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by eliott - 6/08/17 3:39 PM
i'm seeing 17 and 117 everywhere I know there is about something that will happens on the 17 of july this year or perhaps the 11 of july I told people one day in anger that I was invencible because I was the son of god also the number 47 and 74 is involved in my hole live in everything what's is going on i'm I getting crazy I can do nothing at all this number come by every single day it is an message or something please need help

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RE: visions

by Anonymous - 11/15/17 11:21 PM
I see it often too, but I see it in unlikely places!!!

RE: visions

by Anonymous - 3/23/18 1:40 PM
I keep seeing 117 and 17 everywhere too, not looking for it, it keeps turning up. 3-5 times a day For 5 months this has been going on. Always super random too. 21 also is coming up but nothing like 17 and 117. Any explanation would be greatly received.

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