a while ago i was getting changed and looked in the mirror and caught a glimpse of what looked like a number on my right forearm and at first i thought it was the number 14 but soon realised that the one was most lykly just a vein but as for the 4 it is the perfect 4 and it is really weird and now that film has just come out"i am number four" its all weird but i dont know what to think of it.
That is pretty interesting... its actually really cool. I love coincidences like that- they are everywhere. My friend says there are no coincidences because everything is a coincidence... but any ways that is special. On my right hand I have a vein that makes a peace sign almost.. its definitely an 0. Interesting.
RE: number 4
by Anonymous - 10/27/14 11:29 PM
Add the number's. ALLthe numbers, Why focus on it being bad, fearful or fixate on things being dark. Many of this website users could use a dose of pro-active possitivity . Look for the possitive or you keep looking for the dark, you may just invite it in. Blessings. This was a respose to ALL the spook seekers. Be a light seeker, invite this energy in instead, k ? Ill practice this too. Much love to all.
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number 4
by patrick - 2/24/11 7:22 AM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: number 4
by Anonymous - 3/01/11 8:02 PMRE: number 4
by Anonymous - 10/27/14 11:29 PMRead all 81 comments »
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