510 Comments for Microchip implants, 666, Chi-Xi-Stigma, Charagma, Epi
Comment on Microchip implants, 666, Chi-Xi-Stigma, Charagma, Epi
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts
by J - 3/20/25 1:18 AM
i see you all here, in panic and fear and fervor. and i am left awestruck at it. i have yet to see but one to acknowledge the one sin that cannot be forgiven, the sin of severance. or what you would all understand as the rejection of Jesus Christ.
there are things in this world that should not be named and yet are done. things that are given reverance that are clear filth. and there are things that are hidden by those who think it best to keep it hidden from you for there own sake, when in truth the only one it helps is you. you think that all of these forems are left up by negligence?
no, they want you decived by witchcraft and magic by other names, "vibrations", "numerology". yes there is danger to be found in these kinds of things that are said here in these forems, for exsample, a certain company that likes to put a certain letter in all of their branding... XXX... as you all said "X=6"
or close enough. although i myself do not think on the "magic" of numbers i look at what others say and of their... more...
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six". Revelation 13:3
Note 13th Chapter Third Month 3.22/13)
RE: Interesting Numerology on Revelation 13 vs 16 to 18
by Anonymous - 11/10/23 12:24 PM
Take any number and apply this mathematical paradigm and you will only get one of the following 3 results. 333, 666 or 999.
Here you can do this in Excel.
Put a list of random numbers in column A
On the first row enter the following formulas.
In column B enter: 666
In column C enter: =SUM(A1*B1) This produces the first large number
In column D enter: =INT(C1/1000) This produces the first 1/2 of the number
In Column E enter: =MOD(C1,1000) This produces the last 1/2 of the number
In Column F enter: =SUM(D1+E1) This produces the value when added together.
YOUR OWN NAME, has a 1-in-3 chance of being equal to 666, with this method.
Chi - Xi - Stigma or 666 looks like the word SEX upside down.
by Mike - 9/14/11 1:00 AM
"Chi - Xi - Stigma. The numeric values of these three Greek letters add up to 666." Chi-Xi-Stigma looks like the word SEX reading bottom up. It is interesting that the word SEX, has dominated male female intercourse.
666 = SEX = Anti-Christian moral behavior. ... Interesting. SEX and SIX sound the similar. Interesting that six is the average length of the male phallus.
RE:Chi - Xi - Stigma or 666 looks like the word SEX upside down.
by Anonymous - 11/17/22 5:17 AM
the comment from june 30 2018 is correct. and. if a faith leader ought to have one wife. so much more will the 144,000, and, in a David and Jonathan sort of manner, and which said comment's, opposition, only kind of, mentioned; will rule. And. "Kind of" like, David and Jonathan, were, to have, ruled.
RE:Chi - Xi - Stigma or 666 looks like the word SEX upside down.
by Anonymous - 7/17/23 9:36 PM
Sex upside down is just what we are seeing nowadays, sexuality turned upside down!! it could mean homosexuality, all the lgbtq agenda!
I came up with these exact same conclusions. Yet there is also more.
The word “device”, which is what we call our phones or smart watch, could also be a chip, comes from the old French word “devic” which means mark. It was a symbol on a sheild of a soldier to show which side he was on.
Also. If you look up the number 666, as being the number of man or men, in the Bible, you come to the scripture in Ezra 2:13.
The verse mentions to name Adonikam, which means “the Lord has risen” or the lord of rising.
Which Lord is this referring to, Christ or the antichrist.
It also interesting to note tha name of the man that brought Adoniikam back to Jerusalem.
His name was Zerababbel which means “descended, or born in Babylon “
There was another link to a prophecy that Jesus gave about the last days, where the word “charax” which charagma comes from.
(Strongs 5482)
It means to sharpen to a point, through the idea of scratching, a stake, a palisade or ramparts, a trench
It is used only once... more...
I agree that the mark of the beast will involve the implanting of microchips. Elon Musk’s Neuralink is just such an implantable microchip. Even though it’s implanted in the top of the head, it’s designed to control thought and behavioral processes in the frontal lobe region of the brain where these key executive functions occur. Elon Musk envisions the use of his Neuralink not only for those severely paralyzed or suffer other serious physical and mental problems. He advocates its use in healthy people as a brain computer interface to merge the human mind with artificial intelligence (AI) in order to prevent the AI from destroying humanity in what’s called the “singularity” a time when AI becomes godlike with vastly superior intelligence to humans. The hope is that this godlike AI will give humans that are Neuralinked to it godlike super intelligence as well as immortality and usher in a utopian society. These Sci Fi fantasies come from the minds of atheist computer scientists such as Ray Kurzweil... more...
