Properties of the number 26







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387 Comments for Number 26 Symbolism, 26 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 26 Symbolism, 26 Meaning and Numerology

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Number 26

by Linda - 1/29/25 6:59 AM
I, too, see the number 26 several times a day. It has been going on for about a year. I was born 6/26/1955. I see 1955+6 =26. I see it so often that I say to my husband there is 26 again. I have looked up a few things and I see it all comes back to nature of God. God in us! I am excited to find out more about this number 26! I will be seeing it!

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RE: Number 26

by Linda - 1/29/25 7:00 AM
I forgot to tell you, my mom was born on the 26th.

Seeing 26 everywhere!!

by Tammy - 1/05/15 7:39 PM
For years, I've seen the 26 at least 4-5 times a day. In every way you could possibly see it. The day I was born is the 26th and both my Father and Brothers Firefighter badge #'s are 26th! I've always thought it was my guardian Angels trying to get a msg to me. No matter what, I beleive it to be a higher power and it's pretty awesome!!

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RE:Seeing 26 everywhere!!

by Anonymous - 1/22/15 9:01 PM
26 does have meaning and so do all those double numbers. Search in the bible, the answers are there. It's time to repent and seek the only God through Jesus Christ! I've been seeing all the numbers too and it is very exciting once you figure it all out. I won't spoil it for you. Search the word of God.

RE: Seeing 26 everywhere!!

by Greg 1111 - 10/07/22 12:17 AM
they do tie together. my DN is 11 and my LP 33. I see 26 11 33 and 47 all the time. And they are all connected. 11=2 33 = 6 2 6
47 =11 it's bizarre and lots of unbelievable synchronicity

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See it everywhere

by Onbehalfofyoursttuly - 8/25/22 7:15 AM
I literally see the number 26 everywhere. I assumed it was just cause I was born 02/26 so I never really said anything. This last winter I was talking to my sister and she was saying how she sees the number 26 everywhere and I was kind of shocked. Talking to one a new friend I was telling her and she showed me the tattoo on her foot with the number 26

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26 code.. notice my last comment and the time..

by Truthseeker - 5/09/22 6:35 AM
notice my last comment. (6:26)am!!! Lol thats wild.. and look at the date 5/09/22..
22+9=31-5=26 real time synchronicity

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The 26 code

by Truthseeker - 5/09/22 6:26 AM
My buddy just passed away recently..he was born on 10/26 he passed away on 1/26..the 26th day of (1+2+6)..(1+2+6). (2+6)..



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All my life 6:26 follow s me?

by Amari - 11/15/21 1:25 PM
It's weird it's always with me weither it be AM or PM I always catch it

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by Anonymous - 10/16/21 1:08 PM
I'm reading comments and I'm about to click off, look at clock 2:06...

My birthday is 2/26 and I'm in the military, unit is 326

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Misinformation alert

by Hunter - 10/04/20 7:41 AM
So much wrong information on this garbage site. The most obvious being \"twenty six is only mentioned once in the Bible\".....Blatantly wrong but you still put it up. Anyone can verify themselves that most of the information this site puts up is misinformation. Don\'t take their word for it folks, look it up yourself before you go on a rabbit trail with this site.

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RE: Misinformation alert

by Y - 7/16/21 3:00 PM
So I did what you suggested, I checked the King James Version of the Bible. I believe you are misled. I found the number 26 one time. I did find the number 26000 twice but that is not 26.


by Ryan - 4/25/13 4:43 PM
I was born 2/26/77. It would seem that 26 is the only number i notice. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm just looking for it, or if it has some significance. I have read all the biblical, numerical, and alphabetic explanations, but i can't stop thinking that there is something more...

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RE: 26

by Anonymous - 5/26/21 3:43 PM
Best year,best

26 Branding

by Anonymous - 9/22/20 2:22 PM
When I was in high school there were these little metal brands of numbers in woodwork class you would use to embellish things and one day some kid held one on a bunsen burner and branded my hand so I have the number scarred into my thumb of left hand.

