Searching to find personal meaning in 1+2+6=9
My dad died on January 26 (year not disclosed)=1+2+6=9
His dad, my grandfather died January 26 (year not disclosed)=1+2+6=9
His dad, my great grandfather died on June 2, 1955 (6+2+(5+5=10=1)) Reversed = 1 +2 +6=9
His dad, my great great grandfather died on January 26 (year not revealed)1+2+6=9
My birth date is 12/13 (1+(2*13=26) 1+2+6=9
Skip generation which their number is 99 (9+9=18=1+8=9)
My grandson was born 4/19/2001 = 26 BUT ON HEBREW CALENDAR born NISAN (1st month) on the 26th. Another 1+2+6=9
October 26 = 1+2+6=9. In the year 2043, October 26=Tishri 22(The last great eighth day after Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles.
Subtract 1335 days from Oct. 26, 2043 (See Daniel 12:12) and you arrive at Feb. 29, 2040/Adar 15/Purim/Destroyer (See Revelatios 9:11)
Subtract 1260 days from Oct. 26,2043 and you arrive at May 14, 2040.
Add 1290 days to Feb.29,2040 and you arrive at SEPTEMBER 11, 2043
(See Daniel 12:11)
SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 to SEPTEMBER 11, 2043 = 42 years
Daniel 12:7 "time, times, dividing time"=
1 year + 2 years + 1/2 year= 3 1/2 years
12 months + 24 months + 6 months= 42 months
360 days+ 720 days+ 180 days = 1260 days
12 years + 24 years + 6 years= 42 years
Subtract 1260 days from May 14, 2040 = December 1, 2036/Kislev 12=my Hebrew birth date
In these 7 years (2520 days) I think Yeshua/Jesus Second Coming will be.
3 Comments for 1+2+6 and 6+2+1
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1+2+6 and 6+2+1
by Anonymous - 8/08/19 8:32 PM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 1+2+6 and 6+2+1
by Anonymous - 8/08/19 8:39 PMRE: 1+2+6 and 6+2+1
by Anonymous - 8/08/19 9:10 PMRead all 387 comments »
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