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number 2

by Anonymous - 8/19/15 6:19 PM
Truly incredible stuff. I have been doing a lot of research into numbers and math in the Bible and other ancient texts. I have o- blood. If you haven't done some research about the blood types, do. O- blood is from Cain,born not from Adam, but a fallen one or maybe you know who. The original sin. the number 2 or division. My birth date is 8/16/73. 8 is new man/holy man. 16-sacrifice. 19-faith, 73-babylon, or end. 37 and 73 are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Some people do not want to consider the book of Enoch, but from my research the first 2 books need to be. Those who came from Cain can achieve salvation but must bend a knee before God. Being born in August, I am a Leo, the first sign of the zodiac. 2312 refers to Christ. The constellation of Leo is at 23.12 degrees when it is in it's natural house in August. On my birth date and time, the moon was in pisces, the last house of the zodiac, and was opposing Venus. The moon is lit, but by a false light. Venus, is referred too as the the "light bearer" or morning star, aka Lucifer. See where I am going with this? With all the research I have done, there is no way it is coincidence. The themes and numbers match up everywhere. Information consists of 1's and 0's, binary. 37, the beginning equals 3+7=10 and 73 the same. Binary. There is no doubt in my mind now that birth dates and the whole astrology thing have some importance but it has nothing too do with personalty and crap. Rather, it has to do with our personal road and what we have to do to become whole again and one with the God, the Holy Trinity. The "illuminati" people think they have some big secret with their whole pyramid and all seeing eye,but it isn't that hard to figure out. Go look at this. In the ancient occult, a circle around a triangle was a symbol of protection from evil or the devil. The circle was God, and the triangle the devil. Quantum physics is the connection. Keep in mind the God particle and dark matter when looking at the link above. People like the illuminati are so attached to material things, money and power, they will never see truth and want to be gods themselves, same as Lucifer did. Sorry, you aren't gods and never will be. Deal with it. Take a look at your birth numbers and compare them to numerical themes in the Bible. Compare those themes to your own life and the things you have gone through, both good and bad. I guarantee you will be amazed. No wonder man made religions deemed these things as sacrilege. They didn't want you and I to figure out how to truly connect with God and the Holy Trinity. Hence why God sent his son Jesus. To show us the way, "I am, the alpha and omega." God is awesome.

3 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: number 2

by Number two - 6/28/17 8:22 AM

RE: number 2

by D - 2/08/18 2:23 AM
Wow i so agree ...! For me the number 10 or 1 is following me ... I experienced strange things , I saw light / energy , I felt energy on my body like electricity..and so on .. i Also know astrology has a deeper meaning- like you say ! I want to find more about my zodiac sign ...

RE:number 2

by Verg - 1/28/21 11:05 AM
I was born 2/22/1984(1+9+8+4=22)
At a time of 10:22pm = 22:22
Bow in service to Me...

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