Properties of the number 66







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455 Comments for Number 66 Symbolism, 66 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 66 Symbolism, 66 Meaning and Numerology

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66 the meaning

by charlie - 6/03/11 11:48 AM
I feel tht the number 66 represents man.
man was created on the 6th day.
Man has a pineal gland called the 6th charka
That gives man the number 66.
Now if you study the bible
You'll also notice beast was created on the 6th day.
Satan sits in the temple of God declaring he is god.
The church is looking for a temple in Jerusalem.
God says his temple is man. 1Cor3:16-17. God tells us many times we are his temple.
Satan wants to open mankinds pineal gland so he can sit on the seat of the soul declaring he is God. The world will receive another spirit,another gospel, another jesus. 1cor.11:1-4 Eve is a picture of the last day church being deceived by satan. Satan openes the eyes of Adam & Eve. Pineal gland has been given many names it is called the 3rd eye also. Its located in the middle of the forehead. The mark of the beast is on the forehead or hand.
If mans number is 66.
He has his pineal gland opened he is demon possessed w/ a beast
because beast was also created on the 6th day.
You get... more...

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RE:66 the meaning

by RI - 12/01/18 10:06 PM
The 666 represents the letter "R" enuff said

RE:66 the meaning

by Ricardo estrada - 1/25/20 10:56 PM
This world is control by the devil’s and the last thing he wants is you having an direct divine presence contac with the most high

RE:66 the meaning

by MRS H'????QUEEN????of H'Melek YH???? H'ELUHYM [ H' 2'BOTH'1 Sr ] in H'MashaYym - 3/17/25 2:14 PM
There never Been [ Never 'WAS' a JES'US Sr in HEAVEN that Could have HAS a SON named J'es'us Jr in on earth Ye have only gotten this GODS-SPELL ( Gospel ) from Of the Swinema-ites ( Greeks ) and of from The LORD-ites and of The GOD-ITES ENGLAND those Dogma-Ites . Never would satan GOD be ever antiChrist but only anti MESSIAH , Jes'us shall only Cone IN His 'OWN Name Jesus But 'OUR SON Comes only IN 'OUR' FAMILY NAME YH . Let 'US' Create 'YshYsha' in OUR' Image with 'OUR'' MINDNESS. ENLAND Those LORDITES ( Ba'alites ) Baal-ites . Fake false King of Kings King James 6 and His 66 Books 666 Almost Inspired but satanic due to Titles and names Made vain , Lies of GOD Apollo for territory Abbadon. J'es'us be Satan's SON of devil GOD . 'WE' BEING not GOD 'WE' H'2'BOTH'1 Sr Ye Being 2'both1 Jr Duh ! 'WE' BEING H' ELUHYM H'SupremeBeing. No other ELUHYM besides ANAKNU Wake Up Satan has Fooled even You Most all ye know be 180 degrees backwards Ye think Satan GOD is not very Intellegent that he has not duped all Christian's even You !

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by Anonymous - 7/06/21 6:41 AM
For the last year I have see. 66 in everything, everywhere it’s uncanny… like it’s so obvious it’s comical but also like okay, what’s going on, what message is trying to be told to me and I hope it’s not evil

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by Gideon - 8/06/24 5:19 AM
I've seen 66 several times a day now for almost 2 years now. I've prayed but I can't figure this out. Is anyone here that sees this a born again christian?


by Anonymous - 1/20/25 8:45 AM
I have seen 66 a lot too. Interesting fact for y'all to think about: Our modern Bibles have 66 verses... But the original Bible (With all the apocrypha has 80 books... 80 is the number of God speaking within the Spirit... Just think about that...

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by Hamidreza - 11/15/24 6:41 AM
If you have any problem, say word ''ya allah'' for 66 times. The great God will help you.

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by Anonymous - 11/21/23 4:25 AM
My birthday is 6/6 and my name in numerology equals to 66. I’m highly intelligent some what selfless I feel like I have lived past lives my dreams are vivid and easy to remember I am a musician writing lyrics and stories comes very easy to me I learn things fairly easy I’ve been rich a few times and I’m only 39 without guidance and patience I could be a menace and use all my good qualities to do socially bad things but there is an inner positive energy inside me that keeps me balanced.