Sure 21 Die Propheten, Vers 91 Und (weiter Maria) die sich keusch hielt. Da bliesen wir ihr Geist von uns ein und machten sie und ihren Sohn zu einem Zeichen für die Menschen in aller Welt (al-`aalamuun).
In einer anderen Übersetzung steht für "Zeichen" Wunderzeichen. Wie wäre es denn, wenn da "Malzeichen" stände?
Dieses Zeichen - das Kreuz - haben alle angenommen wegen dem Jesus.
Im Buche des Propheten Sacharja in der Bibel steht aber zu lesen, dass es der HERR (also Gott der HERR) selbst gewesen wäre, der gekreuzigt worden ist:
"Aber über das Haus David und über die Einwohner von Jerusalem will ich ausgießen den Geist der Gnade und des Gebets, und sie werden auf mich sehen, den sie durchstochen haben, und sie werden um ihn klagen, wie man klagt um ein einziges Kind, und sie werden bitterlich über ihn weinen, wie man bitterlich weint über einen Erstgeborenen." (Sacharja 12:10)
Wenn es also Gott der HERR selbst gewesen ist, den sie durchbohrt (gekreuzigt) haben, wie kann es sich aber dann dabei um seinen Sohn gehandelt haben?
because the father and the son are the same Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 30
choice for evolution
by Joseph A. Sprute (616) - 9/25/22 5:48 AM
both the palm and the brow contain information about your beastly proclivities. however, the technical cipher of that data remains a dependent clause #hand vs head takes technology in a specific biometric path
Whose beastly proclivities?! You aren't attacking 'me' but Scripture & need to repent. None of us are perfect, myself included. However, what was shared was NOT conjecture but fact.
Yuchanon's vision was given to him by the Most High and YAHUAH will not be mocked.
Chi Xi Stigma identifies Iesous Christos to the exclusion of any other. JC is the counterfeit created by Constantine.
I would have included links to support everything stated, however the notice posted on this website states that ALL links (and email addresses) will be removed.
666 is in hebrew or aramaic and is 400+200+60+6=trso witch is pronounced= TARSO its in today turkey and its the birth and liveing place of paul of tarsus=apostle paul
Actually in my old hebrew /greek interlined, there are symbols and I have seen these symbols on the Catholic christ abominations. Some one wanted to buy my interlined from me
Missing The 'MARK'!!!
by Whutzit2U - 9/11/22 6:34 PM
? is pronounced like: Chee
? is pronounced as: Zz
Stigma is pronounced as: Ss
Put it together: CheeZss. Cheezus or JESUS!!
Yuchanon specified this false Messiah by the SYMBOLS ? ? S which identifies Iesous Christos or Jesus Christ! Christianity is the false doctrine, created by the Council of Nicea (research Niceaen Deception)! Regardless of any microchip or nanotech to control humanity, it's not the 'mark' which is the ? or ? and not being able to buy or sell, save them that had the 'X' has already happened!! And your emblem that contains the pagan ? is symbolic of Tammuz/Apollo! Christianity IS the Great Deception! It is a counterfeit! Esus is a Druid pagan deity and Christos is derived from Krishna! Yahusha came in his Father's name (YHUH)& people rejected him. He told that another would come in his own name & that people would accept him. Jesus is that man of perdition! Yahusha in Hebrew means: Salvation in YaHUaH, whereas Jesus translates to mean, Hail Zeus (Iesous). Get rid of your English version Bibles and read a Restored Name: YAHUAH BIBLE or HalleluYah Scriptures.
I agree. I cannot stand the name......s but love Yahuah and Yahusha.Further more there was no j in the Greek or hebrew alphabet and there is not just in the hebrew alphabet today. Yahusha came in HIS Fathers Name Yahuah.
How can that put in the forehead.? While today they will make you choose vxx card that is if you vxxcinated or RTPCR test swab in the nostrils going to your blood brain barrier as advises by WHO with a serpent symple across the globe.All nations ehh.Or else you cannot travel,enroll in school or work.And even do govt.transactions.
