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why must it be a microchip?

by Anonymous - 10/13/12 2:14 PM
When I go to an amusement park I pay one price and get a stamp on my hand, now this stamp allows me to exit and re-enter the park without having to pay again and it also allows to make purchases within the park. Now the stamp does not replace currency I have to use to make purchases but if I do not have the stamp then I cannot make purchases. And that is what it says in (Rev_13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.) It says no one will have purchasing power, it does not say that this mark will replace currencies because it mentions 3 options not just one. So if I do not show my mark I would not be allowed to even enter the store to make purchases. I think too many people jump on the idea it must involve high tech and I just do not think it has to be that complicated. In my opinion, I think it will be as it is in amusement parks except on global scale.

4 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: why must it be a microchip?

by Anonymous - 12/07/19 10:02 AM
Do not accept the mark. Stand for the Lord Jesus Christ. If you deny him in this life, he will deny you when you get to heaven. Let your yes be yes and your no no.

RE: why must it be a microchip?

by Anonymous - 3/31/20 6:00 AM

RE:why must it be a microchip?

by Verna - 4/08/20 6:10 AM
I gave it some thought and I agree with you. But I also believe that the chip will also be involved as a way of keeping track of people in everything, rendering them powerless. Look what's just happened to churches around the world, doors are closed. People can't congregate to pray... because there is Power in Prayer.

RE:why must it be a microchip?

by Anonymous - 5/05/20 4:47 PM
It will be implemented to further the rich men of the the earth 666 to buy food or your job all aspects of our life's.The

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