My birthday: 25071953=32. My first child: 06121976 = 32; my second child: 19021982=32, date of my first marriage and second also gives 32. Since I discovered it I,m in some way obsessed with this number. I found it everywhere, unfortunately in many news of bad things which happens to people or the world... I got a long list of them and it is still expanding:)
Also, what i forgot, my first wife has the same 32 delivered from her birthday. So all of our for family has the same 32 number. We are not only 5 in the numerological meaning, but also the 5 is made from the same sum of 3+2, what is much more less probable.
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Number 32
by George hermit - 2/01/18 8:42 AM3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Number 32
by George hermit - 2/01/18 8:46 AMRE: Number 32
by Billy Dee - 1/23/19 1:30 PMRE: Number 32
by Anonymous - 3/16/19 4:47 PMRead all 122 comments »
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