While I may understand what the symbol of the fish means on the back of christians' cars,I still don't get why people are using it. In most cases,it is not just a sticker of the fish,per se,but images,GRAVEN IMAGES. Is it not wrong to make an image;whether it be a doll,a bull,a statue or a fish? And then to take that image that God prohibits and ascribe it to God I think is the ultimate insult. I really don't think that I am being too dogmatic. I have been enticed to put one of those fishes on the back of my car, but something deep inside says 'No,no,no!'-a saint.
I think you have a valid point about graven images but they are impossible to avoid now days. It becomes a serious concern when those images are worshiped. If someone wants to identify themselves as a Christian by sticking a piece of shiny plastic to the back of their car so be it. But if you personally question this practice then you should remove your own fish rather than risk a guilty conscience or worse, hypocrisy. Thanks for your input.
RE: Fish god
by Anonymous - 7/03/07 7:25 AM
If heaven is God`s throne and the earth His footstool, do we really need to be displaying a graven image of a fish on the back of our vehicles? Wouldn`t it be far better to let our "light" shine to show people that we believe in Christ? Besides, there is a Philistine deity in the form of a fish called "dagon". That in itself kind of gives me the creeps when I see one of those fish on the back of someones car.
RE: The Fish
by Joanna - 12/26/10 7:19 AM
I understand about your guilt concern, however if we understood about the symbol and why we are using it and the origin of why we come to use it then you would understand that theres no need to feel guilty...guilt would only come if in your heart you are really worshiping the image fish itself and not the real God. You can read about how we came to use this symbol at my other comment
4 Comments for The Fish
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The Fish
by Anonymous - 12/19/03 1:49 AM3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: The Fish
by Anonymous - 12/30/03 9:47 AMRE: Fish god
by Anonymous - 7/03/07 7:25 AMRE: The Fish
by Joanna - 12/26/10 7:19 AMRead all 62 comments »
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