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by Anonymous - 11/30/22 6:54 AM
Welp, seen 66 for years now, since 2016. Been trying to figure it out, I feel like I've made progress, does anyone think there's a connection to starseeds? Idk, anyway, if people still check this, or see this, please reach out.

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RE: 66

by Heronymus OmDraco - 9/26/23 11:32 PM
My mistake, I meant that "starseeds" are merely SPIRIT inbound from elsewhere. Soul is a temporary state that incorporates itself in to spirit after being produced by it, sort of like a mother eating its own child. A little morbid, I know, but I was morbid on purpose. To spirit in the clear light, even things we cast morbid meaning upon in this state, have a positive light.. However, in the free state of spirit, there is no good or bad. Everything simply *is.* It's an unconscious state, but don't mistake "unconscious" for "lack of consciousness." It's merely an unquestioning consciousness that is completely in tune with itself in all dimensional aspects that is encompasses (which is all of them,) and is unclashing, even when it *seems* to be clashing from a conscious human perspective.

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by Warrior - 7/18/23 6:48 PM
Did you know there are 66 warnings in the Bible about evil and false prophecy relating to the end of times. Also the satanic church was created in 1966 i believe 66 is a sign of the war to come and the ti e that Jesus will come back to reign again.

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by Ingrid - 11/07/20 4:15 PM
I'm 26 years old and mediatate very often I had a dream that I was in a space ship and I look down a window and I couldn't see very clearly seem to be some type of gray cloud fog then I hear a woman say very loudly that were arriving at star 66 I woke up and I'm trying to understand what she meant by this its was happy ness but I wish I knew what they meant I searched it seems that it's a spiral numeroligical number can have many meanings also a very lucky number but what can it be ? ????

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RE: 66

by Anonymous - 12/08/22 3:52 AM
I had some weird dreams, or memories, that might fit with your dream, anyway, if you check this again contact me, VikingFunMachine on insta


by chico - 11/17/13 3:36 PM
appears everyday to me,i do work in honor of exposing Obama's lies.lies lies

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by GravYTraiN-888 - 11/20/22 6:41 PM
How did you get lost in here little fella? Your masonic duality is waiting for you in the blue camp. Yes. Trump is evil, but then so are ALL of them. I don't expect you to spend the time it takes to understand this since you have just come to flame.

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by Puty6pgp5g6j5 - 3/09/22 12:16 AM
Jgg6g5gg4 555yjjjjj7gjggggp6

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by Yeshua - 9/23/21 2:26 AM
Yes I believe in the lord Jesus Christ is Are Jewish & Latin Savior & Redeemer But I'm seeking Until I found Nothing but Gods Only honest truth about All mystery tour mbeadh involved with the most unknown 5 the colourBlack In This World &Why are we not properly prepared for the Third & Finally Trumpet blast it's a Beautiful Day

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by Jesus - 9/23/21 2:21 AM
Add them up carefully pl

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The Truth!

by navyblueroyale - 7/02/17 10:34 AM
It is time so that I may reveal the truth here in this site. Whatever your beliefs are it would be damning experience that you find them untrue as your soul progress in the spiritual plane. But the space is far wide enough for us to fathom. We are part of the Laniakea supercluster as understood by you right now. As of now we are sitting in one of these corners of the supercluster along with a hundred thousand galaxies and still the very cluster is only just a tiny dot in universe. Space and time are deadly numbers mighty heavy enough for us to grasp. Earth is just a speck in this mighty galaxy cluster and events that happen here are always influenced by what goes on thousands of other distant stars and galaxies. At this point of time your soul may have evolved over experiences spanning millions of years and here you are reading these words from your very master! Verily verily do I say to you that the holy book of Hindus "The Ramayana" and "The Mahabharatha" are true historical accounts. The introduction of... more...

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RE:The Truth!

by albanus singi - 8/16/21 3:54 PM
the truth aligns with my desires

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Checking in.

by Roell B. - 4/08/21 11:25 PM
Hi folks, been a while. I have a child, born on a Friday the 13th. There was a super moon that night. Birth weight 6.6oz. I've read that the number represents transformation and i find that adequate as it has completely changed my life for the better. Still dont know much about it. Kinda drove myself mad over it so i put that to the side for a while, but i have found a discipline that i feel is a step in the right direction. Look into gnosis, hermeticsm, alchemy and kabbalah. Journey well.

