Saying that judas did not betray Jesus would be calling Jesus Christ a liar because Jesus Christ in john 13:21, says one of his disciples will betray him.
RE: numbers of the same 3 times in a row
by Eric - 2/20/18 1:20 AM
Precisely. Jesus foresaw and stated that one of them would
betray him, then he instructed Judas to do the deed. Judas
said to Jesus, “my Lord I would never do such a thing!†But when the hour drew, he caved to the thought of being persecuted ,
and did just as Jesus said he would do, exactly how and when
it was claimed it would occur
3 Comments for numbers of the same 3 times in a row
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numbers of the same 3 times in a row
by jennifer - 1/24/12 3:57 PM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: numbers of the same 3 times in a row
by Anonymous - 11/14/16 5:49 AMRE: numbers of the same 3 times in a row
by Eric - 2/20/18 1:20 AMRead all 94 comments »
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