4 Comments for Yeshua HaMashiach or Jesus Christ = 2368 [English Gematria]

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Yeshua HaMashiach or Jesus Christ = 2368 [English Gematria]

by JTP - 12/05/22 7:49 PM
If I'm not mistaken, it's a well known fact that "Jesus Christ" written in Biblical Greek has a sum of 2368. So the gematria I show in the title above sort of corroborates that, although I'm not sure whether "Yeshua HaMashiach" is a standard English spelling of Hebrew words meaning, "Jesus, the Messiah."

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RE: Yeshua HaMashiach or Jesus Christ = 2368 [English Gematria]

by JTP - 12/05/22 8:50 PM
After a bit of checking on the Web, "Yeshua Hamashiach" seems to a pretty standard way of rendering the Hebrew into English. And by the way, if you search for those words using a popular search engine that starts with "G", you'll find a music video that I personally find very inspiring.

RE: Yeshua HaMashiach or Jesus Christ = 2368 [English Gematria]

by JTP - 12/20/22 3:19 AM
It's easy to see whether a number is divisible by 2 (without remainder) just by looking at the last digit. If it is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8, the original number is divisible by 2. So I started out with 2368 entered into my pocket calculator, and was slightly surprised that I could divide by 2 six times, bringing the result down to 37. But the next to last result of 74 is especially interesting, because by English Ordinal gematria with A=1 to Z=26:

74 = Jesus = IESVS = Messiah = Ruler = The King = Cross = Gospel = Am holy

So, 2368 = 2x2x2x2x2 x 74, and we see that 2368 is in perfect harmony with 74. In fact, in music, when one frequency or wavelength is exactly twice that of another, we say these two frequencies are an "octave" apart. And being separated by exactly an octave makes two notes especially harmonious. So if 74 and 2368 were two musical frequencies, we could say that 2368 is exactly 5 octaves above 74, because you multiply by 2 five times to get 2368. And whatever note that is, it is regarded as the same note five octaves higher. I.e., five octaves above an "A" is still called an "A". etc.

Of course, if you descend yet another octave down to 37 = Hell = Hades, it looks like you may have descended too far, and you may want to get out of there--ha ha. But descending from 2368 down to 74 seems safe enough.

My main point is simply that the English Ordinal value of "Jesus" and related words is in perfect harmony with the Greek Isopsephy value of 2368 for "Iesous Christos". This adds just a little to my confidence in English Ordinal as a valid system of gematria.

RE: Yeshua HaMashiach or Jesus Christ = 2368 [English Gematria]

by JTP - 12/26/22 5:55 AM
I found a tone generator site that is amazingly appropriate (appropriate=666) for showing you exactly what I was talking about in my previous reply. I can't give you a link, but just search for "szynalski tone generator" (but without the quotation marks). You'll also need a decent sound system or headphones. Once you get to the site, just move the main slider to the left, until the main number below the slide bar reads "37 Hz". ("Hz" is an abbreviation for "Hertz", which is just a fancy name for "cycles per second.") Now hit the "Play" button, if you haven't already, and you'll hear a 37 Hz sine wave sound. If the sound is too loud, you can turn it down using the small slider below.

Remember, 37 is the Ordinal Gematria number for "hell" or "hades", but also "a child" and "being". Now put your cursor over the "x2" button to the right of the "37 Hz" number, and you should see a little message that says, "+1 octave (frequency x 2)". Now click on this button to multiply the 37 Hz frequency by 2, taking the sound 1 octave higher, up to 74 Hz. And remember that 74 is the Ordinal value for "Jesus", "Messiah," etc. Clicking on the "x2" button again takes the frequency up to 148 Hz, and 148 is the Ordinal value of "the Trinity". Clicking on the "x2" button 4 more times takes the frequency 4 more octaves higher up to 2368 Hz, and 2368 is the Biblical Greek isopsephy sum for "Iesous Christos" and the English Gematria sum for "Yeshua HaMashiach or Jesus Christ".

This progression of octaves is not a proof that gematria numbers are like sound vibrations, but there is a strong suggestion to that effect. And since the particular sequence of octaves I'm pointing to starts with 37=hell=hades, there is some confirmation that 37 is like a very low frequency, rather than a very small wavelength (very high frequency).

If there is anyone out there reading this message who is into computer programming and also electronics, it could be interesting to write programs which could convert any text into gematria numbers, and then into a sequence of musical tones. One could try converting each letter into a tone, or try converting each word to a tone. Perhaps make the length of the tone correspond to the length of a word. Many things could be tried out. Would you find that some text samples (like from the Bible) were very musical, and others were not? Would the original Greek New Testament seem more musical than modern English translations? How about the Revelation? Or would it all seem like random noise?

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