This Awareness indicates that there is also another action here. It is a way by which many of the troops of the United States can be sent out of the country at an appropriate time to allow the UN forces that are in the country to have greater control of the masses if an emergency comes about requiring martial law to be initiated in various cities with troops involved.
This Awareness indicates that it is coupled with other spots of the world wherein if they can choose they can send most of the standing army out of the United States to these troubled spots and therefore leave the population unprotected from internal controls set up by the UN forces, if that becomes a necessity. This Awareness indicates it is also a way by which many of the new methods of subjugating and controlling a country can be tested. Thus, there will be many new projects, weapons and methods involved in the action of an invasion if such occurs.
Laws and more laws
This Awareness indicates that it is all part of the New World Order in its effort to smother the freedoms of individuals so that regardless of what entities do, even if they sit and do nothing, they are likely to be breaking a law of some kind, and therefore, with so many laws, anyone can be picked up for some reason or another if that becomes politically desired. In other words, many of these laws are simply being created when desired, not because someone broke a serious law, but because someone should be picked up for some political reason and there is a law that applies that allows him or her to be picked up, to be arrested.
A few Elite Mattoids ( Matto in Latin - Crazy )
This Awareness indicates there a re a few elite people who have chosen to make war on the masses. These entities look down upon the masses as though they were less than human. They look upon them as though they were livestock, or subhuman creatures, and they see themselves as being almost god-like, not in terms of compassion or humanitarian (qualities) but in terms of power, and they do not see the killing of people as any consequence. They simply see the end results they want to bring about: a decline in the world population, a considerable decline; a slave force to help work as is necessary, and their own increasing wealth and increasing power in the game of life.
This Awareness indicates they are willing to use all of the technologies including biological warfare, genetic engineering, electronic surveillance, all of the military technologies and all of the economic controls and uses that are available to them to help to bring about what they call the New World Order (Global Governance), in which they see themselves as being part of the great leadership of this new world. This awareness indicates they are essentially mad, and totally lacking in normal human compassion, and think of themselves as elite. Trudeau for example believes like a programmed defective robot that he ultimately will be successful by following his WEF masters and their agenda. He is retarded. Biden is beyond broken and still continues fumbling around like a lost old goat. It is astonishing how long it takes for the masses to wake up from their programming. This is why the masses are thought of as sheep.
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WEF the US +++ and the invisible controllers
by 12 - 8/11/23 12:29 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
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