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Number 41

by Praveen Shrivastava - 11/30/10 3:49 AM
I Don't know why but I am repeatedly seeing the number 41 whenever i look at the clock.. it's {Hour}:41.. I want to know what that means..

9 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: Number 41

by randomface - 12/15/10 4:02 AM
dudee i see 41 everywhere!! esp wen i look at the clock .. i hate some scary ass stories bout that number .. really weird

RE: Number 41

by MCMX - 12/26/10 8:54 PM
The same to me, I've seen this number since along time time ago. Can anybody provide any kind of help understanding this?

RE: Number 41

by Anonymous - 12/19/13 7:02 PM
I to see the number 41. I don't know. but there is something out there. look at the bible. about the number. we are connected.

RE: Number 41

by Anonymous - 1/23/14 7:08 AM
Me too I see this number everywhere for years now and have told many people

RE: Number 41

by Dayna - 7/15/14 9:58 PM
Me too plus i dont just see it on clocks and its been going on for about 4 years now its a sign and i dont know what

RE:Number 41

by Dayna - 7/15/14 10:07 PM
Me to everywhere for the past 4 years or longer i see it everywhere i even did 41 months in prisonive had dream premonitions of big evens before they happened like the twin towers and i was only in middle school i didnt even know what tje twin towers were but they called all us kids to go see it on tv i jumped up and said omg i dreamed that! I think its a sign of some sort but im still trying to figure it out. I see it too much to not pay attention to it.

RE:Number 41

by Dayna - 7/15/14 10:09 PM
Sorry i cant edit my post but u understand i dreamed about the twin towers before it happend ment to say my phone is messing up my words lol sorry about that

RE:Number 41

by Andre - 8/25/14 8:29 PM
I've been seeing 41 a lot for about 4 years now and in 2014 it's getting crazier by the day. I started noticing numbers with 11:11 25 years ago. I guess we've all wondered why, but from the comments, I would guess that we all believe in God and we all expect some change at some point. I believe 11:11 was an awakening call from the divine dream, but why 41, it doesn't seem to have any symbolic value. As things progress, I tend to believe that 41 was just a simple code for the 14th year of the 21st century, and that 2014 might just be the year when the big change happens.

RE:Number 41

by DREAMS - 4/25/22 12:49 PM
There is a mathematical link between 1111, 369, and 41.

369 ÷ 41 = 9

41 ÷ 369 = 0.1111...

41,000,000,000,000 ÷ 0.1111 = 369,036,903,690,369

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