Technology News 
- To fight deflation, abolish cash. Could Japan make reality of ‘science fiction’?
- Xega Creates Human Tracking Chip
- Every child in school numbered for life
- Humans 'will be implanted with microchips'
- Microchips Everywhere: a Future Vision
- FBI Prepares Vast Database Of Biometrics
- Employee microchip tracking bill discussed
- Ultra-Dense Optical Storage - On One Photon
- Electronic Tags Used to Track Immigrants
- VeriChip broadens RFID dogtag options
- RFID Bracelets to Track Inmates in L.A. County
- Brit License Plates Get Chipped
- 'Health Chips' Could Help Patients in US
- Chip implant makes its debut at VIP British club
- Implant chip to identify the dead
- Germany Clears Biometric Passports Plan
- States to test ID chips on foreign visitors
- Police Chief gets chip implant
- This chip makes sure you always buy your round
- When Cash Is Only Skin Deep
- Euro notes may be radio tagged
- Big brother or the mark of the beast?
- Supermarket: Let your fingers do the paying
- Implanting Hope
- Mandatory Student ID Cards Contain RFIDs
- Noted Security and Privacy Expert Implanted with VeriChip
- RFID Used to Tag Cadavers at University of California
- A Future With Nowhere to Hide?
- VeriSign Plans RFID Security Enhancements
- National ID Card Rules Unveiled
- Paying for drinks with wave of the hand
- Implantable human tracking chip launched
- GPS implant makes debut
- Florida Firm Seeks to Microchip Americans
- Applied creates 'subdermal GPS' prototype
- Implantable Chip, On Sale Now
- Family implanted with computer chips
- Vatican Library adopts RFID
- RFID They're Already Following You
- Biometric Passports: Not Ready for Prime Time
- Radio tags face hurdles, deadlines
- Euro Scheme Makes Money Talk
- New ink may have the power to talk
- Skin used to transmit key data
- Using our bodies as a power source: the Matrix begins
- Microsoft patents a method to transmit data and power over the human body
- Ridge Says U.S., EU Should Pioneer Biometrics
- Point-'n'-Shoot Sound Makes Waves
- U.S. Develops Urban Surveillance System
- We Know Where You Live - The Death Of Privacy Online
- Japan school kids to be tagged with RFID chips
- Japan Plans GPS Tracking System for Kids
- Pocket tracker monitors children
- Schoolchildren to be RFID-chipped
- Moscow children ordered to wear ID tags
- Ohio to track prisoners with radio tags
- Surgical tags plan for sex offenders
- RFID chips headed for hospitals?
- Yes, You Are Being Watched
- Chip Implanted in Mexico Judicial Workers
- The latest fashion must-have: eyeball jewellery
- Implant may help blind to see
- Replace your mouse with your eye
- Israeli processor computes at speed of light
- World's fastest computer simulates earth
- FDA green-lights Cyberkinetics' brain implant trial
- Scientists Gingerly Tap Into Brain's Power
- Microsoft Creating Virtual Brain
- America bids to become net watchdog
- Smart tiles add reality to virtual worlds
- UK ID cards civic dream or Orwellian nightmare
- Belgium plans digital ID cards
- Plastic money enters world wallets
- Sun pushes biometric security to banks
- Big Brother's Passport to Pry
- JFK first to use eye-scans on employees
- US deploys satellite jamming system
- Space Is Playing Field For Newest War Game
- Verichip RFID Implant Hacked
- Hospital to Test ID Chip in Patients
- Deal forged to equip VeriChip with GPS
- Facing the future with a chip in the shoulder
- GPS-enabled school uniforms hit Japan
- Patients, doctors staying away from implantable RFID chips