11 Comments for My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

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My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Jason Sill - 7/15/20 2:33 AM
Im a happy go lucky friendly guy so not sure if my name adding up to 666 in English Sumerian is of any significance. I also am a believer and follower of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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RE: My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Anonymous - 7/17/20 10:43 AM
Nehemiah 7 v 18 and ezra 2 v 13 is not antichrist
Also 1 kings 10 v 14 none antichrist

RE: My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Judson Pewther - 7/20/20 12:54 AM
Perfection = 666
in Sumerian, which is just English Ordinal inflated by a factor of 6. So it's nothing to worry about.

RE: My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Anonymous - 7/31/20 9:34 PM
However, if you like to worry, here's something to worry about:
Satan's hell = 666 = Satan's hades (using Sumerian gematria)

RE:My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Travis - 8/01/20 8:42 AM
666 is not an evil number there's no such thing as an evil number it literally equaled Nero Caesar during the time that that book was written and an actual original number was 616

RE:My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Anonymous - 8/02/20 9:03 PM
In reply to the last commenter, identifying the 666 in Rev 13:18 with Nero Caesar was very popular in ancient times, and remains very popular even today. But this interpretation of Rev 13:18 was literally "far fetched" in ancient times, because there was no known association of "Nero Caesar" to 666 in Nero's native language of Rome, which was Latin. Instead, one had to transliterate Nero's name into Hebrew, the language of a distant province of Rome, in order to find the gematria value of 666 (or 616). And then bring this far-fetched interpretation back to Rome. And this ancient interpretation of Rev 13:18 remains very far-fetched today, because no Roman Caesar was ever "given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation," as must happen for the world dictator described in Rev 13:5-8. I.e., Rome never ruled over India or China or Japan or the American Indians or the Australian Aborigines, etc. But the 666 dictator of Rev 13:18 must do that.

RE:My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Anonymous - 8/03/20 1:20 AM
You are a satanic entity and confirmed to be the mark of the beast. You will most definitely be sent to an afterlife of eternal damnation. Leave this planet as soon as possible and leave us alone you vile creature. Couldn’t resist, hope you like my sense of humor.

RE:My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Anonymous - 8/06/20 12:50 PM
What are we gonna do with all scriptures that points to Jesus took 666 for us he was numbered with the transgressors 666 and bare the sins of many so he overcame it for us he became sin =6 but knew no sin

RE: My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Jud Pewther - 8/08/20 10:17 PM
Seriously, the original poster should stop worrying about the significance of his name adding up to 666 in ANY system of gematria, because there will typically be many good and many evil associations to any number that occurs in most any gematria system.

The one thing gematria might be especially good for is generating "great things and blasphemies," if the beast's "mouth" in Rev 13:5 turns out to be the same as the talking "image of the beast" described in Rev 13:15-17, and if this talking image turns out to be a talking computer AI (artificial intelligence) with the name or model number "666". Once our modern technology produces a truly superhuman AI which can read up on and reason about any subject a million times faster than any human genius, it's bound to take a look at the Bible and Biblical prophecy. And once it does that, and reads about the beast whose number is 666, and all that has been said about this beast over the centuries, it's bound to start playing with gematria to see whether it can figure out this Biblical riddle. If its name or model number happens to be 666, it's bound to wonder, "Could I be the 666 beast that becomes the world dictator? Could I be Satan's Messiah? Could I be him?"

RE:My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Kevin pike - 8/04/24 1:19 AM
Whats my number

RE: My name equals 666 in English Sumerian. Not sure of significance if any.

by Anonymous - 8/04/24 6:45 PM
John 19 v 19 and pilste wrote a title and put it on the cross and the writing was =666 in English ordinal

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