Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Gods child - 3/07/11 6:23 PM
Do you realise how this comes across to others. Do you really think it helps people. It doesnt it scares them away from god. Isnt it a christian thing to draw people to god. Seems more important to a lot of you to be right. Also I got 2 bibles together and things have been changed in modern but you keep referring to it.? Religion is giving god a bad name..Your turning people off god, you are actually doing the devils work. Also the catholic church has just now said that contraception is ok..oh right so we can make it up as we go along can we? Self fulfilling phrophecy, if u believe in the end of the world and you encourage this belief It is going to happen.Thanks for that. What about changing it..I think when I read the bible jesus is saying this doesnt have to be so. A billion people with a belief system of armageddon..what do you think is going to happen. If it doesnt those peoples beleifs are null and void...a persons beleif system is everything to them. Jesus said do ye not know that ye are... more...
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Alan - 9/23/12 8:44 PM
Standing on the streets and preaching scripture at the top of your lungs is a lazy and inefficient way of spreading the good word. Not only will your words not be heard, but people will be scared of the rabid man screaming from a distance and walk away... Truly, we should follow the example of Christ; creating personal relationships with these "godforsaken" sinners and showing them how Great and Awesome God can be. We should go from place to place, meet as much people as we can, and tell them all about the good word. We are ambassadors of God; we should try our very best to represent him well. :)
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Alan - 9/23/12 8:48 PM
Additionally, is the purpose of the preacher to have people fear hell, or to have people fear God? I believe ther is a huge difference. :)
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by howard - 10/10/12 7:14 AM
it's not in mans hands whether people get scared or not,we are to preach the word,be instant in season out of season reprove,rebuke,with all long suffering and doctrine,for the time will come when man will not indure sound doctrine,but will heap to themself teachers having itching ears and shall be turned unto fables.if a person hears the word proclaimed and doesbn't know jesus christ as his saviour,the Holy spirit may apply the word to his heart and make him afraid like felix,but if on the other hand when you do know christ,this doesn't scare at all.
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Jessica - 4/16/13 10:13 AM
No man knows when the end will come only our Lord knows this. There is no reason to be afraid if your have accepted Jesus. If you have fear maybe it is time to evaluate the things in life. I admit there are some christians who go about spreading Gods Word in the wrong way, no man is the same so the way some receive the message may need to be different. As long as the message is heard, that is what is important. I liked what someone said about we are the messengers it is not up to us to save souls that is Gods place. I read the King James this is the only bible that has not been changed, to me this is Gods Word the way He wanted us to have it. I am not afraid of death or anything in this life because I know no matter what happens the Lord is always with me. This has gotten me through many trials in life. I am a recovering addict and I know I would not be alive today if I had not accepted Jesus. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me(Philippians 4:13). Man did not make God in our image He... more...
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Carli - 5/04/13 6:16 AM
Religion, faith, destiny, your spiritual temple, whatever you want to call it. We were all born sinners, period!
The matters of the heavens and the world should not be that complicated. The heavens belong to the all mighty creator, and the world belongs to his betrayor, Satan.
The end of the world is not between us, but between God and Satan. God says, stand up all, you rechead, you poor, you cripple, you mentally hanidicap, you competent, and pick a side. Do your want a comfortable life, or do you trouble for the rest of your life. You decide!!
When the time comes, you will be ask to make a choice. What will you decide? That has been the question through all of history, until the end. Maybe we shall see it, maybe we will not.
The easier path has been spelled out, but we were created to make are own choices, through Adam and Eve.
Regardless most humans only use 10 percent of their brains. Which I believe, makes us followers of some sort, and the remaining over analized. The fact of the matter is,... more...
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Anonymous - 7/21/13 3:03 AM
Wasn't Jesus's being convicted all part of God's plan? If he had not been turned over the Pharisees and killed by the romans wouldn't there be no resurrection, no salvation? He was put to death for questioning the Hebrew laws and traditions, for blaspheming, just as those who are well read in sacred texts lord their knowledge dramatized quotations over the ignorant and the secular, condemning them as "lost", and "sinners", and"damned". What I don't like about these people who are quick to quote verses and proclaim their righteousness by pointing out the flaws in others, is that if you don't think as they do, read what they read, act how they act, and do what they do; then you are less in the eyes of the lord. They would respond that it's not what they want it's what God wants and such a line in such a book of the bible tell us so. I don't believe that any mortal man has the right to judge me in any way especially when its backed up by a books written by imperfect men thousands of years ago. My flaws, my... more...
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by sue - 7/22/13 12:48 PM
Read the Bible, the Word of God, the word of man does not matter, pray and ask God's forgiveness.
