I'm confused on why the numbers I have posted in the title are showing up. For a while I was thinking that 66 was just a sign of 33- 33 being a beautiful sign. But lately I have also been noticing a lot more of 66. Now, if all the other numbers I have been seeing everywhere are popping up and they are beautiful and powerful how come I am also seeing 66 which says I will be losing my faith?
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, maybe what it means to me is what it means to me but I couldn't help but look it up after so long of seeing it
HO . Healing i offer to you freewillently on the eighth creatwinsday by count thirty and one. Behold that you will be presented naught but the CentralNervCirculateLooping Echoes of a transient but allincluding truthful/real MIND !?
So possibly, unintentional, ..we.L.Y..
... something devilish.
Please, don't feel depressed when experiencing the negative Tension of any number. You also will be shown the An•tensioN, the sinister (left) shadowcast forgotten TWIN of every•sin•gle Count ... with in Will you dare ?!
i send my heartwarmed prayer to yoursUSalONEness - that my scrip's may lead US to best•your•own understanding ! Allow ...
"Neither coming here nor going -
- neither Heaven here nor Hell."
(current 93)
66, you think (?), has itself intro•revealed to you as something [ur]OLD, evil, WickeD which lurked you to step a foot aside from your yellowbrickbuildt Path, back into the pitchshade wood called "unSure".
... like riding on rustyng bicycles down Route 66 into dusk o' night !
66 may get counted to the word ZaTaN (7+9+50).
By the Hebrew AlpBitGml i would do your name "DEVAN" to the account of (4+5+6+1+50 =) 66.
66 builds the summation of numbers from One down to Eleven [M(1-11)]. 11 as number means the act of crossing the border/allever LIMITATION. Beyond the boarder - in Ausland - to you seems everyall NEW & ALIEN & unSure.
i am quiet•innerst sure that S¤T¤N - which spoken backwards - fills the air with a sounding NaTuS (Latin for "born").
It could facteffecting possibly be the case that the DEVIL all there appears where you sit when forcing your mind (unwillingly ?) to get occupied with aspects of your LIVED, therefor only remembered, past. And that means DEVIL'S BACK !?
"Gâ—D has POWER.
If OnE does what Gâ—D does, OnE WILL become as Gâ—D is !"
(from "Blood Moon")
111 signs ALePh, the beforefirst sound, merely a "click" when the Epiglottis lifts from Trachea before the first sound. Corresponding to 111 shall reveal a Tarot's Grand Arcanum,
•O. the FOOL [AIR■A = 1].
The lection experienced here revolts speaking "give ALl uP" !
Most of our rationalized learning (so-called "knowledge") did up to 'foreNOW make you believe in illusions of what there really IS !?
111 positively reflects three possible proto•ideas/premises of Negativity/NONexisting; before "Big Bang".
From Hebrew tradition "In the BeginninG" there were AIN [NON], AIN SVPh [no border/limit] & AIN SVPh AVR [limitless LIGHT]
(1+10+50 + 60+6+80 + 1+6+200 = 61 + 146 + 207 = 207 + 207 = 414). This number might seam appealing to you. Prepare for ExtensioN !
Before birth NOTHING we miss; during birth we FloaT & KNEWing NO THING; after birth we HAD IT successfully VALUEd : what is to LIKE and what is NoT. That shows us what we once said, shall be "good" and "bäh'" !
We find ourselves cast into MATER(IA) which presents length - width - height to us. There LighT expands in 3 dimensions simultaneously, while in the same Moment we pace in this world through 3 gates of "time" the same.
Coming awake wearing the 3 heads of Zerberus which were stuffed on the upper rump from above; each head looking from a different Angle/Point of View. "Futu'*prësent*pass't !" Over but ... NOW.
Three LeGs Win.
You do aright by calling 33 o-so-powerful.
33 miracles of Christ (including 24 cures).
DaViD's reign over 33 years.
Thirty third year as the perfect age.
On the other hand there's a mean feeling of agony mingled with holy "LeG": Jesus died at the age of 33 and he died in pain; him, the ever•last victim. 3 days later OnE saw ...
33. ABaL [mourn, grieve, wail; indeed; but, though].
BAəL [daydemon of 1st Decade of Aries].
GL [well, waves, ruins, faeces].
Now maybe you took a glint on the "ambiguity" of numbers.
There's no need of being afraid.
There's Gâ—D and in HIS blessing to you
there's no need no more to forgive.
Love to you all !
... we ☆ the way ◠the truth ◠the light
RE: 11:11, 33, 144, 114 and 66?
by Todd - 12/30/16 10:09 PM
I'm so sorry to see that the one response was massive gibberish. Here is a better response to your question in light of the meaning being loss or lack of faith linking to the need for human reasoning. With God and His divine plan, it all has to do with Faith. He called Abraham out of his homeland by Faith. Proverbs 3:5-6 might be the answer to any worries. The need to let go of any control in life and surrendering to full reliance on God in everything.
the number
by Luis - 5/25/20 10:40 PM
I’ve been seeing this number everywhere for the las 3 years now, I don’t know what it means and it drives me crazy. I think it’s trying to tell me something, I keep on trying to figure out it’s meaning but it’s impossible, sometimes I feel like asking a priest but I’m worried that he will think I’m crazy. But it feels good to know that I’m not the only one.
RE: 11:11, 33, 144, 114 and 66?
by Anonymous - 9/12/20 3:34 AM
It's to stay away from sin because if we enter sin be shame Christ God has just shown me this tonight Hebrews 6:6
5 Comments for 11:11, 33, 144, 114 and 66?
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11:11, 33, 144, 114 and 66?
by Devan - 1/27/16 3:04 PM4 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 11:11, 33, 144, 114 and 66?
by Schenksgoth - 1/31/16 10:32 AMRE: 11:11, 33, 144, 114 and 66?
by Todd - 12/30/16 10:09 PMthe number
by Luis - 5/25/20 10:40 PMRE: 11:11, 33, 144, 114 and 66?
by Anonymous - 9/12/20 3:34 AMRead all 455 comments »
Comment on 11:11, 33, 144, 114 and 66?