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The worst crash since 1987?

by Judson Pewther - 9/23/19 3:18 PM
I recently found a bunch of English gematria associations suggesting that there will be a big stock market crash in October, 2019. I've been trying to use gematria to predict the stock market for a number of years now. It ain't easy. Gematria is extremely ambiguous; and if there are some correct answers to be found, there are many more wrong answers. Doing this is usually no more than an exercise in "confirmation bias."

Anyway, since I found a suggestion that this will be a spectacular crash like in 1987, I decided to post the prediction here. If it's wrong, it will probably be quickly forgotten. But if it's right, it might attract some interest to this website and the gematria calculator.

Here are some gematria predictions that turned out to be sort of right (even if somewhat exaggerated) in the past:
"The tremendous stock market crash" = 2008
"Predict the stock market crash in October" = 2014
"Predict the bear market in August" = 2015

In 2008 the S&P 500 was going down for the whole year, but it took a more rapid drop of about 35% from the beginning of September through the first part of October. But the crash of 1987 was more spectacular, because most of the action happened in just 4 days, with a 20% drop on the 4th day alone. Then the 'crash' in October of 2014 and the 'bear market' in August 2015 were really just temporary dips of about 10%

So here are a few of the neater wordings I have found with a gematria sum of 2019, suggesting that a big crash will happen in October, 2019. When I put numbers in parentheses ( ) I'm telling you to add in these numbers by hand, since the calculator doesn't recognize them as numbers. For example, when you see "(19)(87)", add 19+87=106 to the sum shown by the gematria calculator. I think that since we say a year number like "1987" as though it were two smaller numbers "19 87", it might be somewhat valid to use the smaller numbers in the gematria:

2019 = is the year of the October crash.
= The great bull market collapse of October
= Predict the worst crash since (19)(87).
= The worst (19)(29) crash on October (22)nd
= Predict the perfect stock market crash of (20)(19).
= Predict the great crash on October (22)nd, Jud.
= The truth of a stock market crash
= The great stock market crash bottom
= The great stock market crash of October (22)nd
= The (987) on October the (22)nd [987 suggests 1987]
= The giant October (22)nd drop on October the (22)nd
= The sudden S and P collapse on October the (22)nd
= Tuesday, October the (22)nd
= 3 * (673) [using an asterisk for multiplication]
= 3 * (Fall on October (22)nd)

One problem with trying to predict the stock market using year numbers is that these numbers are too darned big. There are probably millions or billions of different English wordings that would fit a big number like 2019. But we can also look for hints or corroborations using smaller numbers:

1050 = The stock market in (20)(19)
= The (20)(19) truth
= The sudden crash of (19)(87)
= The stock market bear
= Minimum bottom
= Minimum of October (22)nd
= Bottom on Oct (22)nd, (20)(19)
= A crash bottom Oct (22)

496 = October (22)nd
= Horrible crash
= The miracle of (20)(19)
= The mad panic of (20)(19)
= Satan's lie?

748 = The giant crash of
= October the (22)nd, (20)(19)
= The global (19)(87) collapse

977 = Donald John Trump
= The hero of October (22)nd, (20)(19)
= The crash of October (22)nd

1535 = Predict the stock market crash
535 = October (22)nd, (20)(19)

481 = Predicts
= The crash of
= October (22), (20)(19)

I could go on and on with this, but I'd bore you to tears. Let's wait and see if anything happens on Oct 22. Could another Trump tweet trigger a crash? Trump's trade war? Will it be a Brexit failure?

878 = Pewther
= Crash scientist [my fantasy]

9 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: The worst crash since 1987?

by James Frances - 9/24/19 4:06 AM
Thanks Judson for your post and information. I know this day will come very soon because we're do for another recession, plus the Federal Reserve has given almost 400 billion dollars to the banks in the last few days, and historically when that happens that's a signal for a recession BUT I'll keep my eyes open for the 22nd of October. It will be interesting to see if you happened to catch the day of a major stock market fall. Cheers!

RE: The worst crash since 1987?

by it just might be - 9/24/19 3:22 PM
"crash" in the English Reduction system equals 22

"crash" in the English Sumerian system equals 294

"crash" in the English Ordinal system equals 49

"crash" in the English Gematria system equals 202

RE:The worst crash since 1987?

by Judson Pewther - 9/28/19 9:47 PM
In my first message, I left in this gematria association as a joke:
2019 = Predict the perfect stock market crash of (20)(19).

The funny thing about this wording is that it will work for any year in the 21st century, except maybe the first ten years 2000 to 2009, where it would not be common for people to say the year number as though it were two smaller two-digit numbers. But starting with the year 2010, we can say the year as "20 10" if we like. So, for example,
2010 = Predict the perfect stock market crash of (20)(10).
2011 = Predict the perfect stock market crash of (20)(11).
2012 = etc.

The result is that this sort of wording has no significance at all during this century, except for possibly suggesting that this might be a good century for applying gematria to predicting a stock market crash. But since I gave you one meaningless joke gematria coincidence, here's one that looks better to replace it:
2019 = The perfect stock market crash of October

Notice that just by changing the word "of"=66 to "in"=59 we would get an erroneous prediction:
2012 = The perfect stock market crash in October

The S&P 500 dropped about 2% during October of 2012, but that's very insignificant. No one would call that a "crash". This show how weak and unreliable the evidence of gematria really is. Yet I remain convinced that gematria or other forms of numerology are the road to "counting the number of the beast."

RE: The worst crash since 1987?

by Judson Pewther - 10/23/19 8:43 PM
Well, this crash prediction didn't pan out, as it looks like the S&P 500 was hitting a third, slightly lower peak on Oct 22. If it doesn't go higher right away, and it falls lower instead, this could still be the beginning of a stock market crash.

