Yeah so this is the first time I've looked this up but I've had the exact same going on for years . Seeing the number waking up at 12.34 or 1.23 stuff like that . I tell people about it all the time I just told a work mate today as I was telling him I looked at the sign on the street where I live off .... It was 1 to 23 number off house ..... Then I come home my mums a Cristian she left a note on my bed saying please read this beacuse we had a Debate the other day ... The page she left open for me was Isaiah 43 page 1223 !! Please help what does this mean what should my next move be ??!
Omg.... This is happening to me daily -months now, all the way to dining addresses;123 s. Etc, To unit numbers 321... Then church randomly and the surname wan cor .1 "after a long night of catching up with family and talking spiritual. It's like something was talking to me like embodied me. People think I'm tripping lol
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Really wondering .
by Joshua - 4/25/16 7:07 PM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Really wondering .
by Warren - 6/03/16 6:22 PMRE: Really wondering .
by Anonymous - 8/30/16 2:57 PMRead all 194 comments »
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