I have a number burned into me at birth i was born into the world with it on my left upper hand what does the #35 mean as to reference to the end of world and the revalations? am i a chosen one? i keep having premenitions and visions always coming true, and the weird dragon from the sky dream over and over, and i slay it. "the dragon and the woman" bible verse am i that person. im freaking out. i need answers someone help.
No its a branding the triangle and the star but as far as being chosen you are not chose you declare from east to west and you find yourself three times and make one mind
RE: on my left hand
by Archangel Guardian - 4/11/15 5:27 PM
That comment the last person made sounded like Yoda on crack. It made no sense and gave no clarity whatsoever. People should consider praying first and even consider fasting before they comment to people having real life issues. Especially when their freaking out. Abba is a Shepherd of Peace, not of confusion. If you're still interested in an answer, seeing that this is an old post, please let me know.
RE:on my left hand
by Anonymous - 5/27/15 10:49 AM
Number 35 signify hope, faith, and confidence. As for your dream, what does dragon represent to you? And slaying the dragon is something you want to renew within yourself. You are very strong minded person with heart of gold always protecting people who can not stand up for themselves.
RE: on my left hand
by Anonymous - 8/27/16 4:40 AM
Im marked on my right hand and forehead.. I keep seeing 35 everywhere too
RE:on my left hand
by CAM - 6/22/17 2:02 PM
The visions come from within. A recurring dream about slaying the dragon is trying to tell you to slay your ego in this materialistic world. It's up to you to either ride it or kill it. If your dreaming of killing it then go that way. To kill it in real life, look at a scale -12 to +12. The ego or self takes takes you higher in negative energy towards The -12 while the acceptance of one in all moves you towards The +12. You choose to either love or hate in whichever way you choose. There are good and bad guides on both sides. If you move towards + you will lose your sense of individual status around +6 while if you choose negative you will start to look down on others around -6. The first comment is referring to the 9th step as a human. You can visualize your 3 last steps to finish as a +/-12 here on earth. It is the process of sorting souls by whatever the power being is that actctually cares where we go after this. I see it as red or white wristbands on people. I'm not one to judge what is right or wrong. I just spread what I know to the people that want to understand the game. It takes many lifetimes of unconscious learning. The -12 dragon would be considered dark and +12 would be considered light. You carry your stone up or down the ladder. Meditation and alchemy is the easiest way to elevate. Religion is bad at teaching how to because they all just want to have the most followers. You probably have a lot you can learn from just yourself for a while if you have frequent visions. I doubt your invited to the real party until you earn your respect. Thinking that your chosen is frequent because you are being chosen. Something is trying to recruit you by showing the way. Sometimes it's just your higher self further on your timeline and sometimes it's a higher demensional being that wants you. Hard to tell the difference I your communicating. If you get an uneasy feeling shut it down immediately. I use numbers to avoid religious inferences. You can't go wrong if you just do whatever Love would do. There's nothing quite like walking with open loving spirits.
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on my left hand
by Anonymous - 4/03/12 12:01 AM6 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: on my left hand
by Anonymous - 10/01/13 3:36 PMRE: on my left hand
by Archangel Guardian - 4/11/15 5:27 PMRE:on my left hand
by Anonymous - 5/27/15 10:49 AMRE: on my left hand
by Anonymous - 8/27/16 4:40 AMRE:on my left hand
by CAM - 6/22/17 2:02 PMRE:on my left hand
by ZenOfMakaveli - 8/22/17 9:34 AMRead all 62 comments »
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