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to God.
by Believer - 8/12/13 7:39 AM
Your comments are quite interesting . So tell me , out of curiousity . What would be your approach to letting people , letting you , understand and know that there is a God , His Word is the Truth , His promises are real and therefore He is returning and our way of living , our choices that we make now , today tomorrow , we will be held accountable for them . You quoted several verses from the Bible . My prayer is that you take 'em to heart , meditate on them . Scare you never . Warn you,help you, pray for you . Always !!!
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Crystal - 8/29/13 12:26 PM
WAKE UP! Jesus is coming back soon and ALL the signs point to it, including the "Mark of the Beast" and a new one world government. Don't be scared ... be WARNED!
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Logan - 10/28/22 9:57 AM
Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to God. As a Christian I am a homosexual and I believe I am not going to hell. I have been told many things during my life and I would believe some of those things. If you are not a Christian you are told your going to hell for x y and z. What I mean is being told your judgement by other humans makes you not want to believe in a God who is just going to send you to hell. I believe the way we do things means a lot into how we convince people that God is good. If we yell and shout at people and use actions of aggression towards our neighbors no one is going to want to listen to you. When we speak to other we have to use compassion and whoever you are talking to may not believe God is real at first but that’s okay. We have to use patience and respect the religion they chose to believe in. In the Bible Saul/Paul was a man who killed Christian’s and he was blinded and helped by another Christian and was converted to Christianity. Although for years he... more...
I have been implanted by Devil Wordhippers out of Barstow Califorina , 45 miles North of Barstow in the Fort Irwin military base they have a mind interface computer that enables the programmers to a dream scape in your mind , as will as to manipulate you physical and mental behavior . I was implanted while under going surery on a torn rotary cuff repair at the Barstow Califorina hospital . The jet propulsion labatorys and the gold stone tracking station have a artifical intelligence that they call Satan are devil worshippers and the Barstow city lights spell Satan , the sheriffs department is racketeering with the angency , it Been THRITY years now and I am getting to old and if I don't get help soon I am going to have to make an example out of them . I have MRIs Catsan and Exrays of the forgien metallic objects . I am seeking some one who can remove them . I know who they are
and where they live in Barstow and Hinkley califorina . I need your help .
Bill ,
How do you know this specific information about this certain person who is asking for help? Do you know them personally? Let me ask you a question. Do you know Jesus personally?
Mark of the Beast? Really, you all have way too much time on your hands. The Anti-christ needs a micro-chip? If you don't want to have a chip implanted don't but this would be useful if you had a parent with dementia or a child with autism who wanders and gets lost. If you have serious health concerns this is much better than a medical bracelet. Please people not telling you not to love your God but you are relying on a text that was translated for you many times, unless you read Hebrew or Aramaic you are not even sure what it really says. If you are going to base your life decisions and dedicate your life and actions to a text...make sure you read it and study it yourself.
Those "text" your talking about were not written by one person or at one time. What makes the Bible so believable is the fact that the books that make it were found in different parts of the world in different languages and written sometimes thousand of years apart. Its not one "text" but by ignorance you look at it and your mind makes you think it is one book written by one man. However you will listen to text that aren't even 50 years old without question. Most of modern science is less than 70 years old and theory of evolution was laughed at then reimplemented about 60 years ago and yet people base their entire lives on recent findings and quotes/text from modern scientists and archeologists. Even though Noah Ark has been discovered and publicised since the 1960's, body parts of giants (like giant finger found in Egypt) are found around the world, and the melted cities of Sodom are still there for the whole world to see! Yet you believe in evolution without any evidence. Or dare to call your thinking logic... more...
I am a witness! the mark of the beast is spiritual and YES it can be spiritually removed. therefore it is not a physical appearance. I have seen the beast, the mark, the image and the name. this was shown to me by the true Spirit of God! the holy Spirit of truth.
the mark of the beast is located on the spiritual body of a person’s forehead or their right hand that goes to a man made church which worships the creature, “MANâ€â€¦. their god is their belly-flesh. these churches around the world feed on huge gatherings to control people and money. these churches support the secular systems of the world-media, education, business, trade, and a lot more if looked closer. this is where in revelation it says they could neither buy or sell less they have the mark… meaning they believe they can worship God and be saved and live like the rest of the people in the world…have the fame, money, possessions, big tv networks, radio stations, etc…. just like the world..
the devil is... more...
This is trully the end time and only those led by the spirit can recognise
RE:I am a witness
by steve Meekins - 1/06/19 11:03 PM
The Mark is written about in Christian holy bible Revelation 13 kjv holy bible once the Mark is taken to buy and sell,and worship the false "god" you cannot take it off period. The book of Revelation tells us they that do are damned.
