I wil write on him the name of my new god - Revelations 3
The name is Burlik Voln Gharst = 1818
The one who performs miracles = 1818
The consciousness of Jesus = 1818
I have placed before you an opened door - Revelations 3
He one whom lies behind the opened door = 1818
I will write on him the name of the city of my god - Revelations 3
God names the new city, Leiscerbette = 1998
King Yahshua is Voln Gharst = 1998
The key that opens all doors = 1998
The one key that opens the heavens = 1998
The City of Leiscerbette = 1998
I will write on him my new name - Revelations 3
Leiscerbette = 738
Lord Jesus = 738
He who is the Leiscerbettian King = 1818
Leiscerbette = The Swiss Power is Cer.
Cer International sell RFID DEVICES and show ALL SEEING EYE.
Leiscerbette is the All Seeing Eye = 1818
The one who is Isabella = 1212
The one having the key = 1212
Star of Leiscerbette = 1212
Leiscerbettian Keys = 1212
The one who is the Prophetess = 1998
Bella is a Prophetess = 1212
Bella Loves Me = Leiscerbette (738,1206, 123, 1243, 891, 1275)
The city having an Androgynous Name = 2112
Leiscerbette is an Androgynous Name = 2112
City with the Star of Leiscerbette = 2112
He whom settles the Establishment = 2112
"Leiscerbette" is phonetically equivalent to Elizabeth.
In 2012, "Leiscerbette" (Elizabeth) discovered every vision that John described in his Apocalypse illustrated in the mountains of Utah, including the Locust, the Great Harvest, the Beast(s) of Revelation, the Angel with the Key to the Bottomless Pit, the Black Horse (he who sat upon it had a balance in his hand), etc. Each image is 3 miles across and oriented perfectly north/south. Tell your Knights Templars the Apocalypse has been revealed. The promised land to the tribe of JUDAH was hidden in the mountains of Utah, across the sea from Jerusalem, and this has absolutely nothing to do with Mormons. See many of these 3-mile-wide miraculous geologic images at sacredgeology, and you'll understand the truth of John's words.
RE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Thetruth - 6/07/15 12:31 AM
The antichrist is a descendant of a woman named Lieselotte Gharst. She or he is 17 years old
RE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Anonymous - 4/04/17 5:17 AM
RE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Anonymous - 12/23/19 9:36 PM
Lord Lucifer=738
RE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Anonymous - 12/23/19 9:37 PM
Jesus is Lucifer
RE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Diary of a Grim Reaper - 1/10/21 2:18 PM
It's not Utah, Sacred Geology... It's Washington State. All these things are found there.
8 Comments for Waiting or Eighteen?
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Waiting or Eighteen?
by Burlik Voln Gharst - 3/04/10 3:32 AM7 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Waiting or Eighteen?
by 1110 SPJ - 11/17/11 3:57 PMRE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Sacred Geology - 7/15/13 12:18 PMRE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Thetruth - 6/07/15 12:31 AMRE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Anonymous - 4/04/17 5:17 AMRE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Anonymous - 12/23/19 9:36 PMRE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Anonymous - 12/23/19 9:37 PMRE:Waiting or Eighteen?
by Diary of a Grim Reaper - 1/10/21 2:18 PMRead all 94 comments »
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