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by Me - 12/26/17 3:58 PM
Where in the world did the writer of this come up with 555 as desire and lust? When 5 itself represents grace? 555 should be divine grace as seen gods perfect word channel to show it means hands of God and 555( Hebrew) meaning has nothing to do with lust where did you get that.

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RE: Ok

by Anonymous - 1/11/18 12:08 PM
I believe the second item under his section entitled "Isopsephy" may address that meaning.

RE: 555

by Skellyton - 7/26/19 7:59 AM
Yep, I’m with you on this one, 5 is such an auspicious and balanced number, the drawing together of all that is shattered and blown apart to the four winds...and the stability of the cosmos. I have JUST found a really bizarre, interesting and consoling occurrence of 555... and I feel it was done with a purpose. In the gospel of Mark, chapter 14, from verse 12 when the Last Supper is described, until verse 26, the story is organised into groups of 5 verses. There follows another occurancy of 5 immediately after, where the disciples are all trying to convince themselves that they will remain steadfast. I have come to the conclusion that, when the cosmos was made, allowances for the inevitable tendency of imperfect humans to fail, deceive, lie, cheat and be selfish we’re made. Almighty God has “built in” “wriggle room”, so, whilst it is great for us to try to be our best selves, it is understood that we will, at times, fail. This is “all part of the plan” and we should be grateful for this and not unduly self loathing about our failures. Interestingly, in the midst of all these 5’s there appears a 2.... the 2 verses when Judas decides and goes to agree to betraying Jesus. The Jewish symbolism of 2 is that it is an “opposition” to the nameless and Almighty Creator, Hashem God. Bizarre but true. Makes me THINK!

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