Ever since this I have experienced countless synchronicities with this number and realised how it is etched also into my past. My mothers birthday is 26 my girlfriends birthday is 26, i see it in times constantly or while walking down the street my eyes will glance up and immediately see a house '26', it marks auspicious days in my life I sometimes only realise in retrospect, I see it on buses, microwaves, trains. I once was sat at a bus stop and a van pulled up in front of me with "JACK26" (my name) on it's personalised license plate. It is so far beyond just overactive pattern recognition at this point. I take it to be a wink from the universe or something to mark the way, hinting at a certain path and reminding me of options and avenues available, protective, watchful, ever present.

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Myth of Ra, 666, and the Mystery of God

by Steve Traverse - 4/06/16 3:26 AM
The statue of Liberty is a remake of the Collosus of Rhodes which is Mithra or Myth of Ra. The strong angel of Revelation 10 the mystery of God. CERN Scientists discover the universe has either 10 dimensions or 26. 26x26 is 676, which is 666+10. The letter G is 7 but looks like 6. Psalm 69 refers to Jesus, who is the Q source. The letter Q, 6, ,9 are all interchangable to make 666. 24+26 adds up to 50 as in the 50 names of Marduk, who is Ra, Yhwh, Michael, etc. Hebrews 9:26 "He dies once at the end of the ages." Revelation 9 ascends from the bottomless pit. Freemasonry is Free May Sun Re, as in Amen Ra in the Month of May, which is May 26 the Receiving of Amen Ra. Hosea 13:4 (26x2) I am the lord from Egypt there is no other Savior but me. The number 26 is like a loose thread that unravels the whole bible. Pay very close attention to every verse and chapter that makes 26.

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RE:Myth of Ra, 666, and the Mystery of God

by Tom Romer - 8/18/20 1:16 PM
Amoun-Ra is the perfect God: the 6 Greco-Roman goddesses of artful grace and beauty, the 7 of the Judaic god of material peace and love, and the 6 Greco-Roman gods of resilient strength and honour.

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by Cally - 1/25/20 9:01 PM
I’m 21 this year and when i turned 18 I randomly seen patterns with reoccurring numbers, colours people and déjà vu that lasted waaay to long sometimes I’ll be stuck in a moment I’ve lived before 3 times and the just get longer.

I have seen the number 26 everyday for the past 3 years not just once or twice all day everyday these numbers show Not just on the clock in everything clothes tags dates times billboards toys food cars scratches into walls anything and everything

On the 3rd of the 6th i fell pregnant with my son Samual
He was due on the 19th of March 2019

Born on the 6/3/2019
@23:33 pm or 11:33

His weight was 3610 grams
Head circumference 36cm
It was the number 46 that called me to get a test I googled it and it said prepare for family.
I know my family is a bit different and I don’t even know who the father of my child is I think I was drinking but I can’t remember anything from that time except it was the queens birthday weekend.

Was just wondering if anyone has experienced these numbers in a pattern along with 26


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RE: 26/36/46/56/76/86/96

by Anonymous - 7/29/20 7:03 AM
I have been seeing the same numbers too,everyday numbers 16,26,36,46,56,appear either in my watch,phone,papers,TV,everywhere,I wish I can know the reason too,these numbers appears Everytime I check somewhere I must encounter each at a time,I'm wondering,what's the message brought forward to me.


by Passion - 6/03/16 9:16 PM
I started to notice the number 26 only after getting with my husband. He explained to me that it's been everywhere throughout his life. Ever since then it's been showing up everywhere for me too, well us. The number 26 I think must be very important for these times, because you know it's getting really close to End Times. I'm trying to figure it out exactly!

If anyone has figured anything out please email me at Gatomon, thank you!

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RE: 26

by Jessica Buchanan - 4/11/20 7:05 AM
I’m here for the same reason. I had an end times dream last night and there where people trying to kill me. I had the number 26 written on my hand. They were killing in numerical order. Anybody trying to escape was killed. I remember trying to seek help from this Chinese man but he refused. I tried to go outside and escape and saw others trying to do the same and I saw blood of people that were caught.


by Anonymous - 5/25/20 12:45 PM
My birthday is 10 26.... my dads birthday is the same... I recently started seeing 1026 often... now just 26... in the time, dates, definitely not a coincidence... what goes it mean...