As usual, I fail to look far enough ahead. So now I notice that the gematria for 2019 also suggests that the crash could extend into November and even December:

2019 = The stock market: the November crash
= The stock market crash in November December

691 = November,(20)(19) [Add in 20+19=39]
= Predicts date
= Date of the crash

193 = December,(20)(19)
= In a panic
= In a falling
= End a falling

But you can't really trust any of this. It's all extremely ambiguous, and there are seeming crash predictions scattered everywhere, if you start looking for them.

RE:The worst crash since 1987?

by Judson Pewther - 10/25/19 3:09 AM
Well, my prediction for Oct 22 turned out to be a complete bust. My first impulse was that I should forever swear off on any attempts to use gematria to predict the stock market. But then I thought, maybe I have overlooked something obvious: if I am going to try to use gematria to predict "the stock market," then perhaps those very words I just quoted should be the main thing I look at. So lets try to fit some major crashes in stock market history to those words:

952 = The stock market
= Biggest October crash
= The great bear drop of (19)(29) [Add in 19+29=48.]
= The American crash drop of (19)(29)
= The big drop October (29), (19)(29)
= Drop down of (19)(29)
= The terrible (19)(87) crash
= October (19)(87) crash drop
= The (20)(08) bear market and crash

But I've been unable to fit a crash prediction for October 2019 into this list. However, amusingly, I found a crash prediction for one month later:

952 = The stock market
= Tremendous in (20)(19)
= The max in (20)(19) ["Max" can be short for "maximum"]
= A November collapse
= Crash in November, (20)(19)
= Beautiful in (20)(20)
= Positive in (20)(20)
= The big crash in October (20)(20)

As someone else pointed out, "crash"=202. So for 2020 we have,
2020 = 10 x (202) = 10 x (crash)

And the November 2019 crash is somewhat corroborated by

691 = November, (20)(19)
= Predicts date
= Date of the crash

2019 = The stock market: the November crash
= The stock market crash in November December

So maybe it will and maybe it won't. I know of no compelling ordinary evidence that it will---although there are various problems: the trade war, tariffs, impeachment, a precipitous fall in manufacturing, another housing bubble, other world economies slowing, etc.

RE: The worst crash since 1987?

by Brad Watson, Miami - 10/28/19 2:41 PM
It's Oct. 28 and no stock market crash. Evil=48=E5+V22+I9+L12. Using the 'Evil=48 Code' of A=49, B50, C51...Z74, Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)"

D52+O63+N62+A49+L60+D52 + T68+R66+U69+M61+P64 = 666

RE: The worst crash since 1987?

by Judson Pewther - 12/20/19 6:16 AM
Well, time is running out for a stock market crash before the end of 2019, and it probably won't happen. The market is currently hitting new highs almost daily. On the other hand, sometimes a sudden big drop follows a big rise. But I know of no respected market analyst who is expecting a big drop right now.

Anyway, I have found some more English gematria suggestions, now for a crash in December. And I'm looking especially at December 23rd, which is this coming Monday:

2019 = Predict the worst crash since (19)(87). [Add in 19+87 = 106]
= The worst crash since (19)(87) on December (23)rd
= Great stock market crash on the (24)th of December
= The greatest great crash at the end of December

1378 = Monday, December the (23)rd, (20)(19)
= The stock market crash drop

1165 = Predict the great crash of
= Monday, December (23)rd, (20)(19)

523 = December the (23)rd, (20)(19)
= Great big crash

608 = The December (20)(19) crash
= Greatest

977 = Donald John Trump
= The great crash of December, (20)(19) [Add in 20+19 = 39]
= The record crash: December (23)rd, (20)(19)
= Date of the minimum
= The crash bottom

But I also had a bunch of gematria associations much like these in support of my previous crash dates for 2019. So it probably won't happen. And if it doesn't happen, I've apparently been barking up the wrong tree by hoping that gematria could help me predict the stock market.

RE:The worst crash since 1987?

by Jason Kiset - 12/20/19 1:39 PM
I) The Great Tribulation has already happened.
II) The next thing to happen regarding PROPHECY is the return of Jesus Christ with the saints to destroy the BEAST, and the FALSE PROPHET.

III) Then Christ rules for a THOUSAND years.

RE: The worst crash since 1987?

by Anonymous - 12/20/19 11:12 PM
Jesus donated $7.77 from a wells Fargo account that had a balance prior to the withdrawal was $8.03. #This donation was made to the Obama 08Campaign. The very next day the stock market opening bell never sounded, first time in History. At the end of the day the Close was down 777points and 7%. #EnglishOrdinal a=1 z=26. #God26 Dog26 the balance in account after the donation was $0.26
#Rev3_7 occured on #Road777 n/e of Flagstaff Arizona 9/26/2007 9+2+6+2+7=26 #AncientKey777 #USGovPermission #ForestService scheduled by weather forecast of calm winds. #FaithfulChurch #CelebrationOfTheSheepBeingSetFree #7Words #777NationsFounding #Freedom #Liberty #Justice 777 #ChristBirthSite #Phoenix #Arizona #America 777. #Rev13_18 #Telephone #Obama 62262 #BirthCertificate #Forgery matches biblical description, peaceprize winner, no peace yet. #Rev20_1
#OrganicFoodChain #Rev20_2
#LeaveFossilFuelsInPit #Poison4Profit #DeceivingAllNations #RedFossilFuelDragon
#Cancer4Profit. #Rev22 #EverlastingGospel #HydrogenFarming #HolyFire #HolyFlame #HolyAshes #HydrogenAshes ⛲ #ChilledGlass111 ⛲ #IceColdGlass109 #RainMakers109 #MileHighClub109 #DeadChurch #SeaBirdFeast109

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