Evolution, Darwin, and Intelligent Design News 
- Ancient serpent shows its leg
- China finds 100,000-year-old human skull
- Kenyan Fossils May Add New Branch to Human Family Tree
- Creation Museum - Adam and Eve in the Land of the Dinosaurs
- Pope says evolution can't be proven
- Ancient human unearthed in China
- 'Who's Who' list challenging Darwin grows
- Stunning documentary links Darwin, Hitler
- Teaching Darwin splits Pennsylvania town
- Battle on Teaching Evolution Sharpens
- US scientists battle over anti-Darwin 'Intelligent design' theory
- Scientists create petrified wood in days
- A Fiery Death for Dinosaurs?
- Dinosaur death theory 'just a myth'
- Ancient animal could be human-ape ancestor
- The Crusade Against Evolution
- In Evolutionary Race, Humans Went the Extra Mile, Study Says
- Scientists Create Cross-Species Birds
- Darwin's finches at risk