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I'm afraid of age 26 with coronavirus

by Katherine Hooten - 4/17/20 5:10 AM
Age 26 is scary for me right now

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The 626

by BChristopher - 8/01/19 8:52 PM
Hello and you will find

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RE: The 626

by Anonymous - 8/08/19 9:11 PM
yom kippur war. October 6-26, 1973. Here is the 626!!

1+2+6 and 6+2+1

by Anonymous - 8/08/19 8:32 PM
Searching to find personal meaning in 1+2+6=9
My dad died on January 26 (year not disclosed)=1+2+6=9
His dad, my grandfather died January 26 (year not disclosed)=1+2+6=9
His dad, my great grandfather died on June 2, 1955 (6+2+(5+5=10=1)) Reversed = 1 +2 +6=9
His dad, my great great grandfather died on January 26 (year not revealed)1+2+6=9
My birth date is 12/13 (1+(2*13=26) 1+2+6=9
Skip generation which their number is 99 (9+9=18=1+8=9)
My grandson was born 4/19/2001 = 26 BUT ON HEBREW CALENDAR born NISAN (1st month) on the 26th. Another 1+2+6=9

October 26 = 1+2+6=9. In the year 2043, October 26=Tishri 22(The last great eighth day after Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles.

Subtract 1335 days from Oct. 26, 2043 (See Daniel 12:12) and you arrive at Feb. 29, 2040/Adar 15/Purim/Destroyer (See Revelatios 9:11)

Subtract 1260 days from Oct. 26,2043 and you arrive at May 14, 2040.

Add 1290 days to Feb.29,2040 and you arrive at SEPTEMBER 11, 2043
(See Daniel 12:11)

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001... more...

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RE: 1+2+6 and 6+2+1

by Anonymous - 8/08/19 9:10 PM
The 626
by bChristopher - 8/01/19 8:52 pm
hello and you will find

yom kippur war. October 6-26, 1973. Here is the 626!!

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Comment #326

by Atom Izrayel - 7/29/16 1:47 AM
Blessings brothers and sisters.
I am happy to read your comments.
Here is my facebook profile dedicated to my intimate relationship with the supreme 26. How exciting to see I'm not alone.
With love and light.

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RE: Comment #326

by Anonymous - 6/04/19 5:50 PM
Hey, why is ur number 326?

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26 & Alex

by Sinead - 12/28/18 5:06 PM
Every single day, I look at the clock and it’s “”:26. It all started when I realised that a guy named “Alessandro” (I live in Italy) I like (I don’t even really know if I do) was 26 years old at the time. I see it everywhere. This summer I even saw a license plate of a romanian car which spelled “BT 26 ALE”! I think I am going crazy. Also my brother was born on the 26th and was 26yo at the time. Btw it seems that this number is lucky for me. Alex came to my house for the first time on august 13th (13+13=26). Although I think this is just our brains focusing on something more and making connections with something we already know. :) oh and last day there was a blackout in all the neighbourhood on 17:26. :)

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The Number 26

by YC - 12/21/18 7:06 PM
My sister committed suicide on 4-26-14. My “second brother” died on 5-26-14. My mother passed on 1-26-15. My son had a horrific motorcycle accident on 6-26-16. He died at the scene of the accident, but they were able to bring him back. A best friend died on 2-6-17. Thought this was over, but a good friend’s husband died last night and the wake will be on 12-26-18. My best friend, who was murdered in 2001, was born on 8-26-59. Quite frankly, I dread the 26th of each month and wonder why this number began to appear in my life so awfully since 2014.