Several things are clearly evident in these last days if you know your bibles. One is that Barack Obama is fulfilling all the major scriptures of the Son of Perdition and is rising to his final role of Antichrist. Obamacare is the Establishment of the Mark of the Beast system thru worldwide socialized healthcare. While the Bush administration classified the RFID chip they call the Patient Identifier as a Medical Device, the Obama Administration had the SEC give it financial ability meaning you can buy and sell with it. Notice they call it an identifier. Not only does Obama have a system he wants to set up as worldwide and is using the Health Codes from the World Health Organization at the United Nations but they are also set up already to implant the chip into the right hand or forehead. The Solo Healthcare machines and other healthcare machines on the pharmacies floors and walmarts have a scanner at knee height on the right hand side to scan a chip implant from the right hand. Then there is a little... more...
Theres not just one anti Hamachiac "Christ/Annointed" theres many, both small and great. Anybody who is anti messiah is an anti Hamachiac. Anti is to go against. The socalled Christian's of today are foolish, they dont understand the Holy Biblios whatsoever, the only ones whom will fully understand it; are Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi's Goly Elect. The rest of the world is blinded, and they shalt be put to death. The Most High One True Living Power's "whom the world ignorantly calls GOD"name is YAHAWAH and His only begotten Son "whom the world ignorantly call jesus" is YAHAWASHI. the LORD is a Hebrew, and these names are derived from Paleo Hebrew. Plain and simple
RE: Antichrist Obama and the mark of the Beast.
by Anonymous - 12/24/21 11:59 PM
Is Barach Obama an Assyrian (13 times Antichrist is called The Assyrian (Micah 5:5, Isaiah 10, 30, 31, etc.)). Is Barack Obama from one of the 4 kingdoms that Alexander the Greats Empire was split into (See Daniel 2 and Daniel 8) Stop this nonsense and read your Bible before you post.
Trying to grasp the idea of the mark but i have to disagree and stand by the idea that the word still is correct in the interpretation of being "on" or in the greek it is "epi". The mark doesn't necessarily have to be something injected as the idea of "quantum dot tattoo" would be sufficient to place a mark without injecting anything such as a chip.
The other questionable comment relates to your quoting Amos' you type, "we should in no way desire or try to hasten them". Have to take scripture in light of scripture and God does not contradict himself, we may not understand it but if you read 2 Peter 3:11-12a, "Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God"
Or how about the individual used by God to write the book of Revelation, "He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”
Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"
The reality is we desire the return of Yeshua as we see a world in turmoil and yes as the seals, trumpets and bowls are 'released' upon the world the evil's that will befall are nothing to rejoice at in one sense but at the same time i pray that Jesus Christ comes quickly and soon.
I didn't take the vax. I trust nothing from these... intities. I know that they want to tamper with my DNA. The only reason there was an Ark with "people" on it is because their DNA hand not been tampered with.
Was the prophecy fulfilled? How about the pictographic meaning of the letters?
by Edwin - 1/09/22 7:57 PM
Considering that:
???? could be translated as arm (wiktionary)
And ?????? could be translated, as: "able"(wiktionary). Also, that ??????? is literally: "to be in (???????)" or to frequent it(wiktionary); and ??????? is "street, forum, square", according to Strong's Dictionary.
And finally that ???, is: appreciate, have, ... etc, according to Strong's Dictionary
It would also have this meaning in Rev13:16 :
RE:Was the prophecy fulfilled? How about the pictographic meaning of the letters?
by Edwin - 1/09/22 8:57 PM
Oh, I see that the Greek letters are not visible ...
Well, about the pictographic meaning of the 2 Greek letters ...
In ancient Greek, the Xi is equivalent to Samech or the Hebrew Shin, which means grab or sharp in the pictographic alphabet of the Phoenician languages of which they are part
And for Chi there are two options too: Either it is the Hebrew Kafh or Tav and if it is the Kafh then it would mean tame OR control
And if it's the Tav then it means brand
But considering that Stig-Ma already implies charagma, then Kafh seems to be correct, and its sound is similar
Then you would have: Control, grab or sharp, Stig-Ma
Sorry abut my nt very good english...
