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The Fish, 153, and Jesus - possible mathematical proof of astrology and esoteric meaning of the fish

by GodsTruthWar - 10/19/19 8:24 PM
the fish might have more deeper symbology.. notably the clue given by 153 fish brought up on the right side (spiritual) which if combined in the ratio 153:265=SQRT(3) and how it relates to circles divided by 12.

Just some curious thoughts

it is curious that our present day clock has preserved this esoteric knowledge
even to the extent that each day we seem to (not) be reminded of 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night
there doesn't appear to be a good reason to opt for 12x2 instead of 24x1
the clock being round seems to be easily explained by being on a round planet, with time being counted & divided by the turning of a planet.
360 degrees x2 = 720 degrees & 72 is also a sacred number
72 & 720 are mentioned many times in the bible... in some cases they relate to the number of gods
the horizontal line of 153 created by intersecting two circles by 4 HOUSES
the vertical line of 153 created by intersecting two circles by 2 HOUSES
forms what appears to be a cross
the fish symbol is created by intersecting two circles by 2 HOUSES
this is cause for thought,
if John 21:11 is giving us a key to the relation between 12 and circles, one might question its relationship to astrology.
Jesus rarely spoke without mentioning ages, stars, constellations & astrological symbols - sure seems like someone is hiding something.
this is cause for thought,
all branches of the Church Establishment have their roots in Roman Catholicism
and Rome burned everything it could get its hands on, only relenting in producing the present day bible when it was clear the 'cat was out of the bag'
Services were conducted in Latin as to keep the masses ignorant
People were murdered for having copies of the Bible
Rome murdered the Christ in collusion with the Jewish Priest Class
Vatican has long known to be overran with Satanists.
curious how we still religiously follow most of their canon

placed in the context of a possible sun/sirius binary system... the lefthand(path) side of the fish is material, the right side is spiritual... and we have moved from Aries > Pices > Aquarius which - far from being a golden age - is the beginning of 6000 years of darkness - 4000yrs of which will be reigned by 'satan/saturn'/

godstruthwar /gtw/Christ153

3 Replies: Post a Reply

RE:The Fish, 153, and Jesus - possible mathematical proof of astrology and esoteric meaning of the fish

by Chris - 1/25/23 8:47 PM
I am pleased to know that your knowledge is of special importance. On that note I wish to advise you that only those who have been initiated into these truths would understand the meaning of the above esoteric and mathematical proof relevant to the number 153 which in turn is equivalent to the number nine. I will assume that you may wish to continue your studies, and therefore your ability to learn the sacred truth of the symbolism and numerology associated with the Bible. I would like to refer you to an author of ancient wisdom in a book title The secret doctrine. The author's name is Helena blavatsky. I encourage you to research this book diligently, in order that you may be able to grow in your knowledge of esotericism. I will leave you with a quote from the above author"there is no religion higher than the truth".

RE: The Fish, 153, and Jesus - possible mathematical proof of astrology and esoteric meaning of the fish

by Anonymous - 3/26/24 7:01 AM
Helena Blavatsky's writings (Theosophy,) are satanic. Please avoid this. Her writings influenced Hitler, L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology) and other deeply lost souls. For more information, please see GoodFight Ministries online and in videos regarding her deceptive writings. I am praying for you to come to the knowledge of your Creator God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. God cares deeply about you and doesn't wish you to be lost.

RE:The Fish, 153, and Jesus - possible mathematical proof of astrology and esoteric meaning of the fish

by Anonymous - 3/27/24 7:40 AM
Chris, I left you a reply ...

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