RE:I am a witness
by Buxton M - 9/09/19 6:40 AM
Thats truth,the mass is trying to find salvation in the flesh thats y only a dew will find the narrow door
Warn your children and grandchildren about verichip,it will permit the antichrist to control you and hell will be you destination.Pray for you family that they will come to know Christ as saviour before this comes to pass. Jesus reigns
Name and number of the beast is in the minds eye monarch programming Dear:Ahsaritihatze 0x9111 name and number of the go0g go0g si1ni1ngo0g is the corner stone of all that is love and love is the middle and end of hate. Love is all that remains in the enlightenment of foreboding save thy wrath for thine enemies as chair is too the world throne is too god. Forgive yourself so that others may forgive you. If you can not forgive thy self cast all that is golden into the metal forth width came god.
Bearin mind all you teachers of the false doctrine, leadeth not anyone astray from the true path of the lord.
God is Peace. Christ is the Prince of Peace. False prophets come with one intent, to lead people away from worshipping God and swarm allegiance to themselves.
How they accomplish this is to control the economy, food supply, dominion and impose threats of imprisonment and death for dissent.
Christ warns us to be watchful. The scriptures speak of leaders, events, powers and specific conditions that first have to pass before the son of perdition reveals himself.
Conditions must provide people no choice except to accept and receive this "Mark", or be killed.
No man [on earth] shall buy or sell except he who has the mark, the number or the name.
So an earthy power exercises total control over the nations. It's authority emanates from the global center of wealth and capital, and it creates a global monetary system bearing a mark, number or name of a man.
An example of this system was prevalent in... more...
If you allow your mindless evil governments to force you to be micro chipped, then you will lose all chance of rising to the higher dimension and will have to spend the next 10,000 years in the lower third dimension again.
by Darla Garcia Soto of kingman Arizona 2012 - 6/27/16 5:14 PM
Ive had this done to me by my ex husband and others without knowing and was done without a court order. Not to mention they can hear my thoughts and I can also hear them.
Don't get it
by Vicky - 5/21/16 2:25 PM
I believe that verichip can cause cancer or some sickness.
I have been subjected against my will of this implant. It took me time to figure out but I know everything about it. Need help to destroy device. Please help people are using it to destroy my life.
i will never but any chip in my my not be a chip got to Nicholson1968 on youtube he has some good info on what is the mark of the Beast it my just be DNA
Is the mark of the beast do not take It. Or you will be hell bound clear & simple but, do get saved for everlasting life acts 2:38 by being baptized in the name of Jesus and repentance of your sins. Save yourself from this untoward generation as, the Bible says. Find a United PENTECOSTAL Church and get baptized asap. God Bless
Dont use it refused to it god is with us why getting it?? If we pray altogether hes gonna hear us and he will protect the ones who wint get it and for the ones who has it pray god will forget what u done but do it with ur heart god will protect the world and the ones who trust on him god bless everybody
I don't see the cojent need for a verichip. In as much as it seems obvious that this is a devlish manipulation, it's just clever especially during trying times like this. What seems to make sense in this world just isn't right.
the mark of the beast 666 is calculated to mean COMPUTER. No other word in the English lexicon is thus rated. Chips are means of making ma a puppet for the real mark after rapture. You may search through my posts on Facebook @ onyeji Nnaji for additional information. the title is IS OBAMA THE ANTI CHRIST?
I wonders if those involved know that the v-chip is being used by the Canadian RCMP, and maybe others, as a torture device..?
They implant it in a victim's ear, and make the coil ring in the middle of the night to cause sleep deprivation and extreme stress, which causes untimely heart attacks.. They use it to murder people (intellectuals and activists)..
And do those involved know that use of the v-chip as a torture device also stresses the nearest eye to the device, literally ripping the eye apart inside slowly..
The v-chip is used as a murdering device in Canada..
Does anyone know how to neutralize this chip in my ear..? The demon kooks block its removal...
The mark of the beast is already here inthe land of the beast. The only Country that can fit the description of the Antichrist is American. to be an Antichrist has to bee someone or some country that once worship Christ and is now Against him. The mark of the beast is the "number system' itself. whether it is verichip, microchip, any number- a social security card in your hand or the memorization of that number in your mind (forehead.) in the Backslidden (harlot country) forehead, is a name (She think herself GREAT AND MIGHTY, HERE I SIT A QUEEN, But God sees her as a harlot that forsaken Christ. So her name is "babylon."
RE:The Mark is alreay here It comes before the beast
by Bettie - 8/21/14 5:42 PM
Shoot, who would have thhguot that it was that easy?
