11 Comments for My Name, *777*

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My Name, *777*

by Matthew.Michael.Jackson - 5/01/15 5:41 AM
My name is Matthew Michael Jackson. 777. Was brought up Roman Catholic, but never was confirmed. Don't feel religious, at all. With that being said, I've always been curious about Numerology as well as numbers in General. I was born 11/13. I see 11:13 at least once (sometimes 2x) a day.

I could have been dead literally 3+ times. I always saved myself. Feel very lucky. I almost died on 12-12-12.

Please someone who knows more, what am I here for? I feel I have to be here for a reason, despite my lack of spirituality. I have no children (yet) and have never been married.

10 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: My Name, *777*

by Anonymous - 5/23/15 12:12 AM
We r do u stay .... what's your mail add

RE: My Name, *777*

by Anonymous - 5/23/15 12:12 AM
We r do u stay .... what's your mail add
And facebook

RE: My Name, *777*

by Anonymous - 6/24/15 10:18 PM
It's a call from "THEE";777-an awakening to his chosen,we are to ask an he will answer,a change to happen in this world we live,every 7years a change comes

RE: My Name, *777*

by Yes - 7/15/15 5:23 PM
Read the bible and find out

RE: My Name, *777*

by Anonymous - 8/13/15 2:09 AM
that's how I feel

RE: My Name, *777*

by Anonymous - 1/12/20 6:00 AM
My name is Gary Caldwell Jr I was born July 5th 1973 I have no idea what that means I wish somebody would tell me

RE:My Name, *777*

by Robert Haston - 1/12/20 5:22 PM
My sis # is ***-*7-77** and I to am curious as to if I have been marked at birth or if there is any biblical or spiritual meaning to that???

RE:My Name, *777*

by Llewellyn Walters - 6/08/21 7:21 PM

RE:My Name, *777*

by Anthony Leonard mugnano - 4/03/22 1:53 PM
My name is 777 born 09-10-88 I have a very strong need to learn all I can of religion though I do not claim to be a religious person when I go places where it is said to be haunted or people claim to have see angels both myself and the witnesses experience nothing until I leave I find this to be strange I've only had one experience when I was much younger more insight would be very helpful.

RE: My Name, *777*

by 77.04.07 - 4/10/24 2:53 AM
We all have certain individual purposes on earth as well as 1 purpose we all share and that is to serve God and tell people about Jesus.
Jesus hates religion, Jesus loves Relationships. Turn towards Jesus and you will find your unique reason and purpose. Their is no other way to get your answer except for this...Turn towards God and work on having an intimate relationship with Him. May God bless You and enjoy finding your answers In Him!

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