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by 3.14159 - 8/04/19 9:55 AM
For around 2 years now, the numbers 117 and 1117 have been haunting me.

I would say it began unknowingly around November of 2017 (11/17), specifically around and on the 17th where some personally significant events had occurred. I had not noticed this number in any form until January of 2018 rolled around, specifically on January 17th, where the profound feeling associated with this number was solidified. I was suddenly drawn to the clock in my bedroom once it struck 1:17pm. I felt so strangely affected by this sight that I took a photo of it with the double 117, as seen in both time and date. From then on I would see it everywhere, especially at important times/places, be it on clocks, license plates, receipts, paperwork, phone numbers, bar codes, online search results, random facts I would be exposed to, etc. Anywhere there was information involving numbers, it was likely to show itself and make it to the forefront of my mind. A person I became close to at the onset of all this independently began being followed by this exact number at the same time I did and we only found out later. I feel the bond with this person sprung from a similar place that the number came from. Almost like a karmic debt being paid or set of larger lessons being learned. And another important person who was born on 1/17.

Now, I am a firm skeptic when it comes to all matters spiritual, aware of our many cognitive biases as humans, but I tend to interpret seemingly mystical, divine, and paranormal occurrences as extensions of a very tangible reality within our psyches. The complex wiring of each individual is influenced by the influx of chaotic information coming from family, culture, genetics, environment, experience, etc., where the constantly switched-on brain is left to endlessly scramble for meaning, patterns, problems, and solutions. It's a messy and surreal place in there and out here, so it's no wonder we experience what unusual and eerie things we do, be they miraculous or just plain creepy. Symbolism is deeply important to humanity and it takes a lot of self-awareness and external awareness to process the fluid system of information between world and mind in order to know what these illusions, dreams, trends, sightings, beliefs, feelings, and other odd occurrences mean for each of us.

To any other 117-observers, I can offer some of what I have felt it to represent for me. Typical numerological interpretations of 11 see it as a sort of gateway or portal (visually as well, imagine passing through two towering ones), which leads a person into a higher realm as catalyzed by some change or transcendence. I recognize its association with wishes and manifestation, as seen in such things like the make a wish at 11:11 phenomenon, I see that like the merging of or travel between two portals and the amplification of 11 energy. 7 + 1 + 1 = 9 which is a beautiful and sacred number. I carry personal ties to it as well. It is almost like the dark side or hidden side of the 117. 1117 can be seen differently as it adds to 1. 7 is a highly spiritual number, related to luck and disorder/randomness. It is vibrant. To me, it carries what I call "jester energy" - it is an immensely magickal number. I see 117 as a symbol of divine growth towards the inner child, expression of the tarot's fool, towards enlightenment, embodying synchronicity itself, representing chaos as an integral part of the learning process, I see 117 as being a beacon for all things unusual, yet oddly natural. It feels fractalline, cyclic, almost spiralling. It feels like a wink from the universe, reminding me to prevent my soul from dissolving into the muck of mundanity. It reminds me that, like my own non-fitted place in many systems being okay, any disturbances within my ego's imagined systems is actually in its best interest to embrace and capitalize on, rather than fear, suppress, or avoid. In a profound moment once, I had been inspired to write that 117 meant "their voice is yours" - a phrase with many interpretations. All like a dream. It might resonate with others as well. This number has reminded me to really open my eyes and pay attention to the funky little details of existence. To seek higher truth in being authentically myself.

I hope sincerely that what I have shared can inspire or shed light on anyone else who might make it to this site attempting to explain why these digits have crossed paths with people more than once. Our neural spirits do work in mysterious ways.

2 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: Synchronicity

by 3.14159 - 8/04/19 10:00 AM
Right after I posted this, I went to Google to search something I have been wanting to for a few hours now, and I got the chills as the search results said "About 117,000,000 results (0.33 seconds)"


RE: Synchronicity

by Anonymous - 6/07/20 10:27 PM
Angels are trying to get your sttention but your csught up in life and missing the signs. Sliw down focus on your talents and be grateful for what you have and who You really are. Past tragedy has encompesed Your thinking stealing precious time. Why do you feel you've wasted things ir time when your so much more than that? Open your door to your heart. Others don't share your feelings but it's ok. The Angels have You ny Your Hand. Follow them. Let them lead You. Slow down. Wating above patients. Concern above Worrying. You are the key to yourself.

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