Mark of The Beast - Rev.13
by Anonymous - 12/29/21 9:34 AM
6 is the number for man and there are 3 of them. 3 is the number of God. God is PERFECTLY GOOD. This 666 = PERFECTLY EVIL MAN.
This mark does not come to be available to be taken UNTIL AFTER the Antichrist is reveled and in the middle of tribulation RECOVERS from being killed (rev.13:3). At which point the demon that gave power to Alexander The Great enters him (Rev.13:2 - leopard, Rev.17:8) and he stands up and his total personality is changed.
I see MUCH is not understood about the 'End Times" here as there is so much in the Old Testament and New Testament concerning it and what will happen. You have to put it all together properly. Book of Revelation is written to the Church (rev.1:4) and not to the Jews. The Jews have their own books (more than one) of Revelation in the Old Testament.
uSA is not 666 uSA, but can be aruged to be Mystery Babylon. Mystery Babylon will be destroyed by Anichrist in the beggining of the last 42 months before the Millenium Kingdom (Revelation 17:16)
Retina Scans
by C. Campos - 7/30/17 7:38 PM
Retina scans are part of the mark. It said the mark would be in the rifht hand or forehead....
The eyeballs are pretty much in the forehead. RFID chip plus Retina Scan and you have your mark.
Retina is not given by the beast. He is not casing everyone to have a retina in their forehead. Retina is created by God. Mark of the beast is a form of branding done by adding something to the body that can be monitored.
mark is chip?
by Lisha - 4/11/20 1:00 PM
Since Islam has clearly identified itself as the beast, and in order for the beast to rule, chaos and destruction comes, does it make sense for the electronics to even be able to function ona widespread basis?
You make a good point, All the seals, trumpets, and bowls basically destroys a lot of things on earth. I'm having a hard time agreeing that the NWO is going to sit and control us all in the cloud. I simply don't think Internet will work much for good parts of the tribulation.
Using the English Babylon.
So many leaders of nations are either 666 or 888 right now it is shocking. “Kamal Harris” “B Netanyahu” “Emmanuel Macron” “Donald J Trump” “Hassan Rouhani” - the odds of this are astronomically low.
If the mark, a “vaccination” (666) is needed to buy and sell, we are hosed. Pilots, police, firemen, physicians, teachers etc sell their labor for their daily bread. They are even now being forced to take the mark and show proof, a card in their hand. They must submit to something that is not God. This is bad.
All the stuff about charagma etc makes perfect sense.
I can guarantee you that 666 is not as easy as simply adding the number values of the letters of their names. You will get 300 people that in one language or another adds to 666. The book of revelation would not have told you it requires wisdom and understanding if it was that easy. Besides, the Bible already told yo 13 times the Antichrist is Assyrian and Daniel told you that he will rise from one of the for Kingdoms the Empires of Alexander The Great split into. (Se Daniel 8 and Daniel 2) So why are yo looking or an American or European Antichrist? America is Mystery Babylon and will be destroyed by Antichrists (Revelation 17:16)
by Bro Danny - 3/07/11 6:15 PM
Let us be cautious not to consider other mark possibilities, for they are out there. Also, be advised that those who are saved will NOT participate in the mark as they will be Raptured prior to the beast identifying himself. I speculate that we are being conditioned to accept the possibility of aliens or life in outer space. This is the vehicle that Satan will use (after the Rapture) to unite a chaotic and lost world. He will use the premise that visitors from space have taken your loved ones away. Be aware that once the Rapture occurs and you are left behind, it will be impossible for you to remember what you have previously heard pertaining to salvation. The Word tells us that a delusion will overcome the world and my point here is; that if you think you can wait until the Rapture happens and then accept Christ because you now truly know that God exists... well, it'll be too late. The end time signs are out there, let the Holy Spirit open your eyes. Amen.
So sad to see that you have such a bad interpretation of all things Rapture and the End Times...not a single verse eh? Well lets take one verse that should end that argument forever (2nd Thess. 2:3)...see that word 'apostasy?'...totally wrong when you review the ancient Greek, verses the Strongs Concordance.
The actual term used there was NEVER 'apostasia' which does mean in English, 'apostasy.' BUT THEN which apostasy must come first?
So-called Christians have been apostasizing for 2000 yrs...so that doesnt even make sense in this verse (2 Thess 2:3).
Now the actual original term used was APO (and) STASIA, two words, not not one word. So what you say?
