03/16/67 female Joy .I have seen the number 555. 11:11. 444 use to be the only nuber i ever seen and soon would be more signs and i for told ever event ..death i woukd cry when i seen 444. Now its changed . i am seeing so much now i call out to father God . i have had many things i believed in change or in question. For one is about the word of God . the belief of Jesus . because god said he is a jealous God and there shall be none put before me then he says do not look to man but to me so therefore I don't go to church because that is just a place where they make money it's another business for that man standing in that pulpit cannot give me anything that God can I have been in the Holy Spirit I have felt God's presence I have heard him his voice and now all these numbers are coming up 555 a lot that's why I'm on this site trying to figure it all out help if anyone has any thing that they can say to help me usually when I see numbers I can associate it with something good or bad Eiffel Tower things to friends to help them and they didn't listen and the things I said we're coming happened I feel it's from God as if they can't hear him so he send someone that they can hear to warn them but they don't listen this one girl take three times and she still don't listen I felt the presence of angels so if anyone has something to say to help me please
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RE: the time 5:55 p.m.
by george mary - 2/05/11 7:23 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
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