Hello fellow Christians, I was on here a while ago just asking about the number 5 and the mark of the beast. But I stopped to think and took a walk to clear my mind. Now I have been born and raised a Chrisitan and never really questioned the religion I had been following. It was when I stopped to sit on a hill in the countryside did I start to question and wonder, is this real :|? When were there factual points alluding to the existence of a god? Why should I be worried about what I do in this life for the next and does an after-life-exist? Am I starting to get confused and feel like there is no god why do you believe in god? How do we know God isn't a woman or even a cinder block?? Thank you for your replies :} (p.s the fog the is coming)
Dear Hugh, it's normal to question the fundamentals of what we believe because our beliefs need to stay relevant. Do our prayers put bread on the table ? To answer that you have to consider how your behaviours are influenced by your faith. When my kids were turning their backs on attending church, I realised that it didn't matter. Their christian up-bringing was the lens through which they viewed the world and the moral compass that would guide all their decisions. The more faith and belief you have, the stronger will be all your decisions - from being disciplined in your work to giving up bad habits. They say God is mysterious, but in my experience, he's only mysterious to those who dwell entirely in the 3-D physical world and have no interest in spiritual awareness and growth. But no-one can understand who is God, because he's not an old man sitting on a cloud. He's a word, an idea, a natural tendency to kindle Life itself. God is present in all Life. Recent research on the effects of the mRNA shots show that God's autograph is all over our DNA. The numerical digits that translate in Hebrew to the letters Y-H-W-H appears in every chromosome strand of your DNA, like an artist's signature saying 'I made you'. Japanese scientists did a study that found the occurrence of the same in non-humans and plants was only 4 in 100,000. The evidence for God, our creator, is everywhere, but most importantly it is within us; but you need awareness to recognise it.
And I think he wants us to go looking for him through meditation and prayer -- like you were doing on that hill. My message is to trust your instincts and recognise what is staring you in the face. And to follow His holy commandments. The worst that can happen is you raise your spiritual vibration and opt out of the 'latest thing' on social media > I think we are all becoming aware that those that believe in nothing will fall for anything. God bless you on your own journey.
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My experience with touching grasss
by Hugh A. Mungus - 5/05/22 8:11 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE:My experience with touching grasss
by Paul Robotham - 11/11/22 3:49 AMRead all 454 comments »
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