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Sacred Light Codes

by Anonymous - 3/31/11 11:08 PM
How serious is sacred light codes especially the codes 117/171/711/77. The latest purification that happened took place on March 11, 2011 which is 711. You need to understand Hopi Prophecy to understand about the great purification happening to humanity as we speak. Most Great events of human history have those 5 light codes present. Light codes are messages from God, to you personally as well as globally.


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RE: Sacred Light Codes

by Anonymous - 3/31/11 11:10 PM
Sorry 4 light codes.

RE: Sacred Light Codes

by Gina - 4/19/11 1:38 AM
So the Japan disaster was a purification. But why the japanese people were chosen for this purification? I don't understand why that happened to them and not to other nation.

RE: Sacred Light Codes

by Anonymous - 4/19/11 7:51 AM

The entire human race is effected by this incident. No one is immune. The entire earth has shifted. The Hopi Prophecies from Turtle Island say at some point we will be in the time of the great purification well we are there. That the Creator will shake the world three times. The third will be with both hands. This is symbolism but true. Since we are in the time of the end of times Divine Intervention in human affaires by God will continue to purify the world. More incidents are coming our way. This purification process is just beginning and will intensify and bring all of humanity to its knees because we have become nuclear giants and ethical midgets. Total ego.


RE: Sacred Light Codes

by Gina - 4/19/11 11:23 PM
"This purification process is just beginning and will intensify and bring all of humanity to its knees because we have become nuclear giants and ethical midgets. Total ego."

Michael thank you for your answer. Do you think is there something people can do to prevent further "purifications" ? Or is it too late and what is to come will come anyway?
I like what you say, that we have become nuclear giants and ethical midgets, sounds very true but I wonder if it is really true. If we look back in history I think there were times when people were more of ethical midges than now. Of course they weren't nuclear giants like now, but think about slavery or wars in the past - weren't they just as unethical than what is happening now in the world?
I'm a little confused about this.Why are we now more unethical than in the past? Or maybe it's all about the EGO, we trust too much our own limited powers instead of giving all credits to God?


RE: Sacred Light Codes

by Anonymous - 4/20/11 1:57 AM
Most people avoid the topic regarding the 9 Manifestations of God but want to acquire enlightenment. This enlightenment comes about by respecting the Manifestations of God and their teachings. I'm not being dogmatic when I say this; that one can only achieve the state of spiritual enlightenment by seeking out God's Manifestations. Their teachings are full of God's Light and are a perfect reflection of God's Laws for humanities spiritual progress and development. Again there is no other way. One either decides to investigate the truth talked about by the Manifestations of God and spiritually awaken or stay in the dark and stay spiritually asleep. We all have a free will.

I have written this quote before. "In the chapter in which Isaiah prophesies (Not a Manifestation of God but a lesser prophet) that the followers of God in THE LAST DAY will be called by A NEW NAME, he promises also that God will be merciful to HIS ELECT IN THE TIME OF THE END, so that I MAY NOT DESTROY THEM ALL". "The writer goes on to say THE SANDS ARE RUNNING OUT. The die is cast. The battle lines are being formed. WHO WILL BE OF THE ELECT.

The 9th Manifestation of God, Michael has written" that humanity is a spiritual being. Not an animal. If humanities heart is turned toward God and things of the spirit, humanity will be both a nuclear and ethical giant, little less than an angel". If humanities heart is turned toward themselves and the material pleasures of the body, humanity will become a moral dwarf that is more like an animal than a human being. Humanity will be so addicted to the pleasures of of the flesh, that he will not even recognize the spirit. Humanity will instead, ridicule it as fantastic and out of date, when in reality humanity itself is a dead thing. Humanity is a sleep at the wheel. Accidents will happen.

All things are possible the decision is yours. Not too many listening out there. We are presently a global society like never before in our known history that is why it is presently so intense with respect to our spiritual development. Do you really believe that we can go on the way we live as a human race and not be held accountable for our actions. The answers are written in holy scriptures and other prophesies from Turtle Island. Time is short.


RE: Sacred Light Codes

by Gina - 4/20/11 2:51 PM
"The 9th Manifestation of God, Michael has written" that humanity is a spiritual being. Not an animal. If humanities heart is turned toward God and things of the spirit, humanity will be both a nuclear and ethical giant, little less than an angel".
Again I have to agree with you ...or I should better say that
I think the 9th Manifestation of God, Michael is right.
I remember it was written in the Bible Matthew 6:33:
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
The tricky part is to know where to seek for wisdom and to know what is that we have to discover, what's the "destinaton" of our efforts. I mean if we could even imagine what it means to reach the final stage, to have an image of it.
Sorry for sounding so confused.

RE: Sacred Light Codes

by Anonymous - 4/21/11 2:52 AM

The oneness of humanity. One needs to accept the oneness of all 9 Manifestations God that they are delivering the same message accept to a larger audience as humanity populates the earth. To say one Manifestation is greater than another will cause confusion and prevent ones spiritual growth. The 9th Manifestation of God talks about the different stages of spiritual quest which are THE GARDEN OF SEARCH, THE CITY OF LOVE AND RAPTURE, THE CITY OF DIVINE UNITY, THE GARDEN OF WONDERMENT, THE CITY OF ABSOLUTE NOTHINGNESS, THE CITY OF IMMORTALITY AND THE CITY THAT HATH NO NAME OR DESCRIPTION. This particular book has 117 verses. A friend bought this book for me. At the time of purchasing this book he said "I know this book is for Michael". He was and still is a non believer in the messages of spiritual light codes but the book he purchased for me has 117 verses and talks about the Tree of Life. It is very difficult for people to accept new teachings.


RE: Sacred Light Codes

by Laurence - 4/26/11 11:14 AM
Hi! Michael,

It is written in the Book of Revelation that the 9th Manifestation of God, Michael (Also known under the name Baha in his 1863 manifestation) comes back near the end of Times.
Revelation12:7 says: "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,"
As we are getting closer to 12/21/12 (333/9), it is conceivable that the purification process is already started and that Michael (The 9th Manifestation of God) is already amongst us.

In addition to the sacred Light codes of 117/711/171 and 77 you have already mentioned, some numbers are constantly “flashing” at me as if they wanted to tell me a story or showing me the way; those are 127, 227, 22 and 71.
22 is the last chapter of the book of Revelation, Revelation 22:7 says: "Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book".
Those numbers or codes may be showing the path to the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation, this is the Truth I am working on.

With L.O.V.E


RE:Sacred Light Codes

by Tessa - 11/30/14 5:50 AM
I was born on 7/11 I see it all the time I feel like its guiding me. I was searching about the subject and i found this.

RE:Sacred Light Codes

by James - 12/02/17 4:36 AM
I may be late to the game. But my Birthday is 7/7/1992 and I was wondering if anyone ever figured out the 7/7 meaning . VeCaue I seem to have gotten exponentially more aware and merged with god than most that are going through the awakening.

RE: Sacred Light Codes

by Anonymous - 1/25/22 7:12 PM

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