Well, lets see...Let's start with word one, "APO": to BE TAKEN AWAY, violently and/or unexpectedly, much like the actions taken by a very professional pickpocket (actions much like a "professional thief"); now for word two, "STASIA":it means taken from a VERY SPECIFIC PLACE on the Earth, like from a GRAVE, TOMB, or from the SURFACE (those still alive).... more...
RE: Rapture
by Anonymous - 11/26/21 10:24 PM
The Day of the Lord in all instances refers to wrath. The Body of Christ is not appointed unto wrath. Before the last seal is removed the Body of Christ is taken from earth. The contents of the scroll is wrath, judgement upon the earth. When Jesus was in front of the tabernacle and read from Isaiah, he stopped mid sentence, closed and rolled up the scroll. But first said this was fulfilled in their hearing. The balance of the chapter will be fulfilled....
by Anonymous - 11/26/21 10:29 PM
Through much tribulation we enter the Kingdom of God. Tribulation has been throughout time for believers. Those taken before seventh seal removed are all believers dead and alive at that time. The contents of the seal is wrath, we are not appointed unto wrath.
There is an actual calendar date for the inauguration of the New World Order. Once you know the big picture (like the cover of a puzzle box) then you can understand how the pieces go together. My online book, 2276CE: The Future is Calling (2020) provides that calendar date! My evidence is irrefutable!
Another decode is “CovidPASS Ab” - this is the mark to buy and sell being promoted by the WEF. The mark is the positive antibody from the vax in your blood, the mark from the shot, and the mark you hold on the screen of the phone in your hand.
Mark of the beast, Covid link to vaccine linking to mark ! 2020
by Matthew - 12/05/20 5:34 PM
We are nearly at the point of the Antichrist’s rule over all nations with an iron scepter (the Vatican-home of the beast of the Sea also bearing the number 666 who is the false prophet, and as does the number the beast of the earth bears who is indeed the antichrist) We are being deceived just as the scriptures tells us) There is no such thing as an infectious virus. The only virus that exists is a retro-virus/exosome or a man made infectious disease causing virus which can only affect a person if it’s injected. Exosomes are made from genomes and they are not just non-infectious, they are helpful and needed by the body. This true science was proven even before germ theory came about by the father of microbiology named Antoine Bechamp of France in the mid 1800’s. He also proved that vaccines are not helpful whatsoever. J.D Rockerfeller and Standard oil teamed up with a fraudulent scientist by the name of Louie Pasteur hence, Pastureurization, which has been proven to be not nearly as healthy or safe as... more...
RE: Mark of the beast, Covid link to vaccine linking to mark ! 2020
by Anonymous - 7/31/21 8:13 AM
The shots are all said to contain bioluminescence enzymes called, LUCIFERASE within hydrogel that was invented by DARPA. As well, Bill Gates is pushing the Microsoft ID2020 microdot array, also containing LUCIFERASE bioluminescent enzymes, both the jabs and ID2020 contain hydrogel, both prove ownership of the individual by Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and of course, LUCIFER as he possesses the Beast, BARACK Hussein Obama giving him power that is not his own. So LUCIFER is therefore the name of the Beast, the number or the number of his name to qualify. ID2020 PATENT #WO2020060606 containing micro teeth that pierces the skin, modeled after many tiny serpent fangs, supposedly injecting their so-called vaccine as needed. This hydrogel patch is permanent once applied.
I found Moon Anomalies using an astrofi 130mm telescope paired with a svbony camera and processed them using registax. I found TONS I mean TONS of thing pertaining to the bible and other things. Must see no bs seriously take a look main page loads a video and if you return it loads a new video explaining go to youtube noxregulator
The Bible is the book of the race of Adam. Adam by definition describes white man. Adam comes from the Hebrew word awdawm, meaning ruddy, to turn rosy, show blood in the face. The Jews and the “churches” have deceived our people into believing that the Bible is a Jewish book. The Jews are descendants of Cain and of Esau. They are NOT Israel.
"Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew."
(1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).
“Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860? —Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23
“Edom is in modern Jewry.” —The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol.5, p.41
Genesis 36:8 ?? Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom. ??
