Forehead - (g3359 metopon) the space between the eyes, the forehead
(g3326 meta – root greek from metopon) with, after, behind (the forehead)
i.e brain/mind/ will/ place of decision making
right hand – (g1188 right hand) the right, the right hand, a place of honour or authority, that which usually takes (the place that we make agreements)
i.e place of receiving/ accepting, place of power & authority to receive or accept
The cell phone is just a precursor to getting everyone use to the idea of being tracked and surrendering all of your personal information. Why do you think they call it a Cell Phone? Because it is like living in a Prison Cell. We are also supposed to be looking up and watching the sky for our redemption is nigh but no one is looking up anymore. People are just looking down at their cells and often walk into traffic or walk off a cliff. Your cell phone is not your friend. If everyone got rid of them we would all be better off.
2 Comments for Mark of the Beast in the Hand or Forehead?
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Mark of the Beast in the Hand or Forehead?
by Anonymous - 4/11/23 7:11 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: Mark of the Beast in the Hand or Forehead?
by Anonymous - 6/05/23 1:49 AMRead all 454 comments »
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