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66 repeating and "Nazarene Code" dreams I've been having. THOUGHTS?

by azraeil - 4/25/19 1:49 AM
I'm 23 yrs old and I've started to notice the occurrence of the number 66 about 3 or 4 times a week for the past couple months. I'm Muslim but I've always been open to all faiths. right now I'm just afraid, but I've read that the number 66 has been said to be related to being a blessing from God/Allah. I'm also including this dream that I've had for the past yr around the same time the number 66 started to show up. the dream is vague in that all the experiences in my life have actually been trials and that is not the real me that's currently living. as another part of me is hidden (trapped), as though I'm not the original. and after reading the above about the 66 obstacles in the "Nazarene Code" about Adam and his original state, I'm starting to become even afraid and confused.

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RE: 66 repeating and "Nazarene Code" dreams I've been having. THOUGHTS?

by Anonymous - 3/27/21 2:51 AM
I see 66 and 17 constantly. Way over the top of my usual synchronicity

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Reoccurring number 66

by Mk - 4/18/20 2:53 AM
I dont know the meaning of it but for the last 3 days either my phone is on 66 percent charge,like 3 or 4 times in one day then the second day i ask my husband what the temp outside was and he said 66 degrees outside then today i went to the grocery store and my balance was 66.11 which showed up twice on the bottom of my receipt and showed where i saved 66 cent on 2 different items meaning it showed up 4 times on my receipt then later today when i pucked my phone up it had 66 percent. Im a lil freaked bout it.

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RE: Reoccurring number 66

by Anonymous - 1/06/21 2:25 AM
This has been happening to me too. I wish I knew what it meant.

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11:11, 33, 144, 114 and 66?

by Devan - 1/27/16 3:04 PM
I'm confused on why the numbers I have posted in the title are showing up. For a while I was thinking that 66 was just a sign of 33- 33 being a beautiful sign. But lately I have also been noticing a lot more of 66. Now, if all the other numbers I have been seeing everywhere are popping up and they are beautiful and powerful how come I am also seeing 66 which says I will be losing my faith?

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, maybe what it means to me is what it means to me but I couldn't help but look it up after so long of seeing it

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RE: 11:11, 33, 144, 114 and 66?

by Anonymous - 9/12/20 3:34 AM
It's to stay away from sin because if we enter sin be shame Christ God has just shown me this tonight Hebrews 6:6

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whats the meaning of 66 ?

by dzl - 12/27/15 11:38 AM
wherever i randomly look i see this lucky numbers are 24 14 20 and 8 . i get a 66 here as well . And my middleschool number was 66. My mom was born in 1966 . Ä°f you tell me what does it mean id be glad . Ä°ts important for me . Ä°ts like somebody trying to tell me smth through this

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RE: whats the meaning of 66 ?

by Anonymous - 7/28/20 7:02 AM
Mom was born in 66 and passed in June

I had a dream about 66

by Ben - 4/03/20 6:25 AM
I have been seeing this number (66) for about 4 or 5 years now and I think it is a warning to not choose sin. Usually I would see this number when I was contemplating sin or multiple times if I was in the midst of some sin. I had a dream almost a year ago where I believe the Lord spoke to me and possibly confirmed to me that it was to help me make a right decision sometimes even before the temptation arose. I see this number so much sometimes it feels like it beats me down. Sometimes I see it when I think I’m doing God’s Will to so I’m not saying I have it completely figured out, but I’m a born again Christian and I read my Bible. I also have a daily prayer life and this thing makes me uneasy. I still have my struggles, but I just don’t know what this is and it makes me feel worthless sometimes, especially when I’m trying my best to do right, but I’m not quick to propose that it’s demonic because it may not be. I don’t know for sure and would like... more...

