It was Trump rallies and meetings opening up with Prayer, it was not Trump supporters willing and did burn down churches, it was not Trump supporters but the running VP that has threatened to shut down churches if elected, it is out there, do the research, it is hard to find cause the social networks do not want to let all that get out. And it is not Trump nor republicans nor Trump supporters that support and back a marxist communistic movement called BLM, who their leaders have come out and said they are "TRAINED MARXISTS". And communism and christianity are like oil and water, does not mix. so if you call yourself in any definiton of a christian, you need to do some research. I can not stand before God one day and with a clear conscience get behind a pedo(biden) and harris(communist)
I know this is going to rub some of you wrong but it had to be said.
Pure evil is BIDEN/HARRIS
Run their photos through your photo edits. See what the camera brings up. It see’s what most people can’t!
RE: Trump vs biden
by anonymous - 2/14/21 1:21 AM
I completely agree with everything you have said... research is key, but people rather believe fake "news" instead of looking deep into a matter... plus all of this is BEYOND us. The most High God is in total control and it is time for people to repent and turn to Him for salvation before it's too late! pray pray and pray some more! God be with us
RE:Trump vs biden
by Anonymous - 3/27/21 9:18 PM
I cannot believe that God would aid and condone the democrats evil behaviors of abortion and pedophilia. Trump said and continues to ask God to bless America. The dems and radical left will not even stand for the anthem.
RE:Trump vs biden
by Cora - 4/17/21 2:53 PM
Remember God's plan with his Holy Son, Jesus at HIS right hand. Sinless Jesus and the last supper, I feel, IMO, you should familiarze again. We are serfs to the Leftist Regime. There's no stopping this train wreck. It's happening here and right now. There are no Political Parties ruling in Heaven. Keep the (your) Faith!
RE: Trump vs biden
by Anonymous - 5/01/21 6:47 AM
When people are not able be knowledgeable, intellectually analytical, and come out and actually live in the world around them. Then, they become stuck in conspiracy theories. There is a intersection in every human being on the plant.
6 Comments for Trump vs biden
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Trump vs biden
by Anonymous - 11/21/20 7:07 AM5 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Trump vs biden
by Anonymous - 1/21/21 9:25 AMRE: Trump vs biden
by anonymous - 2/14/21 1:21 AMRE:Trump vs biden
by Anonymous - 3/27/21 9:18 PMRE:Trump vs biden
by Cora - 4/17/21 2:53 PMRE: Trump vs biden
by Anonymous - 5/01/21 6:47 AMRead all 136 comments »
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