I, too see the number 41 repeatedly-have been for many years. I wake up and look at the clock, and it will be 41 minutes past an hour, I look at a timer counting down at exactly 41 seconds, etc...It can not possibly be random at this point! Has anyone else seeing 41 found out any explanation?
I have seen the number 41 every where I look at the clock
It's 1:41 or at a license plate it's 41 or at a timer it's 41 then at
My phone battery it's 41 I wake up at 4:41 then my computer says I have 41
New emails at the meat counter I receive number 41,
at the restaurant the bill comes to $41.00, I looked at the clock
7 times a couple days ago each time I looked it was 41,
Actually it is frightening and out of control this has gone on
For 2 years now.
RE: Number 41
by Dayna - 7/15/14 10:18 PM
I am going through the same thing numbers coumting down i catch the clock always something :41 i did 41 months in prison i had a weed eater in prison #41 my Tegretol med i used to take blood levels always fell on 41 i found $41 in my paypal today, on friday i was the 41 st customer at mc. Donalds u could go on for hours, i really believe its a sign of some sort ive had dream premonitions growing up one was the twin towers when i was in middle school. I just cant figure it out yet. Have u googled Angels 41 it tells u a possible answer . Are u still seeing this number? I never knew others see this number too which makes me think were special maybe the more people we can get together that see it we can figure it out..hahaha i sound krazy and far off the meaning pprobably but i kno there is a meaning i just wish i knew.
RE: Number 41
by Melchizedek - 1/08/15 11:35 AM
The soon-to-appear third Elijah will be the 41st Davidic King of Israel. When Christ came the first time, he and John the Baptist (the 2nd Elijah) were suffering servants. The next time Jesus comes, He will be the 42nd and final Davidic King of Israel. Likewise the third Elijah (one of the 2 witnesses) will also be king (#41) and reign during the Great Tribulation (See Matthew 17:11 and Isaiah 11). He must die (see Rev. 11:11) and leave no heir, so that Jesus can come as King and reign forever.
RE: Number 41
by Anonymous - 7/13/15 9:53 PM
I have the exact same thing, did you ever find out?
RE: Number 41
by Anonymous - 8/03/16 11:20 AM
Yes all my life
RE:Number 41
by victor terence - 9/21/17 1:25 AM
Just uploaded a video to youtube, the name on youtube is as my name above. I had filmed raindrops on my patio doors and was noticing faces in the raindrops, then I noticed a lot of the raindrops had the number 41 inside. Victor.
7 Comments for Number 41
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Number 41
by Avalon - 3/06/11 3:07 PM6 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Number 41
by Cindy41 - 11/02/13 6:50 PMRE: Number 41
by Dayna - 7/15/14 10:18 PMRE: Number 41
by Melchizedek - 1/08/15 11:35 AMRE: Number 41
by Anonymous - 7/13/15 9:53 PMRE: Number 41
by Anonymous - 8/03/16 11:20 AMRE:Number 41
by victor terence - 9/21/17 1:25 AMRead all 80 comments »
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