by William Tindale 1645 Rotterdam, Holland and the same spelling mistake was introduced into the King James I bible in competition of the commoners bible written by William Tindale. Greeks pronounce the word "YeZeus" Ye in Old English means "The" Zeus in ancient times, since replaced with Deus, Dias, Diety, the Hebron Word for Salvation is Shua, the Hebron word for Lord is Ya so lord salvation would be spoken as YaShua, Surnames only came about in Christendon in the era of the Crusades 12th to 13th Century AD. if he had of existed then he would have been known as Yeshua Ban Yohannon, the Christ name came from Syria circa 600BC, it relates to Darius I King of Kings, and was one of the Christie Kings, Christie was chanted by the prisoners in return for Mercy, so Christie basically translates as forgiveness or Mercy, the Modern word God comes from GodFrey, Germanic word, also Eing or Ing, meaning Lord God.
When it comes to this Solar System God is the Star you call the Sun as without it, life isn't possible, Earth and all the other planets orbit its soul within its Heliosphere, everything on earth is ultimately controlled by the Star. People in Ancient times knew this, so why have you managed to lose your way?
ReiKi = Universal Energy Rei = Universal = Ra aka Re Pronounced Ra"H" is it is an Arabic Word, Ki = Energy, 777 cannot complete a full circuit is 7 = 57.4285714857143 = 402 = 6, where as 999 can complete a full circuit, as 9 = 40 = 360 = 9, it is all to do with the flow of Universal Energies.
RE:Jesus Christ Numerology
by Christopher McDonald - 11/21/17 10:37 AM
Great so What am I
and I am A Master Energy Healer
RE: Jesus Christ Numerology
by D - 2/19/18 6:29 PM
You are amazingly correct, if correct is thw correct word. Words are becoming useless... no meaning or too much interpretations...
RE: Jesus Christ Numerology
by 999 - 5/17/18 7:32 AM
We feel you! I will spread the word. It's never too late
RE:Jesus Christ Numerology
by ladiesy - 7/22/19 7:11 PM
Hi will you be able to email me the document you speak about in the text?
RE:Jesus Christ Numerology
by ladiesy - 7/22/19 7:12 PM
So none of the bible version are accurate not even the KJV?
RE:Jesus Christ Numerology
by Mystic13 - 1/05/20 1:31 AM
Ok so your saying jesus is about numerology or the world is?. The bibles are wrong. I get some of what your saying . Soc sec # DL # Address CC number and so on. To make a long story short. The day we were born we are being tracked. We need to rely on the holy ghost the numbers will direct us right to H. Correct? Or am i missing something
11 Comments for Jesus Christ Numerology
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Jesus Christ Numerology
by Michael M. - 2/28/13 12:28 AM10 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Jesus Christ Numerology
by Pops@Conservative Outrage,the blog - 3/22/13 6:38 AMRE:Jesus Christ Numerology
by Michael de Yaohu ul - 3/23/14 10:29 PMRE: Jesus Christ Numerology
by Ing Freyr aka Lord God - 1/28/15 8:12 AMRE:Jesus Christ Numerology
by Christopher McDonald - 11/21/17 10:37 AMRE: Jesus Christ Numerology
by D - 2/19/18 6:29 PMRE: Jesus Christ Numerology
by 999 - 5/17/18 7:32 AMRE:Jesus Christ Numerology
by ladiesy - 7/22/19 7:11 PMRE:Jesus Christ Numerology
by ladiesy - 7/22/19 7:12 PMRE:Jesus Christ Numerology
by Mystic13 - 1/05/20 1:31 AMRE: Jesus Christ Numerology
by Anonymous - 1/30/20 12:44 PMRead all 442 comments »
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