I have been implanted by Devil Wordhippers out of Barstow Califorina , 45 miles North of Barstow in the Fort Irwin military base they have a mind interface computer that enables the programmers to a dream scape in your mind , as will as to manipulate you physical and mental behavior . I was implanted while under going surery on a torn rotary cuff repair at the Barstow Califorina hospital . The jet propulsion labatorys and the gold stone tracking station have a artifical intelligence that they call Satan are devil worshippers and the Barstow city lights spell Satan , the sheriffs department is racketeering with the angency , it Been THRITY years now and I am getting to old and if I don't get help soon I am going to have to make an example out of them . I have MRIs Catsan and Exrays of the forgien metallic objects . I am seeking some one who can remove them . I know who they are
and where they live in Barstow and Hinkley califorina . I need your help .
Bill ,
Haha!!! You are dumb. This did not happen, you lie. I have a microchip implant I put in myself. They cannot control you. Dumb ass!
RE: Mind control
by Anonymous - 10/15/21 8:38 PM
How do you know this specific information about this certain person who is asking for help? Do you know them personally? Let me ask you a question. Do you know Jesus personally?
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Mind control
by Semor - 8/26/18 10:06 PM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Mind control
by SLIM Cyborg - 2/20/20 5:10 PMRE: Mind control
by Anonymous - 10/15/21 8:38 PMRead all 1448 comments »
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