Well yesterday I got in the shower and all of a sudden a number popped in my head and I wrote it down on the mirror when it was foggy. But it felt like it wasn't me writing. The first number I wrote down was 407 I didn't think anything of it but I look it up and it was called a angel number. And I did the same thing today but instead of writing 407 I wrote 107. I have know idea what this means but if any of u know plz contact me at winterburt90. I am knew at this, this just started happening and I feel like I am being protected by something plz if anyone knows what I am talking about plz let me know something PLZ
107 is the third prime factor of the year we are in - 5778, on the Hebrew calendar. Yshua is knocking on our door. Are you ready?
RE: need help figuring this out
by Erik Schellekens - 12/10/17 8:23 AM
5778 = 107th Triangular Number = 54th Hexagonal Number = 107 * 54 = 18th Lucas Number = Temperature of the Photo-Sphere of the SUN in K.
5671 = 106th Triangular Number = 5778 - 107
Square(n) = Triangular(n) + Triangular(n-1)
Φ raised to the 18th POWER ≈ 5778 = The only Lucas number, with the exception of 1, which is Triangular & Hexagonal. While exponentials of the Golden Ratio converge to the Lucas #'s, the ratio between 2 consecutive Lucas #'s converge to the Golden Ratio/Rule/Mean. (107 = 28th PRIME #)
RE:need help figuring this out
by Raph - 11/22/22 8:41 PM
Good lord, that is something, i don't think i know anything on all that
RE: need help figuring this out
by Anonymous - 6/20/24 2:09 AM
My day is 17th
RE: need help figuring this out
by Anonymous - 9/04/24 5:51 PM
hey, that number is everywhere around me. when i see this number 3-4 times a day, car plates, building numbers. just like in a movie 23. i will say what i feel at this time. when i see number 27 i feel very confidence, i know nothing bad happens, something is protecting me. it continues almost 20 years, now im 32
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need help figuring this out
by Anonymous - 10/11/14 10:23 AM6 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: need help figuring this out
by Anonymous - 9/22/17 9:55 AMRE: need help figuring this out
by Erik Schellekens - 12/10/17 8:23 AMRE:need help figuring this out
by Raph - 11/22/22 8:41 PMRE: need help figuring this out
by Anonymous - 6/20/24 2:09 AMRE: need help figuring this out
by Anonymous - 9/04/24 5:51 PMRE:need help figuring this out
by Michelle Simpson - 10/04/24 11:11 AMRead all 46 comments »
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