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Seeing 117

by Lukas - 8/10/12 5:55 PM
I literally see the number 117 everywhere: on license plates, in books, on the clock all the time, and me and my girlfriend have been through some rough times and right after those rough times I started seeing the number even more and more and I had a feeling also that God was saying not to lose this girl for some reason I don't understand completely but I'm not going to let her go. I also see this number where my career pathway lies and don't understand that either. Anyways I see this number literally everywhere I go and I would like some help on this. Please.

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RE: Seeing 117

by 117 - 1/13/13 6:15 AM
same here... it started when my friend and I deposited our things in the baggage counter and the number given to us is 117.. and my friend's birthday is 117. from then on everyday I'm always seeing that 117, in the plate numbers, book page, clock and anywhere. And i think it has been 7 years now. A while ago I've seen it 4 times with the plate numbers. Now that I've read the same stories, I'm just thankful that it talks about God and just thinking now that I'm lucky.

RE: Seeing 117

by Anonymous - 2/26/13 8:57 AM
It seems that seeing the number 117 everywhere brings happiness and joy in to ones life. But i am still soooooooo confused on why i see this number EVERYWHERE i think it has something to do with GOD but im to sure yet.

RE: Seeing 117

by Kasia - 5/08/21 2:19 AM
Hello, I'm from Poland and I'm bornagain christian for about 12 years. Been through a lot, rejection, betrayal, divorce, single motherhood, my career didn't work out etc. 4 years ago at work I met someone from Ukraine. After he said 'hi Kasia' i felt as I was drawn towards him, although I didn't think he was my type at first, but strange thing happened and we accidentally met in the work cantine where he asked for my facebook and shortly after he invited me on a date. I knew that if I was going to remarry it should be a bornagain christian as well, so I told him that I couldn't be with someone who doesn't love God. To my surprise he was happy to hear that, since he had been reading Bible for 2 yrs ans looking for a biblical congregation. My son loved him from the first moment. He told me that he loved me and I fell in love and I knew why I had to suffer previous heartbreaks..However things complicated as I had to go still through a divorce process and we crossed the line and didn't wait...That was the beginning of a nightmare of quarrels, breakups and comebacks, etc. I felt so weak, so bonded, I cried out to God for help and I thought He didn't hear. I wanted to get married, he didn't and we were running around in circles which caused a lot of pain, so eventually we broke up last year (June 2020) but this is not the end of this story.. I was born on 17 Nov and this number has always been with me e.g. The house where I was born had nr 11 and after some time they changed it to 17. When I met the father of my son we lived in a hotel on 17th floor. When we got married in Mexico where I lived for about 5 yrs I would see this nr 17 very often and although I had many struggles and pain I felt that God was giving me a sign that I'm in a right track. Eventually because I felt lonely, unloved and mistreated I started crying out to God for answers and I opened NT.. I was raised catholic, but I would come across online teachings and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and started my lonely journey with Holy Spirit. In 2010 I was asking God if I should be babtized once again because I had catholic 'baptism' as newborn baby. About 6 months later another Polish bornagain christian came to Mexico because of the business matters and that was my answered prayer, becaused he told me that the next step after believing is getting babrtized and he told me that he could do it. Shortly after this event my exhusband told me he didn't want to be with me anymore, so I packed my bags and came back to my parents house together with my then 3-year-old son. We attended to a local pentecostal church. Even when I helped them financially, my parents made me feel as if I was a failure, but Jesus was my rock. I prayed for their salvation and first my mom got babtized..however things got worse in our family, so after 2,5 yr separation although previously the only thought about going back to Mexico was making me sick, when my exhusband asked me to reconciliate I agreed and we moved to another city where, I thought, things would get better. Well, they didn't...but this time I was stronger and did my own thing despite his ungodly behaviour. Father God blessed me in so many ways, I was invited to Las Vegas for a weekend by a mexican lady, I met many nice people in Puebla, even found a church near my house. I believed that my husband could finally see the truth, unfortunately I found out he was looking for my replacement on ukrainian website..Enough was enough. There was no remorse whatsoever and it felt like a knive crossed my heart.. I had my ticket back to Poland since we bought 2 way ticket before coming back to Mexico, so once again I packed my bags and came back to my hometown with my son to start everything once again from the scratch. Two christian prophets told me that God would bless me and I would be happy with someone else, but I shouldn't look, he would find me. Long story short, after 2 years of struggles with my parents, renting apartment alone with my son, working full time and raising my son on my own I met this christian man..So imagine the pain that I had when we broke up after 3 years..but half year before the break up strange things happened. I would tell him that nr 17 was haunting me and he told me that he saw 11:11 many times. Once I was listening to a lecture of our pastor's son-in-law regarding biblical numbers and he said 17 stands for victor, overcomer. Ok, so shortly after my bf told me that he started seeing 117 out of no where and I started seeing it too! His bible is russian, I don't know why but Psalm 118 in mine is 117 in his, but it made a lot of sense why God connected us, since 2 months before pandemic we started seeing this nr and for me Psalm 118 was very special during the time of the attack from every side, every country was closing borders and many christians were afraid. That was for sure God's guidance. Whenever I felt miserable and without strenght 117 appeared on paperwork, receipts, licence plates.. I knew that I had to learn to hear the voice of God to survive and I started practicing folliwing it and this nr was like a confirmation that I followed the right voice and right path, along with other confirmations like coincidences, green lights, problems solved etc.. For so many years I didn't even realize that the combination 1117 was in my personal registration nr! I realised that God had planned everything in my life even the day I was born and the countrues I would live and everything I have been through to get me to the point I am in right now. This revelation made me feel I can have victory no matter what people say, what my parents did or did not, what the news say..I just don't care about the circumstances that much anymore. I believe God is in control of my life and whoever believes in Jesus with sincere heart can overcome everything. Moreover..after the breakup I also lost my job..I thought it was the devil intrugue at first, but now I know God was cutting off unnecesary burden of my life to completely trust Him with my future. Although there were many evil attacks and I barely had any money I didn't lack anything, I felt as Elijah in the desert fed by crows...Jezebel was after me and I felt depressed..but God! He tought me how to fight spiritually against everything, put right people on my path, new friendships, new divine connections, new perspective..He told me to keep praying for my prodigal bf, I had many dreams and eventually this man contacted me after 9 months right before a prophetic event I was going to go, he asked me if he could help me and if there were any christian events, so it was another shocking coincidence. If I told you all what I had to go through for the last year and still going through..but in everything we are more than conquerers in Christ who strenghtens us! You can interpret this number by saying it is angel so and so, but eventually this is God Allmighty, the creator of all things through Jesus who has the control over anything, every event, every number and all Glory and praise belongs to Him

RE: Seeing 117

by Anonymous - 6/30/21 6:09 PM
The first time I saw this number was in a dream in 2018 where I was told I would get an annuity. In Jan 16 2019 I won $5000 in the lottery , it was also my moms birthday Jan 17. Every since then I see it in different forms everywhere. 117. 717 711

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