3 Comments for numbers of the same 3 times in a row

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numbers of the same 3 times in a row

by jennifer - 1/24/12 3:57 PM
if you see the movie end of days the number 999 is the beast number not 666. it says the vatican has been lieing about it for centuries.

Then recently there has been a thing that came out saying Judas never betray Jesus , that Jesus ordered Judas to point him out.

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RE: numbers of the same 3 times in a row

by Anonymous - 11/14/16 5:49 AM
Saying that judas did not betray Jesus would be calling Jesus Christ a liar because Jesus Christ in john 13:21, says one of his disciples will betray him.

RE: numbers of the same 3 times in a row

by Eric - 2/20/18 1:20 AM
Precisely. Jesus foresaw and stated that one of them would
betray him, then he instructed Judas to do the deed. Judas
said to Jesus, “my Lord I would never do such a thing!” But when the hour drew, he caved to the thought of being persecuted ,
and did just as Jesus said he would do, exactly how and when
it was claimed it would occur

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