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by Anonymous - 6/26/10 10:36 AM
The source of the sacred light code 11 is the word light. Why light because everything is of light, since the beginning of creation. L = 3, i = 9, g = 7, h = 8, t = 2 this spells light = 29/11. Most people see numbers as just numbers whereas I see numbers as Light Codes. Each number as in 1 to 9 has a light code meaning. There are also numbers that I refer to as higher light codes but the base of each of these higher light codes is 11 the code that is of light that gives symbolically light to all the numbers from 1 to 9. For example:

1x11 = 11
2x11 = 22
3x11 = 33
4x11 = 44
5x11 = 55
6x11 = 66
7x11 = 77
8x11 = 88
9x11 = 99

The light code 9/11 is saying 9x11 = 99/18/9 the number of completion. When is this completion going to take place? It Is written in the Mayan calender. The Mayans live on Turtle Island that stretches from the tip of South America all the way up to Greenland and Iceland and covers all Islands as well. The Mayan calender will come to completion on 12/21/12 which is 333 = 9 at 11:11 am on that date. What is going to happen? The world is going to be TRANSFORMED = 66/ CHANGED = 11. The world as we know it will be changed. The extent of the change only the Creator knows. Turtle Island is 9/11. Should we be concerned the answer is yes!


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by Anonymous - 1/06/11 1:25 AM
The word Jesus Christ has 11 letters in it too!!!I found out the word creation is mentioned 11 times in the old testiment and 11 times in the new testiment!!! Isn't that something!!!


by Anonymous - 1/06/11 1:33 AM
Chapter 22 is the last chapter in revelations 11+11=22 I see 22 alot too!!!It means eternal life is at chapter 22!!!the last supper is at luke 22 also!!!


by Anonymous - 1/12/11 1:27 AM
There are 22 paths on the TREE OF LIFE.



by 11 letters in name. aka lucifer - 1/17/13 9:08 AM
Im trying to illuminate others but most like the dark side. Birth date 6-1-??=11 gem1n1= twins= 11'

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