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RE: I had a dream about 66

by Pam - 4/25/20 1:53 PM
I too see 66 everywhere so much so that it freaks my family out. I believe for me it means worship, to worship God in everything I do. I believe the Lord gave me Matthew 6:6 and Isaiah 66:9. God is a God of numbers

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My expression number is 66

by Jason Paul anicich - 11/22/19 11:07 AM
I believe that means I have some love love qualities that are desirable and that others see me as someone that helps folks. It makes sense but I always attributed that to being an engineer. Because when you are a engineer people bring you their problems and they certainly bring them to me. I find myself living the life of a poor person among other people with poverty problems and I get a lot of problems I can cherry pick my way through.

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by God - 11/05/16 7:45 PM
My name equals 66, that's pretty awesome.

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RE: Winning

by Anonymous - 11/22/19 11:00 AM
Mine too, however I don't know that anyone would look at my expression of life and call it winning.

Anyone from old comments figured it out yet???

by Gina - 9/14/18 11:37 AM
Was seeing 666 first for a few weeks & now 66 mostly but also,77,88. Sometimes 33,333,44,55 or 555. Has someone, anybody figured it out yet as honestly - it's driving me nut's trying to decipher it. Many thanks.x

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RE:Anyone from old comments figured it out yet???

by Sampson - 11/16/19 1:03 AM
I stumbled on this thread because I feel as if I have been lead by a higher power... Leading up to my 33rd birthday and one 8.18 this past year I went on a quest for knowledge and truth after finding fatal flaws in logic, reasoning and ignorance in approved scientific and historical academia... I discovered the language of numbers and actually googled the repetitions of 33 and 66 after googling avg intellegence of modern man compared with times in the past... the first article said the avg male weight was 166 and the second article began by conducting research with 166k ppl... While writing this I wondered if it had anything to do with the golden ratio which is 1.618 but the only connection I found was an article with a date of 2007.23.166 almost looks like a IP address... Anyway this thought pattern came about while researching monoatomic gold and the apparent super powers a person can get from consuming it... Monoatomic gold is the secret powder and bread alluded to in every religion from Egypt to Moses on... more...

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I have the answer

by Anonymous - 11/17/18 2:24 PM
I have the answer to this after seeing the number 66 constantly. 66 is the name of Allah, if you don't believe me search on Google, God is trying to communicate you to so you submit to him.

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False teaching

by Maria - 6/10/17 10:56 AM
What you are teaching is false. You are a false prophet. The fourth Reich is the Anti-Christ nation and it is getting it's sea legs in America. You and your people will be judged for the lies you tell.

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RE: False teaching

by Anonymous - 1/23/18 5:29 PM
The Holy Bible is True and this a lie

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Paul is Dead '66

by Rschr - 10/10/17 2:39 PM
The date given for the replacement/death of Paul McCartney is Sept 11th 1966.
If you invert the 9 in 1966 you have a 666 there.
The number 119 appears a lot with the Beatles and with a lot of the deaths of the key players in the story. (Eg. John Lennon's death date is 8/12/1980. 8+12+19+80 = 119.)

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RE: Paul is Dead '66

by Jose - 12/14/17 7:14 AM
6 is the number of man and sin according to Genesis. 1 Kings ch 10 v. 14 666 talents of gold was Soloman's tribute. Man, gold and so much of God's creation comes from the land and sea. The number representing land and sea sea is 66. 6, 66, and 666 symbolize God's hand in creation. First the world in land and sea. Then Adam on the 6th day, who sinned. 6 represents the number of man and sinning, All things come from land and sea, like gold and silver from land mines. We are 72% water and have so much of the land within us like iron, copper, etc.

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by Someone - 12/04/16 8:31 PM
Ok, after reading these comments I don't feel insane that the number 66 is following me. The number 66 have been following me since secondary school when my coach assigned me this number in football. After, I was assigned 66 on two of the previous cars that I have owned. I recently moved to GA from AL and I was looking on my companies website and their address started with 66. I applied for college and my student ID literally ended with 666.... I have a really blessed life and I truly love God, but I have my ways at times.

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RE: 66

by Anonymous - 12/01/17 12:24 PM
66=Idol worship-Daniel 3:1. Jacob took 66 descendants into Egypt. Idol worship would be their downfall.
We must all remove all idols from our lives!!