"Prince Mohammed bin Salman" is 666 in prime numbers.
He just signed a peace deal with israel.
He is an Assyrian Prince.
King Salman of Assyrian (Saudi Arabia is Assyria) found in 2 Kings 17:3 and 2 Esdras 13:40
He is the little horn.
The beast with 7 heads is the house of Saud and its 7 kings.
The 10 horns with 10 crowns, are the 10 Crown Princes.
the little Horn is the youngest price "Prince Mohammed bin Salman"
King Salman is the dragon that gave power to the beast.
The 6 of the 7 kings and brothers of the first king.
I have heard this before I was wonder if you could share with me the calculator and cypher used to calculate the 666 with Prince Mohammed Bin Salman I cannot seem to get that result .
RE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Okiverdi - 11/26/22 8:45 AM
The only one that knows for sure is God the father himself,and no man or Angel,and not even the Son jesus christ our lord and saviour. And to think that any man,Angel,or anything created by God can take away from him what belongs to him the creator of all things isn't thinking straight,their minds are very cloudy. SATAN AND HIS ANGELS WERE ALREADY DEFEATED IN THE GREAT WAR IN HEAVEN.what chance does SATAN, that was already defeated have to take, and control his creation. This is the pharo phenomenon all over again, man trying to enslave Gods people.
History is just repeating itself. Stupid man has learned nothing from the past. Instead of doing things to benefit man kind they are always coming up with the latest and more powerful weapons to iniolate mankind.
RE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Anonymous - 11/30/23 12:50 PM
The reason to use Prime numbers to identify the beast is in our face, let me explain...
Prime with the smile arrow of Amazon is on every semi trailer of their trucks...
Amazon logo has the arrow under their name going from the A to the Z....
The arrow on the semi trailer is pointing to Prime...
Letters to the (numbers) using Prime only.
On the back of their trucks it says...there is alot more to Prime a truckload more (indeed)
Also...let's look at the definition of Prime - of the first importance; demanding the fullest consideration; of the greatest relevance or significance...
This can be a double meaning...both the method of calculating and the image of the beast.
Dosen't that sound just like satan? Wanting to be the first in importance and demanding full consideration and greatness...
The smiling arrow represents letters...the Prime represents both the beast and correct number sequence to use to get to 666
Finally...Prince Mohammed bin Salman = 666 using prime numbers starting with the letter A
He is the beast...it is in our face with every Amazon truck you see.
God bless you all in the Journey ahead...when MBS signs the Covenant with Isreal which will include a 2 state soulution...the Tribulation begins...
Ephesians 6 times now!
RE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by saleh n - 1/08/24 7:58 AM
i feel that he is the one in the spirit pope fancis is the false prophet and from euprope king charls the political man of the roman empire
RE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by FrankisKeeman - 2/06/24 10:22 AM
Please calculate the number of the beast using your prime numbers theory for us. Walk us through it please. And speaking on the amazon and prone logo stuff, the Bible wasn't written in English and has nothing to do with modern language so to try and use some modern logo or company name doesn't really sit right with me. Please explain in more detail my friend. Thank you
RE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Anonymous - 2/27/24 9:12 PM
My friend...
I heard on a podcast cast that Mohammed bin Salman” number to his name equals 666 using prime numbers...so it got me thinking why prime? The following is what I feel God reveals...
Prince Mohammed bin Salman...the Prince & Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, aka MBS (Made by Satan or Mark Beast System or More Bull Sh_t) and the number of his name equals 666 using prime numbers...is he the beast of Revelations 13?
There are 36 ways to count the number of a name (to my knowledge) using “gematria” (letters to numbers) so why prime?