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The number 26

by Kam - 9/09/18 1:00 PM
The number 26 is always followed me. My birthday is February 26th the last address I lived at was 2622 my boyfriend is 13 years older than me and his birthday is 13 days before mine which equals 26. The number 26 is very significant to me and my life everytime I see the number it represents me. For example on the tow truck signs the CVC code is 22658. Those numbers 22658 is my birthday which is February 26th and my husband's birthday which is May 8th. Now my husband's last 4 social is 2626 and when you add up his birthday which is 5867 you get 26. My address now is 12608 including in my address is my to Children's birthday they're born July 12th 4 years apart the 26 for me which me being born on the 26th of February and the 8th for my husband that is going on the 8th. These numbers have always followed me and for me to have two children 4 years apart is also exciting interesting including along with the number 26. One of my best friend's her favorite numbers 13 we take 13 and 13 and put it together you still have 26 everything that has to do with me and my family is either in increments of 6 has the number 26 or it goes by 6s the number 666 represents 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons. I feel real special

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RE: The number 26

by Anonymous - 9/09/18 1:01 PM
This is an correction of my last comment... My ex boyfriend was 13 years older than I was in his birthday was 13 days before mine which still equals 26 correction

Getting answers!

by Courtney - 2/09/11 12:45 PM
I have noticed for the last 10 years that 26 is always poppiing up in my life. I knew it had a meaning and I have been serching high and low for some answers. For example my birthday is July 26 and on my 26th birthday I was 26 weeks pregnet. Just reciently I was deep in thought about issues in my life ( this was at 3ish in the afternoon) when I heard my coffee maker turn on. I got up to check out what was going on my coffee maker time said 7:26 ( my birthday ). I knew it was a message. I just had asked a spiritual lady what all this could possible mean and she said that they are message and to pay close attention to your thoughts when this number accures. I don't believe it is a sinister force at all so we should all be glad and embrace these messages.

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RE: Getting answers!

by Alexander - 4/29/13 7:20 PM
You are absolutely right! I use it as a guide & if you keep your mind positive towards it then you will learn to see the signs.

RE: Getting answers!

by Ade - 5/16/18 6:58 AM
I had to comment as I also have my birthday on the 26th July! My obsession with 26 comes from my mum and as long as I can remember 26 has been so so important for me - crazy thing is I've never doubted it! My Mum was 26 when she had me on the 26th - at 12.26pm (saw the birth certificate), My grandma sadly passed when she was just 26, I met my wife on the 26th, bought my wife an engagement ring without realising there was 26 diamonds in it... got married on the 26th (lol why wouldn't I!) and then.... My daughter is born on the 26th December - 2016 (tenuous on the year but it still has 26 in it!) Love the fact I'm not alone on this! LOVE THIS NUMBER! Ha!

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My son and 26

by Anonymous - 3/26/18 1:32 PM
My beloved son Jason. Born on the 26th, died of leukemia on the 26th, 26 years old.

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26 too...

by Anonymous - 2/05/18 1:38 PM
The 26th keeps recurring in my life - I met my ex on the 26th of Sept....He was born on the 26th of Oct. One of my former students died on the 26th of Oct - i'll never forget him. I moved to Denver on the 26th of Sept. My roommate was born on the 26th of February. My pups left me on the 26th of October - and these are just examples i can recall...maybe more...

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26 & 226 Everywhere

by Kathy - 8/24/17 12:02 AM
I honestly thought that I was the only one who was experiencing this and then I came across this website searching for answers. The number 26 has been relevant in my life for quite some time but lately I've been seeing it a lot on a daily basis. If I wake up in the middle of the night and look at the alarm clock it's either 2:26 or something 26,,wake up in the morning same thing, randomly look at my phone or Clock in the car, same thing, 26 is present. Now, I wouldn't think too much of this #26, but it has great meaning in my life. My Dad, Mom & Grandmom all passed away on the 26th (all different years and months). My birthday is 2-26.
I feel like God is trying to tell me something. I've been researching the Bible for 26 versus 226, etc. not finding anything that is hitting home to me yet. Any suggestions will be helpful.

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RE: 26 & 226 Everywhere

by Anonymous - 2/02/18 10:55 AM
I have been seeing 26 a lot recently and came to realize that it is supposed to mean that an angel is trying to send you a message

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The #26th

by Charli - 1/28/18 6:34 AM
The date 26 is my birthday my 1st ex wife's b day my daughter birthday my grandson birthday my my first ex wife's final for divorce was on the 26 and my dsecomd wife's birthday what's this all meaning

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