Hey fundamentalists there!
Do you not WORSHIP money? Whose figure is marked on the dirty face of MONEY or a Coin? Do you carry them in your pockets or wallets? If not to keep or carry graven images, why you fools do that, and pointing fingers at catholics all the time?! Look first your own faces in the mirror and pass comments against the Universal Church of Christ! Were Lutherans,Baptists,El-sadais,Pentecostal,Jehovah Witnesses churches there during 1st century?If not who are you to boast like you are above the Universal Church (Catholic).You are the pieces broken out from the Catholic Faith only. So learn to honor your forefathers o.k.? If you do not know yourselves, how can you know others? Images kept by catholics are only the means to communicate the Truth that's all!We don't ever worship the images in place of God, Christ...Do you understand now?! Can you throw your money out in the river and live without that graven money with you? For Christ has said, give what Caesar owns to Caesar,and God's to God.Do you all use the pictures or enblems of the HOLY SPIRIT? or CROSS? Those are all graven by human hands....!Kindly throw them out now itself otherwise you are WORSHIPING them alright???????!!!!!NEVER TRY TO MISJUDGE YOUR CHRISTIAN BRETHREN LIKE THIS.For Christ says, you will be judged as you judge your brethren.Don't ever think that you are THE ORIGINAL FAITH possessers on this earth.OUR CHURCH FOUNDER IS CHRIST HIMSELF...NOT THE POPE OR PETER.They are the only Representatives of Christ, as YOU are...in the form of a Servant!!!O.K.????!!!
The root of all Christianity is Catholicism. All points to Rome its a historical fact.
RE: worshiping the images (fish?)
by Anonymous - 8/20/10 11:27 AM
Roman Catholicism as we know it today was established during the 4th century largely by Constantine I. The word Catholic, literally meaning "universal", was used much earlier than that but not in the same sense that it's used today. As the original post said, Christ is the root of all Christianity.
RE: worshiping the images (fish?)
by Anonymous - 8/26/10 1:36 AM
It really doesn't matter Catholic and Christians are all of the same root. There the same package with a different name on the same package.
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worshiping the images (fish?)
by Mike - 7/24/10 4:18 AM3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: worshiping the images (fish?)
by Anonymous - 8/20/10 1:18 AMRE: worshiping the images (fish?)
by Anonymous - 8/20/10 11:27 AMRE: worshiping the images (fish?)
by Anonymous - 8/26/10 1:36 AMRead all 62 comments »
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