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Trying to figure out whats going on

by anon - 7/23/15 9:55 AM
9 years ago my father passed away at the age of 35. Before he died my teenage sister at the time was using the Ouija board and it described my fathers soon to come death. It kept repeating the number 35, and from that night until the he passed the number 35 kept showing up. Well a few nights ago she persuaded me to bring it out and use it again. I was horrified at what I saw. The pointer kept pointing towards me, spelling my name and repeating the number 35. Me being the hard headed person I am, I kept asking questions. I was told by the entity we were talking to 35 has something to do with death, and my death. And now I keep seeing signs everywhere

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RE: Trying to figure out whats going on

by Anonymous - 8/01/15 10:16 PM
Refuse to allow a Quija board to set your life destiny. Put your trust and faith in Jesus Christ and not fate.Don't try to figure it out just lean and depend on God He has your life and times in his hand. He doesn't want you to live in fear but in faith. I pray peace and love to you and your family.

RE: Trying to figure out whats going on

by Anonymous - 7/15/18 5:49 AM
Call me. How old are you now? If you think you are going to die at the same time your father did thats a generational curse. With help you can break that curse. Now that you know you can change it for you and your family.

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