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by air sierra - 1/28/10 2:46 AM
why it is call as sweet sixteen?

6 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: question

by jaelee - 2/13/10 12:42 PM
my fav # is 7. my birthday is july 16th... 7=1+6 daughters birthday is may 27th 05+2=7.? every day i look at my clock the time is 7:16..?

RE: question

by jaelee - 2/13/10 1:02 AM
wait might i add.. my full birthdate 07/16/1987 and my childs 05/27/2007.. her time of bith 7:56am i just think its all consecutive #'s related with this number 16.. my jean size 7.childs present shoe size 7.number of girl cousins in my family 7.now everyone in my family jokes im physcic.just because of the way i speak.& how i tend to explain things before they occur..its often strange there is always some kind of truth in my dreams to.but i would never believe in any higher power then god.. just alot of coincidences

RE: question

by Anonymous - 3/12/10 6:04 AM
I think your clock is broken.

RE: question

by Anonymous - 4/28/10 3:24 AM
AAny higher power then god ?
Its all god,yes But quit putting it AND GOD OUts side of yourself!
1* 1 = 1
its inyou too, Coincedinces..Guess again sister

RE: question

by Jeff - 8/18/16 12:48 PM
y birthday a couple of days ago, I had the most bizarre experience. But for now, my sweet sixteen was 8-16-79. I had just escaped from many years of physical\mental abuse at the hands of my father. Somehow, my aunt took me into their home. This completed the near destruction of my prior life, and allowed me to rebuild under a kind, loving family. Every aspect of my life was affected. Since, I have been through seveeral other fight\flight life changes where I build up career, objects, relationships. At the highest peaks, I suffered, underwent abuse, and finally just ran to rebuild in another environment. it is 2016 and I am on my 6th revival\rejuvenation\rebuild. No regrets; everything has made me me.


by Anonymous - 7/25/17 12:23 AM
16 is the age of maturity in the old days. It's when girls were old enough to be accepted into society and choose a mate. Interestingly enough, I found some information on the number 16 in numerology and the occult.

The number 16 is a karmic number, and people under its influence need to keep their feet on the path of higher learning. They must cultivate their personal willpower, independence and initiative action to enable them to overcome obstacles that come into their life experiences.

Number 16 denotes that many will experience trials and defeats throughout their lives. Unforeseen events may seem to follow people with this number, and possible manifestations of this energy include illicit love affairs and/or money losses.

16 brings in the single number of 7, with its energies of obligation and responsibility to listen to its inner-voice which will always warn them of danger through their dreams and strong intuition. When this number is transmuted to the higher vibration it expresses itself as love of humanity and the desire to uplift others in the cause of harmony.

Strong-willed and with a fine analytical mind, 16' need to know everything about everything! Study, research and anything 'New Age' interests the 16's mind and they will have many psychic experiences during their lifetime.

A number 16 person is often outspoken and their strong beliefs give them the energy and stamina to keep going for many hours in the day, yet still find quality time for their family. These people have the capacity to love deeply and passionately, yet relationships are not easily established. 16s are very conscious of their responsibility within the home and make very loving partners and parents - however, their need to take command in ALL situations often makes it difficult for themselves.

The 16 energy person may have many challenges to overcome during their life and they need their solitude and can have trouble 'fitting in'. Often, from their early 20's, 16 people reach their ‘special purpose’.

16s have natural healing abilities and are experts on human nature and because of this they make great writers, actors and comedians. Often, those born on the 16th are interested in religion, research and animals.

A 16 energy individual can crucify themselves on the path of love that can come into Spiritual consciousness if they turn their love towards the path of ‘Light’. The challenge of the 16 must be carefully met so that its effects may be diluted to a milder vibration.

@ Jeff, congrats, you have escaped some of the negative hold of the number 16. Best wishes in your new life!

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