Hi God's children! Every time I hear or read about the mark of the beast, I always have the same idea about what the famous mark is. First of all, I would like to point out that I am not an expert in theology. However, despite my research, I have not yet been able to disprove my theory. Maybe one of you can. I have never heard my theory from anyone else. I can't believe I'm the only one who came up with it. Here is my theory of what the mark of the beast is.
In my opinion, the mark of the beast is cash and the beast is the economic system. The arrival of the antichrist will coincide with the merging of the economic system and artificial intelligence.
I believe that the mark of the beast IN and not ON the right hand represents the cash we use and ON THE FRONT represents all our thoughts, strategies, schemes in order to survive without the economic system.
Think about it seriously! What will bring about the end of the world? Cash! Man becomes a real demon when it comes to money. How many people would go to war to defend and protect the economic system? Satan's army? Money can cause and fabricate all prophecies. What does Lucifer want? He wants to buy our soul. Money is the ultimate tool to corrupt. Every dollar is stained with blood, suffering, exploitation, injustice, wars, lies, manipulation, betrayal.
God never spoke of cash.
Jesus chased away the merchants which caused his death.
Everything, absolutely everything, that has to do with cash, whether it is close or far, is wrong. EVERYTHING!
All goods that have been produced by and for cash are the result of human slavery.
What right do we have to take possession of God's creation and profit from it? I thought God gave it to us? To each of us? If so, selling, trading, exchanging, buying are all serious and obvious frauds. These are all actions that are directly against God's will and we should be ashamed.
Cash is by far the most revered thing on earth right now.
Is it not written that Lucifer is the king of the earth? That it is his "property"?
The economic system is invisible but it is everywhere. There are few places where cash does not exist. The economic system deceives and will soon deceive everyone. All economic systems, socialist, communist, capitalist, you name it, are all societal systems that will one day end up in extremism and then collapse.
Why would anyone participate in child trafficking? Why do some occult groups make human sacrifices? Why does someone go and get himself killed in a war he doesn't understand? What is the reason behind all wars? Famines? Inequality? Racism? Violence? Genocide? Disease?
Yes, exactly. The cash
Cash is guilty of 99.9% of our misfortunes.
People can't even imagine a world without cash. Universal gratuity on everything and for everyone.
No more exchanges! Either you keep, or you give, or you share!
The only things that belong to you are your soul, your body, your freedom, your word, your name, and what you use. The rest you make available for others to use. The easiest and fairest way to live is in sharing. Everyone works together so that no one lacks anything. The earth should be a giant garden! Mothers and fathers should be with their children at all times. The school of life. No more lies and manipulation. We are all exhausted.
Money, in all its forms is the mark of the beast and the system is pure evil..and we have seen nothing, imagine when the system we have no control over at all, will control itself! It will be the end of times. We will all have a $ sign in our foreheads and those that don't bring in profits will simply be eliminated and recycled for I'll let you imagine.
We will be cattle, herds managed as we do on our farms. We are too numerous for the system which has undertaken to reduce our numbers in order to make us more controllable. Those who believe in God are at the top of the list for the slaughterhouse.
Tell me I'm wrong. Prove me wrong!
Until then, know that every dollar, every credit card, every item purchased with these tools is the mark of the beast.
It is participating in the deception that will destroy humanity.
You can try to deny it. Pretend not to understand or see.
You can also try to convince God. God and cash are impossible to put together. They are at the opposite extreme of each other.
You know this as well as I do. That is the true mark of the beast.
We are all marked....
Cash= Crypto Currency as this is going to be the principle method of "cash" transactions as we are entering a virtual (counterfit life). So think in terms of people being the bearer of and being used as cash and assigned a value and you use yourself for all transcations. The beast system is being marked and used by Satan as allegiance and controlled both physically and spiritually. When the mark is aquired God departs from a grace and salvation standpoint. Not that you are in error. I just wanted to give more clarity on this.
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Tell me that im wrong
by Francoskills - 7/07/22 9:53 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE:Tell me that im wrong
by Von Whitsett - 9/30/22 9:42 PMRead all 454 comments »
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