I was following an Amazon Big Rig and on the back it said, "There is more to Prime, a Truckload more". Below that was the Amazon Logo with an arrow pointing from the A - z. Then on the side of the trailer, the arrow was pointing to Prime. The arrow represents letters and Prime represents prime numbers; Gematria's- letters to numbers. Does God show us the sign of the time? (Photo attached)...this really got me thinking/praying…
Prime definition - of first importance; of the greatest significance; demanding the fullest consideration; dawn or first light; a number divisible only by itself and unity (unity = 1); to prepare for something; state of great vigor in human life; first-rate; the highest rank; first in order of time; chief; most flourishing stage; Prime Minister...
Also...Lucifer is mentioned one time in the Bible...Isaiah 14:12KJV - "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"
Prime definition is all over the beast (MBS);...from - dawn or first light (lucifer), to - unity (one world beast vision), to - of first importance (MBS self-love) to - Prime Minister (MBS, Saudi Arabia).
Dose God use prime numbers to expose, identify, reveal the Beast of Revelations 13, and to count the number of his name?
Satan's kingdom is not divided, “Saudi Kingdom” equals 666 in reverse prime numbers, and is hosting vision 2030 with 197 nations, with "One Vision" their theme..."One future" their goal; is this all a coincidence?
Mathew 12:26KJV – And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
"Belphegor's Prime" (named by Mathematician Cliff Pickover) ties this all together with a prime number.
Belphegor's prime is a palindromic prime number 1000000000000066600000000000001 a number which reads the same both backwards and forwards and is only divisible by itself and one.
A prime number with exactly 13 zeros before and after three 666's...
0's=13...6+6+6 =18 (Revelations 13:18)
Revelations 13:18KJV - “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
God go even deeper than this...
16661 is a palindromic “prime number”..(one beast unity)...
The next time a similar palindromic becomes “prime” (Belphegor's Prime) is when you have 1 then 13 zeros on either side of 666 (Revelations 13:18)...
And then again when you have 1 then 42 zeros on either side of 666 (Isaiah 14:12) take away the 1’s and you have 42. This verse is the one time “Lucifer” is mentioned in the Bible..
Interesting that these three palindromic prime numbers, the first three with this similar sequence...fell right in line with what was already revealed...
Finally...Does further study of Prime, bring us full circle and answer my initial question, why prime numbers?
Prime: Of the first importance; Demanding the fullest consideration; Of the greatest relevance or significance.
With 36 ways to count the number of a man...primes own definition, gives us a clear understanding of its importance, its consideration, relevance, and significance.
Prime: To prepare for a particular purpose, as by supplying (someone or oneself) with information, etc...
God reveals His purpose with prime numbers. Giving us the Amazon logo, the prime definition, along with Isaiah 14:12, the Belphegor prime number, and so much more. God knows the beginning and the end...and brings this all together perfectly...for His particular purpose.
Finally, this definition of Prime nails it.
Prime: First in order of time, existence, or development: God the Prime mover...
So...with a single word "prime", God reveals who the beast is...and, gives us the "understanding", to count the number of his name. When God said "Here is wisdom" in Revelations 13:18...He was referring to His perfect Wisdom...God knows all things, created all things, and reveals all things at there appointed time...bringing with it understanding and leaving no room to doubt.
Revelations 13:18KJV – “Here is Wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
RE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Anonymous - 2/27/24 9:30 PM
There is more to this...that will blow you mind, just saying...
RE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Anonymous - 7/30/24 5:53 AM
I'm an Assyrian, and this comment is absolutely ridiculous. He is an Arab, and we Assyrians aren't Arabs. Where do people like you get these crazy things from?
9 Comments for Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
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Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Anonymous - 8/22/20 5:38 AM8 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Marty - 11/20/22 1:36 AMRE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Okiverdi - 11/26/22 8:45 AMRE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Anonymous - 11/30/23 12:50 PMRE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by saleh n - 1/08/24 7:58 AMRE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by FrankisKeeman - 2/06/24 10:22 AMRE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Anonymous - 2/27/24 9:12 PMRE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Anonymous - 2/27/24 9:30 PMRE:Prince Mohammed Bin Salman 666
by Anonymous - 7/30/24 5:53 AMRead all 454 comments »
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