RE:The Mark is alreay here It comes before the beast
by FREDDY GALLO - 3/25/15 5:53 PM
The question is, where is Babylon the great, the mother of harlots? Do these three nations sound familiar to you, Babylon the great, Britain the great, America the great? We know through history that America the great came out of great Britain...We know through history that Babylon the great was ruling the world at one time...We know that great Britain was ruling the world at one time...We know that America the great is ruling the world today...So what do these three nations have in common? Idols,false gods,carved images,sorcery,astrology,star gazers,scientist,evolution,education,health care,false prophets,iron,clay,man made laws,worldwide tongues,military power,wisemen,wisdom,ruling the world with a rod of iron,and the like...The U.S. is reigning over the kings of the earth...The seven heads, are seven mountains(seven continents), and the seven mountains(seven continents), are seven kingdoms...The U.S. is pushing for world peace...The U.S. is pushing for a one world government...The U.S. is pushing for a one... more...
1448 Comments for Verichip Mark of the Beast
Comment on Verichip Mark of the Beast
Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Gods child - 3/07/11 6:23 PMLatest of 34 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Alan - 9/23/12 8:44 PMRE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Alan - 9/23/12 8:48 PMRE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by howard - 10/10/12 7:14 AMRE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Jessica - 4/16/13 10:13 AMRE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Carli - 5/04/13 6:16 AMRE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Anonymous - 7/21/13 3:03 AMRE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by sue - 7/22/13 12:48 PMRE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to God.
by Believer - 8/12/13 7:39 AMRE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Crystal - 8/29/13 12:26 PMRE:Scaring people is not the way to convince people to turn to god.
by Logan - 10/28/22 9:57 AMRead 24 more replies
Mind control
by Semor - 8/26/18 10:06 PMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Mind control
by Anonymous - 10/15/21 8:38 PMRead 1 more reply
by Anonymous - 9/04/19 1:54 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: Verichip
by Anonymous - 4/03/20 5:57 PMAre you serious
by Gabriell - 4/08/17 10:38 AMLatest of 3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:Are you serious
by Wake up - 12/12/19 7:34 PMRead 2 more replies
I am a witness
by deborah - 8/06/13 8:37 PMLatest of 13 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:I am a witness
by deltalima - 7/11/17 2:50 AMRE:I am a witness
by jahan - 11/05/17 2:27 AMRE:I am a witness
by steve Meekins - 1/06/19 11:03 PMRE:I am a witness
by Buxton M - 9/09/19 6:40 AMRead 9 more replies
Human microchips are used to carry out everyday activities and replace credit cards and cash
by Voon - 8/08/19 1:00 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
Jesus save us all
by Robert Michael Jones - 7/18/19 5:35 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
by Born again Alan - 2/03/17 12:49 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: Warning
by Anonymous - 10/16/17 6:07 PMJohn
by Smithd128 - 9/20/17 10:39 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Ra ah dah ai da la se di lar
by 1001000100010001 - 5/13/17 11:22 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
...lest though be deceived by false prophets...
by Passiveson - 7/06/16 9:38 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
The coming dictator the devil
by John - 12/21/15 3:16 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: The coming dictator the devil
by Darla Garcia Soto of kingman Arizona 2012 - 6/27/16 5:14 PMDon't get it
by Vicky - 5/21/16 2:25 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
please help
by markus - 7/08/15 8:05 PMLatest of 3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:please help
by AMB.REEDEMED400 - 4/20/16 5:33 AMRead 2 more replies
by Anna - 3/06/16 12:34 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Vera chip
by Anonymous - 1/30/16 11:54 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
by PASTOR ROSE - 7/31/12 10:11 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
Re: verichip
by christian - 1/02/16 7:04 PMMark
by Stabe - 9/29/13 5:19 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: Mark
by circle - 1/02/16 6:48 PMverichip mark of the beast
by Anonymous - 3/06/15 6:25 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: verichip mark of the beast
by christian - 1/02/16 6:40 PMDont get it
by Anonymous - 11/28/15 10:57 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
Wonderful information
by Chidi - 9/10/15 7:02 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Redeeming the time.
by Onyeji Nnaji - 6/30/15 8:17 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Re: V-chip implants..
by Donald Engel - 7/21/14 9:47 PMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:Re: V-chip implants..
by kyo - 6/01/15 7:24 AMRead 1 more reply
A chip might be used to control buying/selling, but what is the MARK of the beast???
by Tim Cator, Author - 4/14/15 11:46 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
The Mark is alreay here It comes before the beast
by Anonymous - 8/18/11 6:21 AMLatest of 5 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:The Mark is alreay here It comes before the beast
by Bettie - 8/21/14 5:42 PMRE:The Mark is alreay here It comes before the beast
by FREDDY GALLO - 3/25/15 5:53 PMRead 3 more replies