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Number significance

by Missy - 1/23/14 7:42 AM
As long as I can remember I always look at the at 9:18 both a.m & p.m!!! I see these numbers alot and it's also my birthdate so I just wandered if there's some sort of significance to the numbers together and what it might mean or stand for!!! Thought maybe I would find some Info on the net or maybe find someone who maybe could shed some light on what if anything could it mean!!!

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RE: Number significance

by Anonymous - 4/06/14 8:34 PM
I can hardly believe this,. What's going on here. I've been seeing 8,18 mostly 18 for 6 years now, on the clock, every where, this is also my birthday.Please contact me when you have an answer sheliafarmer92

RE: Number significance

by Anonymous - 8/04/15 10:03 AM
I always see my birthday time... 10:18 a.m and p.m every day... I always see the number 18 everywhere I go.

RE:Number significance

by Roberto Vicente - 8/22/15 7:56 AM
If you often see your birthdate and the number "18", this means, that you are a very sensitive person, young at heart and a good fisherman. There will always be plenty of "fish" around on your birthday. Look out for "fish" whenever your birthday gets close, and you can never lose! (I just doublechecked this with a friend who really knows about this stuff, and he totally agrees.)

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