510 Comments for Microchip implants, 666, Chi-Xi-Stigma, Charagma, Epi
Comment on Microchip implants, 666, Chi-Xi-Stigma, Charagma, Epi
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts
by J - 3/20/25 1:18 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Interesting Numerology on Revelation 13 vs 16 to 18
by Frank - 3/20/13 5:43 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: Interesting Numerology on Revelation 13 vs 16 to 18
by Anonymous - 11/10/23 12:24 PMChi - Xi - Stigma or 666 looks like the word SEX upside down.
by Mike - 9/14/11 1:00 AMLatest of 7 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:Chi - Xi - Stigma or 666 looks like the word SEX upside down.
by Anonymous - 11/17/22 5:17 AMRE:Chi - Xi - Stigma or 666 looks like the word SEX upside down.
by Anonymous - 7/17/23 9:36 PMRead 5 more replies
Mark of the beast.
by Peter - 9/29/21 4:21 PMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Mark of the beast.
by William - 6/21/23 12:54 AMRead 1 more reply
by Wahrheitsliebender - 6/26/12 5:47 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: Chi-Xi-Stigma
by Anonymous - 4/07/23 3:18 AMchoice for evolution
by Joseph A. Sprute (616) - 9/25/22 5:48 AMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: choice for evolution
by Anonymous - 10/05/22 7:38 AMRead 1 more reply
666 is not gree, but semitic
by vangelis - 12/15/11 7:12 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 666 is not gree, but semitic
by Anonymous - 9/12/22 6:14 PMMissing The 'MARK'!!!
by Whutzit2U - 9/11/22 6:34 PMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:Missing The 'MARK'!!!
by Aviyah - 9/12/22 5:33 PMRead 1 more reply
by Anonymous - 8/17/22 11:19 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
Antichrist Obama and the mark of the Beast.
by Brenda Middlebrok - 2/20/20 1:28 AMLatest of 9 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:Antichrist Obama and the mark of the Beast.
by Chazaq - 12/09/20 12:21 PMRE: Antichrist Obama and the mark of the Beast.
by Anonymous - 12/24/21 11:59 PMRE: Antichrist Obama and the mark of the Beast.
by KJ - 7/09/22 6:37 PMRead 6 more replies
Just some thoughts on your interpretation
by Yeshua is Gracious - 1/13/22 12:39 PMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:Just some thoughts on your interpretation
by Uncledognutz - 6/05/22 7:42 PMRead 1 more reply
by Mr. Minch - 3/08/22 12:13 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
I was blind but now I see
by Grayson Naizby - 2/25/22 2:02 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Was the prophecy fulfilled? How about the pictographic meaning of the letters?
by Edwin - 1/09/22 7:57 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE:Was the prophecy fulfilled? How about the pictographic meaning of the letters?
by Edwin - 1/09/22 8:57 PMMark of The Beast - Rev.13
by Anonymous - 12/29/21 9:34 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
by Agnostic - 7/26/12 4:07 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
by Anonymous - 12/25/21 12:39 PMRetina Scans
by C. Campos - 7/30/17 7:38 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: Retina Scans
by Anonymous - 12/25/21 8:30 AMmark is chip?
by Lisha - 4/11/20 1:00 PMLatest of 3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: mark is chip?
by Anonymous - 12/24/21 11:52 PMRead 2 more replies
“A covid vaccine” and “a fish market” are 666
by Anonymous - 10/20/21 12:10 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: “A covid vaccine” and “a fish market” are 666
by Pico - 12/24/21 11:32 PMRapture
by Bro Danny - 3/07/11 6:15 PMLatest of 10 Replies: Post a Reply
by Rob - 10/29/21 11:44 AMRE: Rapture
by Anonymous - 11/26/21 10:24 PMRE:Rapture
by Anonymous - 11/26/21 10:29 PMRead 7 more replies
Inauguration Calendar Date of the New World Order
by Harry Laine - 11/16/21 4:07 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
“CovidPASS Ab” = 666
by Anonymous - 10/20/21 1:36 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
Mark of the beast, Covid link to vaccine linking to mark ! 2020
by Matthew - 12/05/20 5:34 PMLatest of 3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Mark of the beast, Covid link to vaccine linking to mark ! 2020
by Anonymous - 7/31/21 8:13 AMRead 2 more replies
Hand of God and Jesus White Horse
by Andrew M.A Van Der Dijs - 7/14/21 11:00 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Who is Israelite
by Anonymous - 12/20/20 6:49 PMNo Replies Post a Reply